Or the funniest!

Tell us your Halloween story.


My younger sister & I (around 12 yrs) were walking home. I heard someone muttering behind me, and this guy in all black was standing there, playing with something in his hands and staring at us. We were pretty creeped out so we ran home. Almost at our door, the guy stood there at the end of the driveway staring at us. Our parents called the police and it turns out the guy was the neighbor creep. He had a habit of following little kids, especially girls, home. I'm not sure what else he did but it was definitely creepy. Thank God he got put in jail.



    I was like 19, 20 at the time. For starters, one of my friends had this creepy witch head that cackled, which he used to scare me a couple of times. Fast forward to Halloween when a few of us decided to party at this old boat dock surrounded by forest. So we're drinking and smoking, having a merry ol' time. I left the group for a few minutes don't remember why. I was walking back to the group. We were in the woods and it's very dark, but there's a small trail. All of a sudden my friend jumps out with that damn cackling witches head. I screamed, then I punched the head and ran away. It took me a second to realize that I was not in danger. We all laughed about it and 15 years later I still get made fun for my reaction, which if you ask me, while I wasn't actually in danger, I think that's a good way to react to danger. 😅



    I was in 7th grade going trick or treating with my friends. One of my friends, who I'll call Steve, was epileptic. We passed this one house, and a guy jumped us, and started beating up my other friend, Mia (not real name) Steve jumps in, getting this guy off her. Steve ends up having a minor seizure, and after I yelled at this guy, we left. He chased us down the street and gave us king sized candy bars as an apology. Dude went to jail for assault IIRC



    The moon shone through the trees and shipwrecked in the clouds like a ghostly galleon. The echoes of tradition and judgement swirled around all those who tottered about this November eve, dressed in Squid Game Masks and bad taste. My and my brother, a scrawny youth whose name escapes me, dauntingly trekked through the streets of the village, gluttony fuelling our folly. For it was those nice mini snickers, not tradition, that had sent us out into the fog. I saw my friends. I told my brother to hold my bag of sweets, which had already become a plethora of future diabetes, and went over to my friends, bound not by love but by the hope of a free tangfastic. As I talked, a chill came in the air. My heart stuttered and stopped in anxiety. What could it be? The mists obscured my vision as I spun around, fearing for the safety for the thing I held most dear. I hastily gave my goodbyes to my friends and sped back to my brother. My worry had come true. There, in the mists and the inky moonlight, my brother lay on a bench, beads of sweat pillaged his brow. But I could not care about him, for on the floor was my bag of candy. Empty, the thing I cared most about was gone. The nasty little boy had eaten the lot of them. Truly traumatising experience.



    For Halloween 2010 I was in Glastonbury UK. I had attended a rather magical “Faerie Ball” the night before and on Samhain itself I had gone to an event at the Chalice Well at the foot of Glastonbury Tor.

    It was wonderful and I had a great time. My accomodation was just up the road and my bedroom window looked straight out onto the road that ran around the bottom of the Tor and I could see up to the top

    I was sound asleep and then suddenly something woke me. It sounded like a pack of dogs baying… Then I could hear what sounded like horses hooves and tack jingling outside my window on the road below. I glanced over at the beside clock and saw it was dead on the stroke of Midnight.

    I looked out the window up at the Tor and in the moonlight it looked as if the mist was ‘riding’ up the Tor and every hair on me stood to attention.

    Honestly… I didn’t look much harder… the idea of drawing the attention of the Wild Hunt on Samhain is not something I was willing to trifle with. It is still one of the most terrifying and wonderful feelings I have ever experienced!


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    Deborah Harris2
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It may have been someone out riding at Midnight, but I prefer to think it was the Wild Hunt chasing creatures through the veil too, how amazing.

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    When I was around 11 or 12, my older brother (13 or 14) and a friend were walking down a street when a car went past us, turned around, came back and two older teens jumped out. One of them had a baseball bat. He accused my brother of beating up his younger brother and stealing his candy. I guess my brother looked vaguely like the description the younger brother gave of the kid that did it, but we didn't even have any candy. We were actually just out walking around, not even dressed up for Halloween. We were able to convince the guy that none of us beat up his little brother, and we were able to get away without any injuries.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A baseball bat over candy? There are more civil ways to deal with such situations.

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    Was in my early teens and went with some friends to trick or treat at their neighborhood. To get there I had to go through some woods. Not a long walk, but not exactly short either. So around 23:00 it was time to go home and the other two girls suggest to walk me home so I wouldn't be alone.
    At that time there was some announcement in the news about a murderer walking around with an axe.
    We had walked like halfway to the woods when we saw the shape of a man, holding an axe in his hand... All we saw was a black shape coming towards us.
    All three of us turned around screaming and run to my friend's house gasping for air. Her mom drove me home. The image still hunts me...


