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P.S. I just learned California is the most populated state!


Just to compete with Nathaniel, the only thing a great white is scared of is an orca. The orca likes to bite them in the side and eat their livers, leaving them to die slowly.



    A predator of the moose is the killer whale.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also a moose can dive 20 foot under water (or roughly 6 meter in normal units)

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    I offer 2 facts, one I just learned and the other I knew for a while:

    In a school in Florida, the statue David by Michelangelo is considered pornographic.


    Michelangelo carved the 17-foot statue David in a proportional manner, to be viewed from the floor, which is why when you see pictures of David taken from the side, his head and shoulder seem a little larger than they should. Yet when you look at him from below, he looks just right, proportionally speaking.



    In retaliation of censorshipsucks trying to compete, I offer this animals eating livers titbit. Crows have learnt to surgically strike at toads, swiftly removing their liver for a quick tasty bite. The toad knowing it is being attacked, puffs itself up, to appear larger, and explodes as it's guts are forced through the hole the crow has created.



    I learned on BP that turning the calculator app on a phone sideways shows all the trig functions (and others). Never knew that, thanks BP!


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    Ouching Tiger Limping Dragon
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right?! Literally just learned that the other day, I think from the BP article as well lol

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    Cats sleep for 70% of their life, I wish I could do that:


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    Richard Graham
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read this fact to my cat, Asta. He screamed at me "What! Are you going to force me to sleep only 70% of the time!!! You slave-driver!"

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    I learned that if you eat cashews without roasting them first, you can die from the toxin they contain.



    Leopard sharks are near harmless to humans and in fact seek out human interaction.



    You're less motivated to do something when you're struggling mentally



    There are WAY more possible physical states of matter than the 4 we experience everyday



    Eagle have very good eyesights which can locate a mouse 1 mile away. The downside of having such sensitive light sensors is they can get damaged easily. A mere quick glance at the sun will ruin them. So eagles have thick eyebrows to act as sun-visors. Whey they fly, their head are tilted down scanning the ground below looking for preys. The eyebrows block the eyes so eagles can't see what's infront of them. They are flying blind forward. Not a problem because eagles fly above tree tops anyways.

    When human start installing tall wind turbines, eagles can't see them. Many eagles have accidentally hit these turbine while flying. The problem is so serious now wind turbine operators have to employ eagle spotters. They have to stop the turbines when an eagle is spotted nearby. Report

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    Lesley Kelly
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They also have mini screw shapes in their nostrils to help them breathe when flying at fast speeds.

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    The famous sound when receiving an sms ‘bipbipbip biiipbiiip bipbipbip’ means ‘sms’ in morse code.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you really don’t want to screw up your HELP message when doing Morse code then…. “Why is someone telling us to SMS?”

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    Ravens have started to domesticate wolves. Raven flocks will often adopt a wolf pack to hang out with, occasionally leading them to fresh carcasses and sharing in the packs kills, keeping other scavengers away while the wolves eat. They have also been seen playing with wolf pups, tug of war with stick and games of chase.


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    RafCo (he/him/ele)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They're are other birds that do this. Some even with humans. In Africa, there's the Greater Honeyguide. This bird will lead people to bee hives. When the hive is raided, the birds pick up the scraps. These clever birds have even learned to recognize the calls of humans who are looking for their bird guides.

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    I learned a monkey once ran an English town (Hartlepool) as mayor.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've heard of dogs being elected as Mayor/Honorary Mayor before, but first time I'm hearing about a monkey being elected.

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    Most know that Mercedes-Benz was named for Karl Benz, who built perhaps the first gasoline-powered automobile (1885). But few know the other part of the name, Mercedes, was named for Mercédès Adrienne Ramona Manuela Jellinek, the beautiful daughter of Emil Jellinek, who funded the company. It is comforting to know that the Nazis were scaring the world in giant parade cars named for a Jewish girl.



    some of the books in the harvard university library are bound in human skin because they're medical textbooks and ig doctors use to do that with the ~leftovers~ (please fact check me on this)



    That I don't know what politicians mean by using "WOKE" as a bad thing to be. Some of the topics they refer to make no sense. Opposite of woke is what? Sleep?


