Oh, and the parents are Asian


Wait until youre an adult.


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    I might not be the best person to ask (I live in a fairly liberal city and my parents are liberal too) but I'd try and reassure them that nothing about you has changed, you have just found out something about yourself that you didn't know earlier. Good luck!



    You got me there, my mom is Asian, the difference though is that she grew up in like a real hood-type area. I would say maybe wait until you have a partner, it makes it a bit easier to say you love them so they may understand even a little more, but really if they don't accept you then that's their problem you tell them that.


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    maybe try writing a letter or play a song or give an obvious hint without saying it if you don't want to actually say it out loud. if you believe they might actually kick you out and you still want to go through with it, just make sure you have a backup plan in the (hopefully) rare case it doesn't go well. sorry i never actually got to come out to my parents, so i'm not going off of personal experience but from what my friends have told me. i hope it goes well though!


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Hi! I just recently came out to my parents too. If you feel ready, totally go for it! I felt most comfortable coming out over text, but you do you! I thought my dad might be mad, but he assured me he loves me. I'm sure your parents will do the samešŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸŒˆ
