Idk just put anything here


I go to school in a really dangerous city so they won’t let us go outside at all


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We had a security guard that would drive around the parking lot in a golf cart, one of the rudest human beings even if you weren’t doing anything wrong at all. The last day of school, we lifted up his golf cart and stole the wheels off it, put a sticker on the golf cart saying it was parked in an unauthorized parking spot and would be towed in 2 hrs. We watched from afar with binoculars as he paced around it as if the wheels would magically appear. The wheels? Carefully placed into the bed of his truck. 13 years later, I still chuckle, but I do feel bad too


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Well my brother's friend stole turps from the art room and then their group stood in a circle watching while he lit it on fire, which was pretty stupid! Also after I left they got a new principal and he changed the dress code and boys weren't allowed to have buzz cuts (or anything shorter than a no.3) and my cousin got a buzz cut and was told he had to go home and they tried to suspend him until it grew back, but of course couldn't!


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