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    New Everywhere
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The current overuse and misuse of that word is no surprise to me. In the beginning, it had real meaning that invited people to awaken themselves from the mental slumber our country has put us in over many, many decades (better yet, since its inception). Now, it is a blanket term for things it doesn't even remotely apply to. Thus taking all the power away. (I can see through all that BS.)

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    USA has been at wars for 225 years out of 243 years. That's about 92 percent of all time.


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    DeoManus Argentem
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, it hasn't technically been involved in a "war" since 1945... Also, who's fighting alongside the US in almost every single conflict/"police action"?

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    I recently learnt that people with a higher level of education are more likely to develop tumors in their brains



    That when i sprain a mussel in my lower back the mussels in my upper back will compensate by hurting even more to take my mind off the lower back pain


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    Kevin the Manager
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's also a fact that if you have mussels in your back instead of muscles, you have a much bigger problem than soreness...

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    That phrasal verbs don't exist in many languages.

    Blow Up - to explode, to make larger, to become furious. The meaning of blow up for many is 'inflate'.
    Back down - to capitulate, to retreat, to request calm. The meaning for many is 'lie on the floor'.

    It's obvious when you think about it, but it isn't intuitive.

    Check it out.
    Passed me by.
    Off the wall.
    Bang on.
    Cut down.
    Settle down.
    Chow down.
    Put down.

    The sense they make out of context? None. For English speakers it's interchangeable. For languages that don't have these phrasal verbs it's baffling.


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    While platypus are technically mammals and produce milk, they have no nipples. They sort of "sweat" the milk instead and it collects in folds of the pouch, where the babies can lap it up.



    Germany tried to invade France and Russia in both World Wars


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And won against both but not in the same war - Russia surrendered in 1917 (due to their revolution) and France got steam rolled in 1940


    That there’s a lot of science fiction authors in Korea and a lot of them are women. And they are pretty disturbing, in a good way.


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    That cats purr at a frequency known to help potentiate the healing of animal tissue. This might explain why cats will still purr even when they are sick or injured. Generally, when an animal is sick they try to conserve energy. Humans don't hum when they are not feeling well, for example. No one has actually tested to see if in fact purring does help in the healing process (it would be unethical), but a clever scientist just happened to notice that the sound frequency was the same as has been used in experiments in healing tissue.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my friends told me that before she found out that she had breast cancer, her cat would lie on her chest and purr very loudly. Do you think the cat knew she was sick and was trying to heal her?

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    If you live only with a cat, and there is a crash in the next room, it's NEVER the cat's fault.



    There's one thing you can hold in your left hand but it's quite impossible to hold it in your right hand, your right elbow. FACT



    Nearly all the weight you loose is exhaled! If you loose 10 lbs of fat, precisely 8.4 lbs is exhaled from your lungs, and the remaining 1.6 lbs turns into water (sweat and urine). So breathe deeply and stay hydrated to boost your weight loss efforts!


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    Not really a fact, but last year I found out that the saying is "Play it by ear." for 30+years I thought it was "play it by year" which never made sense to me. Now I know why haha 😔


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    Diamonds are technically part of the periodic table as they’re just crystallized carbon


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read the other day that on Saturn, lightning storms turn methane into soot which as it falls hardens into chunks of graphite and then rare diamonds (BBc news)

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    not too recent but there is a shark who’s completely herbivorous! it’s the bonnethead ^_^


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    Police willingly walked Jan 6 protestors through the capital, even unlocking doors for them.


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    Richard Graham
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Police there were doing as they are trained. In situations getting out of hand, Police are trained to de-escalate violence by seemingly cooperating with the demands of crazed people, just as Bank Tellers are taught to cooperate with bank robbers to lessen the chance for violence. No, the Police were NOT agreeing with the insurrectionists. Sorry, Tucker Carlson's attempt to re-write history will fail.

