I had my friends answer this question and they came up with some fun answers involving a massive blender with the plastic case broke off, a huge energy generator, and a large zombie funnel. It did not end well for the zombies.


I have some experience with zombies here in the US, so I advise you get a red hat that says 'MAGA' so you can blend in with them. And don't worry, the last thing they want is brains.



    It hasn't? I assumed we were in the initial stages.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just what I was thinking. Imagine if someone told the antivaxxers that having the Covid jab turned them into zombies!


    I live in Florida, so the zombies wouldn't stand a chance against Florida Man. The rest of us probably wouldn't even notice an apocalypse.


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    Rebekah Tracy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live in Florida too, and I honestly feel bad for whatever zombie tries to attack us.

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    I'd be the best damned zombie I could be!



    Oh my God I’ve thought about this for a long time, mainly because I love the concept and of course games like Resident Evil and all related movies.

    Alright, first would be to stock pile weapons that don’t really require ammunition; samurai swords (which I actually already own), machetes, large knives that could be reinforced into spears, etc.

    Stock pile gasoline and get the hell out of the city, don’t have a car? Steal one from the dead. S**t is going down anyway.

    Now, I’m Canadian and live in Ontario so I would move way the hell up north. Find some solid structure that could be further reinforced and during the warmer periods have a garden for food, also plenty of hunting for meat. With the winter months those undead bastards don’t have blood properly flowing and will likely freeze. Bam. Safe months. Also good for freezing meat and bringing warm clothes in the beginning is essential packing, key point.

    Find and recruit other survivors for both companionship and helping hands for a “village” community.

    Places like big grocery stores would be ONLY the first couple stops, or maybe go back later to see what can be re-salvaged after thoroughly making sure it’s safe. Those places are ridiculously hard to reinforce due to the giant glass windows and entrances.

    Ideally, take out a farm or country warehouse . Destroy all staircases and have rope ladders or something to that extent. Make a hole in the roof for smoke to escape makeshift fire pits for both food and warmth.

    Jesus… I could go on…


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    Justin Knight
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All good points.... expect the recruiting for "village" part.. way to risky in my opinion. (Zombie=enemy) (Human=?) Can never be sure what they will do or what they have planned. Again just my opinion.

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    There is an underground reservoir under my property and we have a well, so I'm good for water.
    A visit to the local shops to gather all the fruits and vegetables I can. There is farmland just the other side of the woods so I would use that for crops. But crops take time to grow so I would also have to stock up on long life foods.
    I live in a relatively rural area, so I would go into town and attempt to capture and kill a zombie. I would then give the meat to my neighbour saying I 'scavenged it from the butchers'. I need to establish if it is edible and what the effects are. I would probably continue to feed my neighbour for a few months to see if there are any long term effects. If there are, I need to find a source of protein. There is a lot of deer, but I kind of like them so, maybe rabbits, squirrel & wood pigeon?
    Down to the nearest builders merchants, grab as many nails, screws, and tools as possible. A second visit (and probably third and forth) for wood and other materials. Due to location I should have plenty of time to establish and secure a perimeter. Caltrops and the sort to injure and breaks legs and feet to reduce/eliminate mobility of any hostiles.
    Guns are few and far between in the UK, so I would have to adapt tools to use as weapons.
    Power: Nothing to be done about that, I'll have to go without.

    At some point I'd have to go down the library and get some books to read. Start with the useful 'How to...' ones before turning to fiction to cope with the boredom.
    Then just wait it out until I pass.


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    Sathe Wesker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You, my lad/lady are right up my ally in thinking. Get survival books now, though! Not even for a zombie invasion but that s**t helps in rural communities or just camping off grid.

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    Give up



    Head to my friend's. remote, self sufficient hill top farm. it's also a gun club. We'll be fine


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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always think it's funny how people with guns think they are somehow invincible; and ammo is magically unlimited like in the movies.

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    Get bitten and turn into a Zombie. Currently, that's the better option.


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    Well, I'm Brazilian so my anwser might be a bit diferent but let's go.
    My house would not provide a good defense so I'd get my siblings, our pets and myself to the research lab my siblings work into. Is close to our house and to the three big grocery stores of the city.
    My brother and sister could raid the stores while I went to the city central area (which is also close to both the building and our house) and get meds, weapons (both firearms and not - they sell firearms to Farm owners and fishermen, both of which the city I live is Full of), and probably gardening tools.
    Go back to building, which is narrow, five floors and Glass entrance. Destroy the stair that lead from the ground floors to the first one, which would give us a high, hard to acess place (keep a hand stair to get up ir down If needed).
    Use the tools, seeds and everything to plant, the wide Glass widows would give enough light to It.

