Everyone has to have at least one. Bonus points if you went to a public school.


I was alone, (First week at a new school) and a bunch of older kids came up to me and challenged me to tug of war at recess. It was me versus all of them, (4-6) and they had bet ten dollars EACH that I couldn't beat them. Lucky for me, they were on more slippery ground and I was able to yank the rope out of their hands, (causing them to fall on their behinds) and pull my end over the line. Got about fifty bucks that day, and most of the kids watching have become close friends to me. We still laugh about it.


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    I don't remember any specific memory, but it was really fun to hang out with my friends at school. And also theater class.


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    One time one of my friends, who has a crush on me, brought one of his friends over for recess. His friend is sort of friends with me, and he knows my friend likes me. Anyways, so he suddenly interrupts our conversation and says to my friend, "are you gonna asked her?" Then my friend panics and I'm just standing here while he starts threatening his friend. His friend starts telling me, "he was going to ask if you would--" My friend then holds up one of his shoes (I have literally no idea how he got it off of him) and runs away with his shoe. His friend then runs after him and recess was called. I'm pretty sure he was gonna asked me out, but honestly I have no idea because he never asked before Covid-19 happened.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Science class-

    Teacher asks a question; the answer is organism. I know it. I’m excited. I raise my hand. Teacher calls on me. I stand up.

    Proudly I blurt out “the answer is orgasm!”

    Silence for all of forever.
    Male teacher turns red, coughs “I’m uh, not teaching biology right now, my/name”

    Calls another student.
    Visibly embarrassed, I sit down, male friend pats me on the back. I don’t live it down for a week.


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