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    Captain Crunch's real name is Horatio Magellan Crunch


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    Glengoolie Blue
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate to break it to you, but Captain Crunch is a fictional character.


    That some Australian spiders can live for up to 30 hours under water… I’m an Aussie and even I’m going “WTF Australia?!?”


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    The emergency signal SOS originated 1906 in Germany and was choosen due to it being easily recognisable. It's also a backronym, as the three letters initially didn't have any other meaning behind them.
    It replaced CQD as international distress signal in 1912 after the Titanic sank



    Pelicans can pull their spine out of their mouth to cool off


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    Julie Snelling
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I really thought that said politicians. And I was going to say most politicians have no backbone!

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    I learned that the F-35 aircraft has 2 intakes and one engine. Super loud for 1 engine. Never see it from the back to notice only one afterburner. and while I was down the jet rabbit hole - The SR-71 windshield is made out of quartz because friction heats it up to 400 degrees.


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    Was watching the Waco documentary the other day and found out the raid went south because a Newman got lost on the way to the compound and asked for directions from a mailman. The mailman was a member of the cult who ran home to warn them



    TIL people who do a narcissist's bidding are called flying monkeys (after the Wizard of Oz).


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    alcohol can be toxic even at first glass. i'm not saying alcohol is a poison here. just that anyone consuming it should pay attention to some things


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    Rinso the Red
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh no, it's totally a poison. Just one of the many we ingest to get a buzz

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    I recently discovered that I have 'Aphantasia'. I'm not able to visualize a thing with my eyes closed. For example, if I said to close your eyes and imagine a red apple. Can you see a red apple with your eyes closed? I can't. It's just blackness. And I always thought it was just a phrase of speech. I feel like I've missed out on a whole imaginative experience my entire life!


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    Michael Caine's real name is Maurice Joseph Micklewhite Jr. and he only legally had it changed in 2016 when they tightened airport security and started hassling him about his conflicting name on official documents.



    Not really a new fact but I learned it is called 8 Track and not A Track. 37 yrs old...


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can also see why nobody has ever corrected me bc it does sound similar.

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    Not a recent fact I learned, but still an interesting story about video gaming history (and relevant with the recent release of the Resident Evil 4 Remake).

    At one point during development, Resident Evil 4 was going to have a similar fixed camera perspective to the previous games, and was going to see someone who looks very much like Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 4's protagonist) go up against demons, rather than the typical zombies from previous games. It was also going to be more of a stylish action game, rather than a survival horror game.

    Because of how wildly different this was to previous Resident Evil games, in both gameplay and style, they opted instead to turn this original version of RE4 into a new franchise called Devil May Cry.

    There was also a cancelled demo which was going to have more of a Silent Hill styled atmosphere, hallucinations, and a new enemy called "The Hook Man". Videos for it can still be found on YouTube, if you are interested.

    In the end, we got the iconic version of the game initially launched in 2005, and is one of the most ported video games ever (13 ports, excluding the remake).


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What does it mean if a video game is ported (sorry for a probably stupid question, I do not really play video games)?

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    I just learned that if you try to be "normal" you get insulted by random people.



    Hang on
    Drift off
    In case

    The list is endless.



    You cant tell ai “cat eye glasses” bc it will give cat ears.


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    Why is American Football, Soccer Football and Rugby Football all called "Football" when in two (AF and Rugby) the use of feet is minimal?

    Because in all three sports, the length of the ball was 1 foot! Nothing to do with the use of feet!


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    Bored Panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll be pleased and amused if I find out this is true, but it sure sounds false to me!

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    Violin is generally easier to play than other orchestral instruments.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Play, or play well? That is absolutely untrue.

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    We tend to think of the whaling industry being at its peak during the last half of the 1800s because it's associated with Moby D**k. But more 99% of the whales were killed from 1900 to 1960. And one of the biggest uses for whale oil was margarine. Margarine was mostly made of whale oil up until the 1940s & 50s. Report

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