    If we did It right, we might survive for longe enough to elaborate a better plan



    1. Never give up or lose hope, stay positive

    2. Gather all friends and family, if possible and safe to do so

    3. Set up a defensive base, an old castle etc.

    4. Allocate each person missions/purpose within group

    5. Get all necessary supplies and tools

    6. Try to establish forms of communication with other survivors

    7. Ensure a counsel is set up with rules/laws to ensure the continued efficiency of community



    Well, if we’re talking regular walkers, I’d probably travel up north. I mean, their decomposing bodies probably would freeze before they got to Alaska unless they died with snow gear, unless that happens I’ll most likely be safe


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    I'd get bombs and bomb everything after i looted and live on a boat till the zombies die.



    Go find Brad Pitt (world war z)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Knowing my luck I’d be the one running up the ramp with a gun in my hand who trips and shoots myself.

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    First, I would probably not even notice for a month because I'm extremely oblivious and spend 98% of my time reading. Honestly, I probably would go shopping with a Zombie and still pay, or go to a restaurant and tip the Zombie Waiter/Waitress.
    But once I realized I wouldn't mind at all and would survive a few months probably. I'd never be the main character in a Zombie Apocolypse movie or book. If it was a book it'd go something like this:
    "Day 45: The Zombies have taken over most of the town, but I have found shelter in an abandoned Library. The librarian has been Zombified but she isn't much of a nuisance, we have regular talks.
    There is enough food to last me a while, but if I run out, I will resort to eating the pages of the books as I read them."
    And that would be the extent of my life in the Zombie Apocolypse because right after this entry I would either be bitten by the librarian and become a BookZombie or get Ink poisoning from all the books I'd eaten.
    Yup, my life is interesting. :)


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    Michael Michlitsch
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    books are fine. sadly we can't digest most of the paper fast, so you'd probably starve to death tho.

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    I'd put my experience with mobile games to good use and take up gardening.



    A: Go to some rural/mountainous place with nobody around for miles so the zombies would wear their bodies down to be able to get to you

    B: Get a suit of armor and use that

    C: go to my school. It's very intruder-proof, therefore making it also zombie-proof.

    In any case, if anyone dies, definitely dismember their corpse because then they're not (as) dangerous



    I would go to my friends house she has lots of weapons😂



    My hubs bought me a zombie apocalypse preparedness book/ manual. Half as a joke and half because I was talking to him about what would we do if it happened? The book is interesting. Then I’d make sure I had a book on foraging for foods, safe plants and mushrooms to eat, get a few rifles and ammo to last for a while. Find knives to make a stabbed tool for killing them! Save the bullets for nasty greedy humans and shooting protein rich animals! Then make sure I have water purification tablets enough for a year, to use whole I was out foraging . Water is heavy, so I’d carry an empty container for water sources that are not clean flowing. Make sure I had veggie seeds and grow lights for gardening . Planters etc and make sure I had a year round garden. Get a good dog train for protection and companionship! Go to D***s and buy up as much as possible, freeze dried food, and those survival containers that had three years of food in them, just add water. Trash bags, a machete, extra clothes and coats so I was as bite proof as possible when out. A hockey or home plate baseball mask to avoid neck bites. Cut my hair very short so there was nothing to grab by a zombie or a nasty human. Batteries, books, a ham radio. Wood to enforce our home, at he windows and reinforce our fence and home perimeter. Also, stockpile medications and emergency supplies , as a former nurse, got to make sure I have that stuff in case one of us needs stitches! Make sure my small SUV is bar protected from zombie arms. Reinforce windows grill etc with fencing wire. Barbed wire, cow bells, trash pick glass bottles, a small washing machine that. Is hand cranked for our dirtier clothes! Sunscreen, waterless shampoo, not dry shampoo but waterless. It works great and no residue. Use it as body wash also. Wood! Lots of wood for when the power grid went down.
    Dog food and supplies for my new dog. We have one, but he is a little one, fierce, but still small and older. Teeth might pull out with a good bite from him! Make sure the dog had a bite proof outfit for when he was out. Shoes and socks, shoe laces, steel toed boots for us. Mind you, I’d start gathering things the moment the medical community started whispering about what’s going on as far as what causes the zombie virus! If hire in about 6 months, I could get it all, before people started dying from it and turning. Oh yes, a camp stove and fuel, and a heavy duty tent and camping supplies. Whatever we couldn’t get, we would scavenge as we could. Certain things like medical, food and water clothes take priority. Whew! Is that a good enough start to living apocalyptic style? Also, a few pistols and ammo to carry when out. 😄😄😄😄😄💗💗💗



    take up wepon making and sell them for a profit


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    Go to the Winchester, have a cold pint and wait for all this to blow over...


