Hey Pandas, What Was The Worst Thing That Happened To You Or Someone You Are Close To? (Closed)
I'm just curious, share your responses, please!
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My best friend has attempted to take her life away multiple times.
More than 5 of my friends took their own lives
My freinds dad died becasue of a sickness last year.
My best friends mom died of a 5 yr battle last year.. it was brain cancer that took her life... a terrible terrible thing. Also, I found Whilst at my grandfather’s funeral! It was unexpected and we were close... that sure was the worst week of my life.
My cousin broke both his arms, both his legs, and his neck in the past 2 months.
My grandma died because she had to wait to long to get a brain tumor treated. She was scheduled to get a surgery a few days later, she went home and apparently was feeling dizzy so she went to bed. The next day she collapsed and my great grandpa called an ambulance but she was dead before it got to their house. I miss her.