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Might be a little weird, but my mom’s miscarriage that happened 2 years prior to my birth. If she never miscarried, I wouldn’t be the oldest. My mom only ever wanted 2 kids, so my little sister wouldn’t exist. If my older sister (my mom knew the gender) went to the same Montessori I went to and her grades went down like most kids in my class during 2nd grade, I’d start at HFE in 1st grade. I’d never have my verbally abusive 3rd grade teacher because my dad would get fed up with HFE when I was in 2nd grade. I’d also never imagine her existence like I do now, because she’d really be here. She’d be 15 if she was born and survived till now.
Not to mention I wouldn’t have been lived in the house I lived in for the first 4 years of my life because it would be two small.
My older brother. We did everything together, he’d build intricate lego ships and I would accidentally break them. We fought over who would build the furniture my parents bought. He’d ask me to play Mario party, I’d only agree if he gave me a 2 point handicap (he was way better than me). I’d pause certain levels in the Sonic the Hedgehog & Mario World so he could jump the character across since I’d always die. He dared me once to ride his bike down the basement stairs, I would have if our parents didn’t intervene. We physically fought so much our parents threatened to get boxing gloves do we could duke it out in the back yard. Memories of us are some of the best parts of my childhood hood.
Spending weekends with my mother’s parents. My brother and I would usually stay one weekend a month with them. I learned so much from them. I mostly learned life skills. And, I spent hours reading on the covered patio and watching the birds. Sometimes they took us on trips. Lovely memories.
My grandma who died when I was 19. I can still smell her house, her car, and her lotion. She understood my love of seashells and green grapes. She is definitely one of the brightest parts of my childhood.
Disney. I know the company can suck sometimes, but they shaped my childhood. I absorbed the personality of a lot of their characters and I think that's what makes me who I am today. I'm still only a teenager, so technically still in childhood, but Disney helped shape the begging of my childhood.
Having wonderful family holidays!
My family always took trips for our school holidays and they were magical
Cleaning my ears out with anything I can find like paint brushes, pencils, hair clips and anything I can basically get into my ear 😂
This was meant for a different post don't know why I came up on this one
Warner brothers cartoons and watching Night Gallery while waiting for mom to get home from bowling. My husband and I bonded the night we met over "I like you raaabbit" and spent our evening reminiscing on '60s-70's cartoons. Night gallery because my parents would never have let me watch it because it was too scary but I was in charge on bowling night so my rules. Empowering for a 10 yo.
Being abused.
I’m so sorry you experienced that. My 3rd grade teacher was verbally abusive and sometimes would even spank us with random objects.
Having free rein. I was allowed to explore and encouraged to ride my bike until the street lights came on. Groups of kids playing together outside laughing using our imagination out in the fresh air and sun. It shaped who I am so thankful for that. My daughter has grown up w social media and it's greatly contributed to her anxiety. It's rather depressing and no matter how hard my husband and I tried to regulate it it's the way of the world there's no escaping it.
Having free rein. I was allowed to explore and encouraged to ride my bike until the street lights came on. Groups of kids playing together outside laughing using our imagination out in the fresh air and sun. It shaped who I am so thankful for that. My daughter has grown up w social media and it's greatly contributed to her anxiety. It's rather depressing and no matter how hard my husband and I tried to regulate it it's the way of the world there's no escaping it.