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    I'd hole up in the closest Walmart. Get my remaining friends and family to kill any zombies in the Walmart, then lock and barricade all the doors.

    Walmart has basically everything you'd need to survive the zombie apocalypse. I'd build a fortress, probably close to where they keep the security camera monitors, and against a wall so zombies can't sneak up on me. Maybe I can even build several safe points throughout the store, because I will inevitably need to use the bathroom and restock supplies.

    Then I'd gather supplies. I'd get several of those big coolers and fill them with food. I'd use the perishables first and shelf-stable foods when those run out. I'd also stockpile guns, lighters, matches, gardening equipment, cleaning chemicals, and anything else that could possibly be used as a weapon. I'd probably also make a bed out of pillows and blankets on top of a shelf in my fortress, and probably gather extra clothes too if I had time.

    I'd set up a watch system to make sure someone is always watching the security cameras. Everyone is armed and prepared, and we try our best to stick together. No one goes alone.


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    Sathe Wesker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I see quite a few problems with your theory. For one, Walmart’s will be one of the first places people will run to for supplies; looting galore. How many friends and family do you have to stop that riot? With saying that, those windows are insanely large and hard to reinforce quickly. Plus, depending on all the fictional zombies we’ve seen, who knows what kinds we would be dealing with; fast and aggressive or sluggish and simple minded? If fast and aggressive, then you lose. Secondly, electricity will not last for long unless you harvest the s**t out of gas for generators and that causes two problems. 1) gas will also be a huge riot. 2) good luck running something the size of Walmart on generators for very long. Now, your security camera system fails. Thirdly, Walmarts are generally located in populated areas. Great breeding ground for infection and thus a bad idea. It would be simply a starting point for me. Take what I need and get the f**k away from general population.

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    Accept the inevitable. Weigh up the nonexistent alternatives and kill myself!


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    L. Murphy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just offer up my old brain to the zombies and become one of them. Finally, I would have others to hang with who share a common interest. Eating brains.

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    Go to IKEA. Think about it, Its warm, It has furniture and the one where I live serves food. Its either that or Fred meyers



    I learned in life that the old saying is true.."you can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather." So in case of a zombie apocalypse, I'd have to think of the best course of action based on the state of thing where I live first, what I have in my possession at the time, who is with me, and who I can trust, being cautious is a must with any decision I make. I think being able to think on your feet and being resourceful will be important things to survival. You never know when a well thought out plan will fail, or if some unforseen incident will ruin that plan.. Also, be mentally prepared for death and horror, cause things will happen that can shatter your sanity. That's what I think on this subject anyway.



    Find all the worst people I know and shoot them on sight because "I'm pretty sure they were just about to turn into a zombie. Yep, definitely."
    After that, I just go home, build a nice big moat and live happily ever after.


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    Calyfan Yelood
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    woo! Moats! Don't forget flaming arrows to fire to zombies approaching your castle


    Go north, up to Greenland. The freezing cold will freeze the zombies like popciles before they even get close. And if the infection is bloodborne, masquitos wont be able to transmit it to me since there are no masquitos Greenland!



    Come with me if you want to live - I'm a former farmer. We head to a rural area that can grow crops year round, near a flowing water source. Pick up guns, ammo, other weapons on the way -- especially from the dead (they won't be needing it, and there's now a finite supply). Suburban foraging when the first wave is over and things have quieted down (stores and homes) - clean out the pharmacies first, and good to have canned/shelf stable foods for backup for bad crop years, and grab all the farm/garden equipment, plus storage and preservation goods available.
    Take good care of the farm tools, as they never need reloading and are the new multi-purpose tools. Those in the 'project group' that don't do the work will promptly be used for bait to keep the region of the farm grounds safe. Oh, and immediately start fermenting everything...we're all definitely going to need some drinks.



    Given the location of my rural homevillage, the message of the dead rising would reach us before the corpses.
    Now here's my emergency plan:

    1) Cut down the woods surrounding the village for palisades, using the outer house-line as part of a wall. That way we have a big, secured perimeter with free fire lines all around (there are big fields between the forest and the settlement already). Possible to due to having 2 construction companies with their vehicles here and the garage of a lumberjack company in the village.

