We’ve all got one!


I'm allergic to Christmas Trees. Seriously



    I am the first girl born into my father's family in over 200 years! We've checked our handwritten genealogy and our DNA. The last girl born into dad's side of the family was born in 1802!



    I have gotten my nose run over by a tricycle, and nothing else. Just my nose. I was four and very stupid. Still don't know how it happened.



    I'm now 63F and a portly grandma looking lady. But in my 20's I did drag racing. Legal, official, at a track, drag racing. 1/4 mile. 1970 Mustang Mach 1, 351C, 4bbl, 4 spd top loader, and 4/11 gearing in the back. Whoo doggie what fun it was to stage at the Christmas tree.



    In high school, I broke the record for the highest score the school has seen on state testing, and it was a good school education-wise. However, I have ADHD and fail to turn in my homework, so I was a B student in general classes. My test scores tended to carry me.



    I got shipwrecked once. 14 foot tinny split off the very very remote north coast of Australia. Sat on the beach hoping not to see any crocs until a plane spotted us the next day. Then the police & rangers couldn’t get to us, had to clear an overgrown road in to a beach down the coast then brave very large swell to get to our beach. Apparently there was an estuary in the next bay where the policeman had once put his entire boot in one toe of a croc’s footprint in the mud.



    i can’t stand it when people talk to me when there’s some sort of music playing, because i can hear the minute pitch differences and it causes dissonance between the voice and the music. it makes it very hard to watch tv, and this is also one of the reasons that i don’t like a lot of modern music because when the singer raps or speaks with their backing track, there’s microtone differences between what i’m hearing and it feels grating 😬


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in a hospital waiting room for a neurological test for muscle response.... there were two televisions playing some HGTV show on opposite ends of the room.... and the sound had, between the two, A QUARTER SECOND DELAY and it was driving me absolutely nuts and poking my anxiety and some lovely rage for accompaniment..... so I told THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE, including my neurologist: For God's sake, and the comfort of any neurosensitive folks, *Turn One OFF* and precisely ZERO people gave a fùck, including the neurologist who noticed that I was stressed out and agitated and after hearing my explanation, looked at me like I have three heads...... soooo much WTF

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    Maybe not as uncommon as I once thought. I (53/F) am asexual. I don't feel sexual attraction to others, I dislike sex and always have, and I don't have any desire to, "self-service."


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey! You are completely valid and if anybody tells you you aren't just f**k them!! Love u, fellow LGBTQIA+ person

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    I can eat a lemon without making a face

    This feels tame in comparison but felt like sharing ^^



    I can write and draw with my toes



    I have been in every form of media except radio, including posing for 2 paintings, being sketched by Joe Rohdes (a top disney Imagineer), a sculpture, a figurine, being in the New York Times, several books for various reasons, a top scientific journal, a presidential archive, and more. And that is just a small part of how strange my life is.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you can find it, the History Channel's "Battlefield Detectives" series on the Battle of Monmouth, I portray Private Joseph Plum Martin. https://www.amazon.com/History-Battlefield-Detectives-Revolution/dp/B002PMVPOG

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    i have two fifty degree curves in my spine


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i would say nice but thats not nice so i will say "what huh what"

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    I am under 20, and have so far in my life had more than 12 sets of x-rays (I can't remember the exact number). However the only time that I have actually broken a bone, I didn't get it x-rayed or go to a doctor and it ended up healing wrong. Oh well.



    One time me (at the time f22) and my sister(20) were waiting on the bus. I used to smoke so she stood like 2 meters away because she didn't like the smell. Then this guy came up to us (he was 17-18yo) and kinda quietly demanded cig and money. I was confused and asked him to repeat it. He did, louder, a little more angry/threatening and I scoffed and told him to leave. My sister didn't really hear the conversation so she was kinda confused. And that's how I sent a wanna be robber walking with his tail between his legs and no one ever believes me when I tell them.



    i laugh like a typical kids show villan



    There is a small stream named after my family in Missouri. The reason it is named after us is because most of my family lived and owned that land.



