What’s a random fact that not everyone knows?
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Bagpipes are the only instrument classified as a weapon of way because of how they inspire troops on the battlefield while also striking fear in the enemy!
There is a chapel in Portugal that is partially made of human bones. It’s called Capela Dos Ossos.
The animatronic shark from Jaws is named Bruce.
In Connecticut, a pickle cannot legally be considered a pickle unless it bounces when being dropped from the height of 1 foot.
If you search “241543903” in google images, you will find a lot of pictures of people putting their heads in refrigerators.
-Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal themselves. Teeth are coated in enamel which is not a living tissue.
-It's illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland. It's considered animal abuse because they're social beings and get lonely.