    2) Make sure the wind turbine, 2 solar fields and the generator at the river keep running and are secured against damage. Same thing for the local water treatment plant.

    3) Repurpose the 19th century barracks we use as elementary school as central governmental building, storage and fortress. Take a look at the old potassium mine that lies beneath parts of the village and value how useful that is. Also making use of the local industry (mostly metal workshops). Getting food from the 3 supermarkets + the local emergency stash would provide enough to hold out a few months

    4) Gather all kinds of weapons and persons able to use them (abundance of hunters here) and produce some DIY stuff of all kinds (chemistry class pays off...).

    5) If possible, establishing communications with the army and/or government and offering to act as outpost for the region for payments in the form of supplies. We germans have a very de-centralized administration system, so somebody surely will pick up.

    6) Sit it out or decimate enough of them to expand



    Just close all the doors and wait until all the zombies have finished rotting.



    Well, high school is inevitable. You can't escape it. But if we're talking about an actual one, I'd run to Costco, get supplies from Costco, get my friend, find a lighter, and commit lots of arson, because of no laws!



    I doubt I'd survive, but I think my best bet would be finding a boat and people who know how to properly use one. Most of the day would be spent fishing (when we catch the first fish, we use its meat as bait), and for water, I know a beach with a creek running through it. The water would need to be boiled, but there's usually a lot of driftwood to burn (better done at day where we could see zombies and the fire wouldn't be as obvious). Of course we'd need some people to guard as we get as much water as we can onboard, as we don't know how many beaches have creeks. At night, we sleep on the boat in the water. My plan would be to head north, away from the city and towards a more hospitable climate, where aside from the heat, it would be easier to live. Eventually we just stay offshore a national park where we could live long enough. I'd get so bored, though


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    I have knives in the house. There are pots, pans, lots of food. My stepdad went on a "the world's gonna end" freak out so we have survival stuff.



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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For some reason I am paranoid so I sharpened my nail file (metal kind) and keep a small backpack in my room stocked with food and a bottle of Perrier.


    I'd probably just die instantly, my observation skills are terrible. Most likely, the military would enact some plan if they were alive, I'd get yanked in as a recruit eventually, so yeah.


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    most likely get a sudden and uncontrollable hunger for brains, less likelly, build a giant dildo shaped rocket and watch the planet burn from not really space


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    Honestly, everyone would probably just fail and thats it.

    But if we play along, I would raid local shops for all the canned goods they have, store as much water I can until the water supply stops when the facilities shut down when powerstations shut down.

    My apartment is already very hard to get into forcibly so small alterations to make it even safer.

    Then survive until I mentally break down and probably end it all.


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    First of all I'm thrilled at the loser attitudes displayed here! I always think the books/ movie's don't address how many people would just give up and either sit there and die or kill themselves. And most of the rest of you have no clue how to get clean water so If you don't mind please hurry up and die without eating to much canned goods. P.s. you are NOT going to hunt trap or grow food for the first time in your life while fighting off anything let alone zombies!


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    J. F.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't discount the amount of soldiers and/or veterans out there - such things are stuff you get trained to do

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    I would try and get my family (including my dog) and go into hiding



    I love shows like The Walking Dead, but a real life zombie event would be no where near as dramatic. My reasons for this belief are:

    1. Humans have a habit of burying their dead, so the overwhelming number of zombies are going to be stuck underground.

    2. Half of the zombies that do die and have a chance of doing some damage are probably going to find themselves stuck due to another common human habit, doors. If a zombie dies in a building it's going to have to hope that it can figure out how to use a key to get out of it's house.

    3. Finally our bodies are not adapted to chasing down prey like a lion so must zombies are going to damage their mouths when they try and attack. During an attack a person will probably pull away and take the zombies rotting mouths off.

    The biggest danger is going to be from social unrest, people that think the rules no longer apply and go crazy looting buildings etc. but most of these morons will be caught by the police or run off to hide in the woods and come back after a few days after they realise that they don't have the skills to survive out there and that they miss the convenience of living in a city. When they see that things are pretty much the same they will calm down.

    Expect a lot of new H&S advice from the government, such as if you see someone hurt don't try to help them just lock the door and walk away, as well as a zombie sighting hotline to call. Conspiracy theories, memes and an over excited media converge but you will be back into work/school after a month or two.


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    Michael Michlitsch
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    have a habit of burying their dead. Never thought I would ever read that.

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    Depends where I am at the time. Assuming I don't immediately get zombified...