    My mom and dad had green eyes. I have brown eyes, and there was a 1% chance I would get brown eyes.



    I have now had a concussion on my birthday 6 consecutive years in a row.



    I can't swallow pills with water, it just doesn't work, I have to swallow them dry.



    My eyebrows grow constantly like my hair and need regular trimming


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There seems to be a whole isle in the drugstore for brow grooming

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    I have double jointed toes, and I can crack them like they're my knuckles



    I've played fetch with cyotes



    This is not me, but my brother can turn his foot all the way around.



    I can draw inanimate objects pretty well but with anything moving, living, or that will not stay still, I suck (leaves and plants do not count)


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    WiggleJiggle the Emo Penguin
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can’t draw anything except for fictional characters I create as I draw. No one notices if I make a mistake cuz they don’t know what a Robohafzoleempin is 😉

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    I’ve been super close to dying 4 times



    That i am adopted, i look like my sister who adopted me.



    I have a 3rd testicle. I wasn’t born with it. It grew within the last 15 years. It’s not regular sized, but it’s still slowly growing. And yes, it is definitely a testicle.



    I have four nipples.



    I am 13, Five feet and two inches, not even ninety pounds and I’m still the strongest in my class.


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    freakingbee (they/them)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    hey i saw the bottom of your bio and i just want to let you know i'm here for you and you can talk to me at any time.

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    I have one streak of naturally lighter hair at the front that gets very light (sometimes close to blonde, and I have dark brown hair) in the sun. The rest of my hair is not affected by sunlight.



    When I was little I apparently slept with my eyes open. I guess I still do, but now I only sleep with my eyes half open and only on occasion. (My sister who I used to share a room with told me this and my parents confirmed it.)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    do you blink when you're sleeping or will dust cover your eyes and your eyes be very very dry

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    the good ole tale of how i have a sideways tooth in my jaw its fun and i tend to forget its there only problem is it could get dangerous


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    The Original Bruno
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Along these lines... my son had "shark teeth." Apparently it's not that rare. The incoming adult tooth instead of coming straight down, comes in at an angle, allowing both teeth to persist on the jaw at the same time for a little while....

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    I have complete aphantasia, yet Language Arts is my best class



    So I’m a really happy and smiley person, but I love reading Horror and Stephen King and I’m currently writing my own books (yes, I said books, plural — I’m sure it’ll take years for me to finish them). So basically, the fact is I like Horror and total strangers who only know my personality would never have suspected it.



    I once had a conversation about American Idol with a convicted Watergate felon.



    when I was a kid, my big toe got accidentally cut off... and I re-grew the whole toe, nail too


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wait you need to find a bunch of scientists so they can compare your dna to a lizard... so we can get that sequence in our dna. that is SUPER useful.

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    I can wiggle my nose, like Samantha on Bewitched. As far as I know, I'm the only one who can.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i can wiggle my ears independently, but not my nose... nose and lips move together, haha

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    I can say the alphabet backwards faster than you can say it forwards.


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    Tanya Loewen-Watson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My autistic son can do this… he did it by assigning numbers to the letters then counting backwards… how his mind works boggles me…

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    I have no bottom twelve year molars. I have top ones, and all of my other teeth are normal, but for some reason I don't have any bottom twelve year molars.



    I can do gorlin’s sign (touching tongue to tip of nose)



    In my 40’s and have never been put under anesthetic or epidural or been cut open for any type of surgery… including - I gave birth naturally to my twins even though they were sure they’d have to do a c-section due to one twin sitting sideways…



    I have been bitten by a lion, a monkey and a hedgehog. ( not all at the same time ! )



    I got the X-ray saying my wisdom teeth were coming in the same day I lost my last baby tooth. I was 13. I’m getting them out in the next couple of weeks.

