This can be a serious thing or a silly goofy thing! Have fun!


As a child - believing the adults around me, not realizing how abusive and toxic they were to me. I internalized beliefs such as "I am a worthless, stupid, lazy, good of nothing, pathetic b***h" and "I deserve to be beaten, punished, insulted, humiliated". This is how my parents used to treat me.

Then, as a teenager, believing church and priests' teachings, that being abused by my family was "God's will" and I should just get over it, because "no matter what, they are still your parents, and it's your duty to respect them". (Breaking news: no, it's not.)


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Used to think the typical stuff. Shouldn't have quit that job, or married my ex wife. However as ive gotten older seeing more and more that everything ive done, the good and the bad has lead me to the point where i an now. Have an amazing wife and son that is the light of my life. Sure it could be better but the hypothetical could swing the other way.

If i stayed with my ex even a little while longer who is to say i would have met my current wife.


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I'll go first, I wish I had never told my mom I hate you. She was the one person in my life I could rely on, and because of a stupid fight, those words will be there forever. Now she's gone, and I will never get to say I'm sorry.


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Going to college. Waste if time and money.



I'll say changed my original college major from Business to Organizational Communications. I should have been more picky about what major I picked and been more practical if I changed it.

I should have researched major options better and picked one that was more direct to a career.


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