    - Pack my things, and anything else that could be useful. Especially all my books
    - Get in my neighbour's campervan with my family and dog, (my neighbours would definitely get zombified)
    - Go to my friend's house because he also has a campervan and we could round up our other surviving friends
    - If he's undead then I would cry, destroy him if I could manage it, he is still my friend
    - Steal his campervan and get my remaining friends and their families, plus any survivors I can find.
    - Get the f out of London, and pick up any survivors I see because they'll have useful stuff/skills and probably vehicles or fuel
    - Bring my friends up north to my grandma's house in Scotland (she has Highland cows, that'd be useful) and steal as many non-perishables and A load of water purifiers (it rains a lot in Scotland) as I could from the shop in town
    - Also steal wood/fabric/thread/needles/wool/knitting needles/anything sharp etc
    - Go to my Grandma's friend's farm and steal his sheep and food (and matches/lighters if he has them) because food and also, although I know how to knit, I don't know how to turn wool from sheep into wool I can knit with, but the wool from the sheep could be used for fires.
    - Also my Grandpa and dad owned/own guns so that'd be useful.
    - Wait it out I guess. Try to plant some food, I kinda know how to farm/garden.

    And if all else fails, or I run out of food/water, I would go down fighting. Destroy as many zombies as I could, if I got bitten, somehow destroy myself so I don't become a zombie.
    I made this up as I went along, but it seems like a solid plan


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    May I join you? Even though I am in Canada you seem like a good person.

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    Gather my friends and family (who are not infected) and all the food I can. Get to Vaughn Mills mall to rob Bass Pro of all their weapons and build a hideout somewhere secluded and try not to die.


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    Cry and question why this is happening


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    Once a friend told me : "I'm aware that if there was zombie apocalypse, my only chance would be to join and follow you". Dead serious.
    So I guess that I would thrive


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    I would rather pray and kill myself , atleast its better than becoming a zombie and infecting others....


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    Find all of my goodest friends and family and find an underground bunker...
    Or try to find some weapons and kill them off, but I'd be to scared to do it in real life. Maybe bring some teachers into it, veterans...I'd try to help but I know I wouldn't have the courage to do anything


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    It will probably happen for a couple of months since flesh rot, so me and my family would just stay at home just like whats happening right now. We will set up traps outside for the zombies and for the animals that we can eat like birds (pigeons and etc.).


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    Pray, like really pray because i have no idea what to do and 1 more, BOMBA'S BABE!!


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    Starve to "death".. brains shortage


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    Stay inside with my family because we never lose hope and we never give up something scary!!


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    I would get myself a banjo, a weighted baseball bat and garden clippers. Woody Harrelson does a demonstration on how to use these things in Zombieland. THE movie to watch if you want to know how to survive a zombie apocalypse. I already have votes from all my friends and family of being the most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse and the #1 person they would want to be with if one should occur. The above tools and Zombieland as a tutorial ensure this.


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    Good girl wanna be.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, after figuring out all the survival stuff. Those of us on the wall would probably have fun betting on who could kill the most zombies while making fun about they way they walk.


    Put my youngest kid in a carrier so it's easier to run if needed. Parents without baby carriers seem to struggle much more in movies. Then I would have two main strategies depending on what stage we are regarding zombies. If we are in the "not so many zombies but panic and chaos"-mode I would try to break into a pharmacy, maybe try the police office looking for weapons. Then gather food and load our bikes in the car (plan b transportation) and drive as far we can away from civilization. If we are in the "there are zombies everywhere"-stage I would skip the gathering of stuff and just try to go as far away we can. Maybe find a boat to live on (if these zombies can't swim, they change their abilities depending on what movie you watch so I guess it would be the same in real life)


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    Move to one of the Scottish Isles. If zombies made it there, and found me, at least I would die in the country I love best. Oh, I would get lots of haggis and throw it at the approaching zombies. That should hold them off for a while.


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    Bacony Cakes
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think you could also survive the zombie apocalypse on a remote place such as an oil platform, naval fort, or radio ship.


    watch five-minute crafts videos. or put pillows all around me. TRY TO BITE ME NOW ZOMBIES!!!!


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    Bacony Cakes
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    5-Minute Crafts is as useful in a zombie apocalypse as a snowcone machine is on the Titanic.


    I would binge watch the walking dead for survival tips lol


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    Honestly? Might just go into the woods with a backpack of food and eventually die of exposure cause I'm pretty bad at hiking, would definitely try to leave populated areas cause that's where all the zombie food is


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    Two words. Dwight. Schrute.


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