Apu is stereotypical and an Indian character voiced by a white man. If you could change that would you get rid of Apu completely? Would you Change the voice actor? Would you also change things about Apu if so what? Also what are your thoughts about the Simpsons series in general and is there anything else you would change?
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with Apu. He is fine just the way he is. Stop being racist.
What no the problem isn't because he is Indian the problem is that he is voiced by a white person which is why many people considered the character racist. here if you are interest more on this subject I would watch "The Problem With Apu" which looks at the many things that are offensive about his character it is a 49 minute documentary and the film explores encounters with negative stereotypes, minstrelsy, racial microaggressions, and slurs against people of Indian and South Asian heritage. I am so sorry that it came across as though I was saying that I hated that the character is Indian and I truly have no problem with that and again I am so SO sorry If it came off that way.
Again I would like to specify that the problem isn't because he is Indian the problem is that he is voiced by a white person which is why many people considered the character to be a racist representation. If you are interest more on this subject I would watch "The Problem With Apu" which looks at the many things that are offensive about his character it is a 49 minute documentary and the film explores encounters with negative stereotypes, minstrelsy, racial microaggressions, and slurs against people of Indian and South Asian heritage.