Hey Pandas, What Was Your Most Nostalgic Moment?
When did you feel the most nostalgia?
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Mine was when the 5th graders came over to my middle school in 6th grade. It meant a lot to me because, a year ago, that had been the day that changed my life, especially by introducing me to band. Watching the Advanced Band perform for the 5th graders reminded me of when the Advanced Band had performed for me, and when I decided to do band. One year ago, that day changed my life. And now it's changing theirs.
riding on the metro, watching the sunset, reading the last volume of my fav manga
or going to the mall, listening to 2000s indie, when my mum's best friend was still like my 2nd mum
rewatching shows that i used to watch as a kid. i understand them in a different way now that im older, but it still brings me the same joy
Eating Wexford strawberries. I used to go to Wexford (a county in the southeast of Ireland) every summer with my family, and one of the big things was eating the strawberries from there.
Took my Granddaughter to the town where I grew up. I took her to visit a bakery, my favorite as a child & ordered the best custard puffs I had ever eaten. After we received the custard puffs, I noticed how small they seemed to be in my hand & noticed what a perfect fit they were in the hand of my little Granddaughter. That bakery is gone now, but my Granddaughter got to eat one of the best custard puffs ever made. It was asif I myself was standing there holding that little custard puff in a perfect little hand. Scotch Bakery, Pacific Grove, CA, you are missed.
Every time I finish my favorite book and the spine gets a little more creased and the edges of each page wears a little more thin and there's a feeling of final, of DONE that adds to the air that was growing since the last time I read it--but the air that smells of finished stories that should be at end stirs again when I open the book and it falls open to one of the creases on the spine that I tried so hard to keep pristine. I know I should find another story, another book, but I come back to this one with pages that feel like a baby blanket under my fingers and a cover that looks like first crushes and last summers, but it slides to the only dust free spot on my bookshelf and I know I might open it forever and never feel like it has gotten old.
this kinda turned into a writing exercise prompt thingy lol--It doesn't make a lot of sense but at least I'm writing again!
THANK YOU for curing my writer's block!
its acc so bad omg like the sentences are super run-on and long (sounds like it should be in a weird poem format instead of a block of sentence lol), but still I'm glad I wrote something!