What is a skill you have that will impress people, and can help with life, but not always?


I can disappoint any people that found me reliable at first impression.



I can look at a page of text and without even reading it, if there are typographical errors or grammatical mistakes like "they says" or "have being", my eye eye immediately spots them. I don't know I do this but I've managed to build a career out of it.



I can read in a moving vehicle without getting sick. I am really observant - like WEIRDLY observant, it’s hard to explain but I notice things that are different/out of the norm very quickly that most people don’t seem to catch. (That’s probably the anxiety 🫠). I know a whole bunch of random facts that I can’t remember until someone mentions something relevant to a fact I know. There’s probably more…



Being multilingual. Unusual in the English-speaking world, boring AF for the rest of the world because everyone is.


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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

not really, it depends on the language numbers and range. What are your languages?

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I can look at just about any automobile and tell its year, make, and model. Many of the "trivia" listing in Internet Movie Database (IMDB) that identify the automobile in an old movie were posted by me.


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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've no interest in cars whatsoever but I am absolutely in awe of anyone with this kind of encyclopaedic knowledge! It's amazing!


Here's another: Just by looking at a dog's body language and listening to its bark etc I can tell exactly what it's going to do and how it's going to behave. It took me a long time to realize as a kid that most other people *couldn't* do this.


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Kelly Scott
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's like they're talking to you and you can understand them. I can do this with dogs, cats, horses, and because I raised them for so many years, with mice as well. When I come up to any other animal I've never really been around, it freaks me out because I have no idea what they're "saying" and I can't predict what they'll do. This is why I understand why some people are so afraid of dogs and horses sometimes.


After seeing an interview with Jim Carrey, where he mentioned he liked making strange faces in the mirror and would use them in various roles, I decided to try it for kicks and giggles.

As I was making a face, I noticed my nose move! I HAD to try and isolate the movement to only move my nose and not make a goofy face.

Mission accomplished! Now I do it for the sake of weirding people out.


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I can type really fast (like 90wpm) but I can never go that fast because my brain's kinda slow...😅

This skill of mine is only really useful when I have to copy something...


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Mine is being able to drive with high heels and platforms.


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rosemary rimmer clay
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am hopeless at recognising faces, but I have an uncanny knack of recognising voices! I was watching a history drama-doc and spotted that the person playing Henry Vlll in his mean old age was played by the actor who also plays Daddy Pig in Peppa Pig. 'No way!' my son scoffed. But I was right.[type casting?] I could always spot the doubling up of roles in the Archers, too...

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I can (somewhat) play piano by ear. Actually I can play better by ear than by reading music



I can lose objects without moving.


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Despite my height, I move almost without making a sound. I scare people on a daily basis, unwillingly.


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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There's probably a part of you that secretly enjoys it or you would have attached bells to your shoes by now ;-)

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Like most people in my country I can speak/read/write a number of languages, AND that includes programming languages. Human languages about 5 (English, Afrikaans/Dutch/Flemish, Swedish/Norwegian, German, Zulu, French), programming languages.. let's see...php, sql, html, css, bash, perl, javascript, java, pascal, basic... quite a few.



I can recite all three prophecies from wings of fire fluently and use it as a torture method.


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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I haven't gotten to the lost continent yet but I love to torture people with the two I do know

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I wouldn't say impressive, but for some reason I will forget what I was going to do 2 seconds ago but I can remember exactly what and when you ate years and years ago. Also I can read a 400 page book in 1 hour.


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I can perfectly remember strings of up to ten letters or numbers for almost a month without having to look at them again.


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I can tie a cherry stalk in my mouth using my tongue



I can cross one eye. And no, Mom, it did not get stuck that way.


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Danish Susanne
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Somehow it sounds wrong. As I see it a crossing calls for two ...


I can recite the alphabet backwards from z to a. Not much but kinda cool I guess XD


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I can recite at least a dozen poems - including the 6 page TS Eliot opus The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock - and several of the opening pages of the play Arcadia by Tom Stoppard. I didn't set out to learn any of them, I just read them a lot as a teenager (so 25 plus years ago) and they stuck. I can also recite the opening of Virgil's Aeneid in Latin and English, although that I did have to learn one time for school. Plus my sister and I both have (apparently) amazing recall of song lyrics. We both thought it was normal for everyone to know all the words to all the songs, but we've been told by a number of people this is not the case


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Danish Susanne
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I cannot do that, but in my younger days I was proud of my ability to sing songs with lyrics I made up as I was singing, that rhymed.

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I don't get hangovers anymore. If I drink clear alcohols, like vodka, white rum, tequila, or beer, I won't get a hangover. It's a double-edged sword because it's easy to drink too much knowing I won't have to pay for it later.


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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm gonna guess you're in your twenties..possibly early 30's...once you get past 40-45 the payback is colossal!

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My toes; the dexterity and strength. While they are not artistic (think "My Left Foot"), they're handy for picking up things w/o bending over. Will also pinch the sh** out of you...


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I might not be able to point them all out correctly on a map, but for the past 52 years I have been able to recite the names of all 50 states in alphabetical order in about 30 seconds. Learned it in 1st grade and it just stuck. Of course, I'll walk into my bedroom or down the hall and can't for the life of me remember what I was looking for, but I've been able to list the damn states for half a freaking century. Go figure.


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I can dislocate both of my shoulders forwards and backwards. And my left thumb. Also physically can't cross my left eye.


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I can't retain anything but water, does that count?



I can close either eye independently from the other (comfortably without having to strain or scrunch up my face). My mom is the only other person I know who can do it, and we both use it to watch TV with one eye while tired but not ready to sleep


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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can do this too!!! Always thought it was normal until I asked somebody to wink for some reason and they did the scrunchy thing...

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I can drink down a shot of cheap (or excellent) whiskey without making "the face".



My natural singing voice is a bit Elvis Presley-ish and can do a pretty spot on singing impression of him. I can also sound like the Bee Gees (or one of the Bee Gees, I dunno). I'm not a particular fan of either of these musical acts.


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See Also on Bored Panda

My toes; the dexterity and strength. While they are not artistic (think "My Left Foot"), they're handy for picking up things w/o bending over. Will also pinch the sh** out of you...


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I often remember small details, like what books or DVDs I've seen or shelved at the library. It really comes in handy when a patron happens to be looking for something I've recently encountered.

I also notice typos when skimming text.


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