Hey Pandas, What Was Your Favorite Thing To Do With Your Parents When You Were A Child? (Closed)
What was yours? For me, it was going outside on vacations with them or sleeping with them on the weekends
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Car wash!!
Oml being a kid and chilling in the light show car wash was/is the best thing ever :3
Sleeping with my parents on weekends, doing stuff with them, going on vacations. Good stuff.
Going with my mom, her best friend, and my little sibling to the big mall, and listening to Regina Spektor radio on Pandora
Going to the Drive-In! Lot of kids in my family and very small entertainment budget, we had a Drive-In that charged $10 a carload. We would all wear our PJs and bring pillows and blankets, it was open all winter unless they couldn't clear the snow in time. We would bring our own snacks and fight for a good view of the scree. Really the only childhood activity I miss.