Hey, Pandas! What’s An Interesting Fact Or Thought You Have But Can’t Really Tell Others Since It’s Too Random? (Closed)
We all have random thoughts. Sometimes we want to share those thoughts or knowledge to others, but there isn't really an appropriate time to share it since it's too random to drop in conversations. Well, fear no longer! Feel free to share now.
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How small we are compared to the universe and how insignificant everything is and in a hundred years how few people would even think of us... Seems morbid
I am pretty sure nobody will understand this in a Biology class but Canadians say “sorry” so much that a law was passed in 2009 declaring that an apology can’t be used as evidence of admission to guilt.
Delivery people always have motors attached to their bicycles. Does the electricity come out of their paycheck?
I think there should be a way to tease someone and make it obvious whether or not you have feelings for them. Like, teasing and flirting are nearly the same thing, so there should be a way to differ between the two. This is like a serious problem for me. I'll end up flirting with someone by complete accident. Maybe I just have really bad social skills though. Idk.
Liatris Blazing Star’s flower is one of only a very few to bloom from the bottom ~ up.
Most spiked flowers bloom from the top ~ down.