    Unrelated, but I can flare my nostrils, move my eyebrows, and cry on command



    i was adopted. by my birthmom's uncle. my cousin was also adopted four years before me and my biological sister was adopted when she was born eight years before. (my cousin/brother is oldest, my sister, then me)
    i also almost drowned when i was four. ;3


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    okay acutually idk why i needed to explain this but my brother is 21, my sister 16 and I'm 15. if idk when i was mentioning the years if it was confusing


    I have a particular trait of synesthesia. Seeing a specific shade of light blue causes a weird taste experience. It tastes like rusty nails and wallpaint. Also, I'm 35 and still have one baby toth. The permanent toth is just sitting dormant in my jaw. And once I got bitten by a ladybug.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there is a particular species of ladybug that is prone to biting people (orange ones with no spots).

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    Aside from my family, there are no other people in the world with our last name.



    I was adopted by my father's parents. Therefore my father is legally my brother and my mother is my sister-in-law. My father's sister is also my sibling and my cousins are also my nieces and nephews. Somehow or other, pretty sure I'm my own great-grandpa 😲

    I once walked into a bar entrance and an adult lioness grabbed my foot and scooped it into her mouth. I had to stand motionless until her owner/trainer persuaded her to let go. I didn't have a scratch on me.

    One day I was returning to my car, parked by a meter downtown, to find an officer writing me a parking ticket. I offered him some acorns I had put in my pocket and had rubbed them shiny. He accepted the acorns and tore up the ticket.



    I was probably the only one to get suspended from BCA, an after school program I’m not in anymore. Because of a move, not cause I hated it. It wasn’t bad actually.


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    I was held by an actress as a child.



    I’m allergic to raw strawberries, kiwi and eggs. Not even kidding.


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    fair_weather_rose (she/they)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm allergic to kiwi. It used to be one of my favorite foods when i was little, then I didn't eat it for a year or two and then when i tried it again it made my mouth tingle and hurt a lot and my tongue swelled up.

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    I own more than 200 pairs of shoes!



    That I have anxiety and depression.
    I'm quiet, but kind and never let anyone around me see that I'm about to fall apart. Everyone else around me gets scared or sad and I have to be the glue that holds them together. I can't afford to have a breakdown. Even when everything hurts.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Things will better. i know it might not seem like it now, but things will improve.

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    I have no inner dialogue. No pictures either. It's completely quiet inside my head unless I make a conscious effort. And even then it is really difficult to think with an inner voice.


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    3 Trash Pandas in a Trenchcoat
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't imagine this, I'm the exact opposite! I'm always, ALWAYS thinking, I've never liked the meditation things that are like "clear your mind of all thoughts" because not once have I been able to do that. There are quite a few things I'd give to be able to completely silence my mind every now and then.

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    My brother is over twice my age. Most people don't even know I have a brother. We have the same biological parents, and he's technically old enough to be my father.


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    My age apparently. Everyone thinks I'm in my early 20s... I'm 41



    I can flare my nose on command and turn my leg its double jointed kind of so i can turn it till my heal is father then my hip and i have eyes that change color depending on how dilated they are, also I can read a 1000+ page series in a day and have amazing abilities with animals(i once got a neighbors dog to trust me and other people she was and still is very skittish ) oh and I'm twelve



    I learned to speak English by listening to Glee since I was 7.

    I've never taken an English class, but I consider myself at least kinda fluid.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I can lick the tip of my nose... my son inherited it :-D



    Im missing a muscle in my back and have a doctors note that says that i do not know how to breathe. They recon it has something to do with the communication between my brain and my lungs but when i exercise instead of breathing faster i breathe slower for some reason.
    I have also had my leg operated on without any anesthesia or numbing agent


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    So, I have no clue how but my dad broke his finger before I was broken (honestly all of his fingers were broken but thats not the point) and I don’t know if something happened to me when I was born or if my dad somehow gave me a messed up pinky, because it has a bent on the side, and I can also bend my pinky finger to touch the back of my hand


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lots of stuff happens in the womb and during birth. It sounds like your pinky is double jointed. It can be inherited but is related to collagen. It's more common in girls

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I remember when I was born



    I’m allergic to celery


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    I lived at 21 addresses in 25 years. (college dorms and summer internship apartments included)


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    When I was nine years old, I made my stage debut in the school play. I played alongside Kenneth Branagh!



