Hey Pandas, What’s A Thing That Everyone Hates That You Love?
I don't mean guilty pleasure kinda of hate, I mean full-on hate. For me it has to be the song Dance Monkey, I think it's a fun song to dance and sing along to.
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Spiders, i think they’re cute especially jumping spiders
It depends. I'm super arachnophobic, but I also think they're pretty cool, especially blue tarantulas.
Pineapple on pizza and bountys. Separately of course
bounty is yum yum! just it’s so sweet! 🥲 i can only eat a tiny bit :((((
Plushies. I don't care that they're seen as "childish," I'm gonna sleep with my 6 foot tall stuffed bear plush that I've named Theodore.
Black licorice. Why!? It’s so good!
(among my friends or classmates) science. me and one of my friends are the only ppl in my class who like science. blackpink. non of my friends like them.
Rice Cakes.
those large hockey puck shaped crispy things.
fish ( a lot of ppl hates fish in our class)