Literally asking for a friend...


My experience with online relationships didn't end well. My advice is to make sure both parties want to put in the effort in keeping the relationship alive. If not then pull the band aid off.


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    Single person, but i have good advice don't worry
    My friend i told her to hit the person up with a Good morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening, start up a convo with your interest and it should go on from there


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    It depends on the meaning of keeping it alive. If you mean keeping it an online relationship, then there isn't really any harm. The problems can arise once one of you wants to have a relationship IRL.
    Online relationships are healthy, insomuch as you are more likely to share anything and everything that is on your mind and get support/advice for your problems. In live-in relationships it can be harder to admit your feelings, especially when they are negative.
    If your friend is looking to take it to the next step and meet in person, then just be careful, there are a lot of both good and bad stories.
    Either way I'd just say trust your feelings and instincts. But you never know what life will bring you if you don't try some things.


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    Meet up with them to form a real connection


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    COMMUNICATION. If they don't talk to you, and you don't talk to them, its not like you can walk over to the others house and knock on their front door and ask them whats up, you need to keep in contact.


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