    If I focus a little bit, I can crack some of my bones without moving them around (knuckles, wrists, shoulders, knees, toes, ankles, and neck)


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    I had to get the same wisdom tooth removed twice, 13 years apart.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd put that tooth in a giant safe, to keep it from getting back in my jaw again


    I can sing the entirety of One Week by Barenaked Ladies.



    My doctor thinks my pain tolerance might actually be a neurological disorder.


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    I only see out of one eye at a time, but each eye has 20/20 vison.
    When I was a kid, one eye turned in toward my nose, so my brain "corrected" my vision by making my eyes see independently. Although the turned eye eventually straightened itself out to look forward, my brain kept my eyes seeing independently. I can switch back and forth between the two. I don't play sports.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I once lived two blocks from Mr. Rogers (in Pittsburgh, while in college.) I would see him occasionally on his evening stroll. (He is taller and more athletic-looking than you image him.)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You mean (He WAS taller and more athletic looking). He passed away in 2003


    I can snap with my right hand and do the Vulcan sign (🖖🏻) with my left hand, but not the other way around.



    My Bio Dad owned a real Delorean in the 1980s - I rode in it. No one at school believed me because Back To The Future had come out two years prior.


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    Julie Snelling
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't know why people wouldn't believe you someone had to have bought them. There wasn't only one made for the film!

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    I've been a theater kid since I was 6 months old :)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    That I've ridden over 100,000 miles on a bike and own over 30 motorcycles. I'm an overweight middle-aged woman who looks like someone's boring grandma.


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    I have vomited out of my nose. 0/10 stars would not recommend


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    Most hand sanitizers give me hives, contact dermatitis and dry my hands so bad they crack, and burn my skin quickly.
    "It'S jUsT aLcOhOl". There are different types of alcohols and other ingredients in hand sanitizers that are irritants. "fragrances, benzyl alcohol, stearyl or isostearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, myristyl alcohol, propylene glycol, parabens, or benzalkonium chloride." The scent of hand sanitizers, the potent smelly ones, cause my airways to tighten and lungs irritation. It doesn't have to be on me. Just someone walking by that just used some.

    The pandemic was Hell for me.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I skyped with Jeff Kinney


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    I had arthritis im my temporomandibular joint ("jaw joint") with cartilage damage and all of the good stuff when I was 18... Which then spontaneously repaired itself. My doctor was in awe and I really happy that I didn't habe to undergo surgery.
    Anything that's left from it is a crunching sound whenever I open my mouth widely


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    I had severe migraines throughout my childhood, triggered by strobing light (fluorescent lights, old-school monitors, etc.). They became way less intense after puberty thankfully. I hated public school on a whole other level than most kids back then.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have dyed my hair over 30 times! Currently have a black fading into green tips.

    Also, I’m allergic to almost everything except common stuff, example:
    Corn, pain killers, too much cold, too much heat, scratching my skin, getting hit, my own sweat at times, certain hair dyes, chemicals such as chlorine, and so much more. It’s getting better, but a year ago I got full body hives and swelling every day.


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    My wife knew Sylvia's mother, and Sylvia, from the Dr.Hook song!


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    my relative was in charge of the funeral home that overseen Elvis's last will and funeral


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    I do not respond to local anesthesia and aggressively to anesthetics for surgery.


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    I've climbed a few roller coasters. They make you do it during ride operator training in case you ever have to do an evacuation. The actual climbing isn't too bad -- you're basically just walking up stairs and are belted to a safety rail. The scary part is that while the ride you're on is shut down, others in the vicinity may not be, so the entire structure shakes slightly every time the next ride over runs.


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    1. I can spell basically any word, even if I haven't heard it before
    2. I can write and draw with my eyes closed
    3. I have straight hair even though both my parents have curly hair
    4. I'm allergic to oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My daughter is severely allergic to oranges and grapefruits. Weirdly, she's ok with lemons and limes.


    I'm 'the entertainer' in almost every situation I find myself in. Work, social life, family life. Always making people laugh and enjoy themselves. I am always quick with (respectful) compliments, jokes, praise and support for the people I know and even ones I don't.

    I have severe depression and no one would ever guess.



    I have associative synesthesia. It's essentially a brain condition in which my senses overlap so I can "hear" colours and sounds. I can also hear a distinctive ringing noise from anti-theft alarms that no one else can hear.


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    I am mushroom intolerant


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not getting the "Facts that seem fake." in a lot of these posts.


    I had a title and gave it up 7 years ago..



    I am not Mexican, literally 80-90% of the time when i ask people when I'm from they say Mexican, I don't look brown, (I am in fact very European looking, pale, green eyes, light brown hair, I even have freckles) but in the DNA test we did in school says a bunch of my genetics are from the Mediterranean, so maybe that's why, idk?

    (sorry for my bad english)



    I can mimic people exactly, personality, handwriting, EVERYTHING!



    I’m related to the famous train robbers Frank and Jesse James


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    In sixth grade the school principal drove me home because I was sick. I’ll never forget that. ❤️



    In all my 37 years, I've yet to meet another person who's caught one of the diseases you can die from on the old Oregon Trail game. It was Scarlet Fever.



    My double DD breasts are very real!


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    I can spell “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” w/o having to look it up.


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    Ignore my last one, I have a MUCH more interesting one. I'm related to Americas first serial killer, AKA The Kentucky Cannibal. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boone_Helm). Good ol' Uncle Boone.


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    I once got an extension on a paper because I've gotten myself locked out of my dad's apartment where my school books were, and he wouldn't be home for a week because he was at a monastery.
    My teacher said it must be true because it was to out there to make up on your own.


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    I'm a 59 year-old guy and I have never shaved my upper lip.


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    I think Gravy Train doggo food is a tasty, crunchy snack.



    I spent over a year as the kept mistress of a man, with the full knowledge of his wife.


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    I'm 41 and never grew wisdom teeth.


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    My senior year my friends and I kidnapped a teacher (of course we didn't hurt him, it was a joke).


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    The movie UP didn't make me cry


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    I am a direct descendent of Adam and Eve.



    a relative of mine ran the funeral home that took care of Elvis Presley's last will and funeral


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    I got an extra vertebrae with goofy little deformed ribs attached to it and the extra accessory navicular bones in my feet. Oh and AB- blood type, also a red head
    *giorgio tsoukalos "aliens" gif*


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    I'm 35 years old. I look like my early 20's, max.


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    I am in the highest set in year 7. If you looked at me, you would get it.


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    I cannot do anything for more than 5 mins without getting bored, youtube, minecraft, anything.
    i need 2 forms of technology at all times otherwise i get bored out of my mind.


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    I can only talk to some people, otherwise they dont understand a word i am saying.
    Generally only those older than me.


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    Im older than I am. Everyone thinks I am like three years older than my age



    I wouldn’t claim that I am psychic but I am highly intuitive and do have some clairvoyance, I always know when a woman is pregnant, sometimes before they are completely sure, I know the gender and am usually within 5 days knowing the date of birth. I knew for my sons the moment they were conceived, which freaked me out, I have freaked sooo many people out, or I tend to know the answer to questions that I wouldn’t have ever known, like my ex came home with a guy he worked with, I met him then and we were just talking about movies and he said”do you know what my favourite movie is?” And for some odd reason I blurted out Crybaby, it was so random! When I randomly start talking about celebrities in no context they are usually are dead within 24 hours, my mother calls me a witch, and I absolutely hate it!! I don’t like knowing things!! I wanna be oblivious and not intuitive!! And no I can’t talk to spirits!


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