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yhea...getting the impression that allot of these are made up or urban legends.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    TV and police had made announcements like 1-2 months before this happened. He wasn't spotted on Halloween. It could have been a guy walking his dog as far as I know... But don't expect logic from 3 teenage girls at this point 😅

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    Okay, so me and my friend (who we’ll call Jenna) were trick-or-treating at her house. We were like 7. But anyways, there was this house, c**p-ton of decor. Well, there were a bunch of cobwebs and stuff, and a pile of pumpkins, and a rocking chair. And in the rocking chair sat this big Mr. Oogie Boogie man, not moving, making no sound, just sitting there with a bowl of King-Size bars in his hands. Well, I was terrified of Oogie, but I’m not gonna chicken out in front of Jenna, so I go up to this plush and steal two Twix. Well, ITS ACTUALLY A GUY IN A COSTUME, AND HE JUMP-SCARES ME! I screamed so bad it was kinda funny, so he gave us both an extra king size. Meanwhile, Jenna was hiding!



    Had my tonsils out when I was 16. Back in the old-timey days when you stayed overnight in the hospital. I had to use the toilet but figured I was 16 years old and I could certainly go potty by myself.....Took one step off the bed, passed out and woke up with a broken ankle.



    We had bullies on our street and my oldest brother (10 years older) said he'd come to make sure nothing happened to me and my friends. He was still living at home so I was probably 6 or 7. We were almost done when suddenly the bully and his cronies attacked us. I start yelling to my brother and see to my horror that he's flirting (flirting!!!) with a girl in front of her house and didn't hear anything. We lost all our candies and we all had bruises and black eyes. Even though that brother was my favorite I had a hard time forgiving him. I never went after that night. That was it for me.


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    Leesa Anderson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry those bullies attacked anyone but especially such young children and that they ruined what is to be a fun holiday tradition for you.

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    I got lost in the city in the middle of trick or treating



    A small group of friends and I were out trick or treating when a car pulled up beside us. A couple of guys got out and attacked us. We fought them off but not before they managed to knock out one of my friend's teeth.



    Some creepy-looking guy on a skateboard was following me and my friends when we went trick or treating and when we turned around to see what he wanted, he just gave us all his candy. I thought it was weird and kinda sketch...


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Very sketch indeed…Was there anything wrong with the candy?

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    It was just me and my two cousins on a scooter and we were getting back home at night after getting some sandwiches from the cafeteria so we just decided to stop a little bit because the cousin who was driving needed to stretch his legs so we all got off and I was just there looking around until I saw this unnatural thing it was tall Matt black had worm like arms and a worm tail instead of legs it also had several eyes on its cone shaped head , I still wonder if what I saw was real or not.
    I saw creepy supernatural thing.


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    Leila Cox
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    TL;DR? I have no clue what that means, please someone explain ( ToT)

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    Me and my younger friend were trick or treating this when I got a bad feeling, so I whipped my head around and I spotted a weird person (couldn't tell what gender) eerily standing behind us, wearing all black and was reaching out to my friend, not speaking, barely moving (their arm was stretching out towards my friend). My friend was trembling and frozen by fear. I didn't know what to do and there were no adults around so I pushed my friend behind me and punched the person. After that, we just ran and never told anybody we knew.

    By the way, I know I said "my friend" a lot but for privacy reasons, that's all I'm going to call them


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think it matters if you tell us it's your friend or a family member or whatever. Just don't give anyone their real name and you're good.

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    I was walking around with my friend, (no adults) when someone behind us said “You’re late, *my name*.”
    It sounded like my mom, but my mom wasn’t with us. (Not dead, just with my other siblings). My friend and I ran to the next house. Both of us heard our parents, calling our names.



    I saw the strangest thing: when I went trick-or-treating I saw a door, just there in space! And when I knocked on it, I blacked out! When I came to after what seemed like hours no one had moved and the door was at the house in front of us. Hallucinations?

    I found a ghostly door.



    Some people knocked on my door and demanded lollies.



    Not 100% creepy and this happened a while ago so my memory is a bit foggy.

    I was trick-or-treating with my mom's friend and her kids, plus my brother, my mom, my dog, and I. We eventually reached a house the looked kind of off, just sort of barely taken care of and dirty. So these people were in their driveway, a big bowl of candy on the table. One guy is smoking a cigarette with barely any teeth, which freaks me out, and beer cans are in the floor and stuff. No big deal, probably just some adults having fun, right? It gets weirder. We go to reach in the bowl when the no-teeth-guy stops us, shakes his head and says, "The little girlie [he means me] can get some, but the rest of you have to sing the Halloween song," We booked the hell out of there, he probably meant well but it scared the absolute s**t out of me.



    Last year (2021) on Halloween, I had a sleepover with my (now) ex-girlfriend. We watched horror movies and stuff and even called the Bloody Mary ghost. My girl said she didn't see her, but I could, or at least I saw a distorted version of myself in the mirror. I rubbed my eyes and it was still there. Stepped out of the mirror frame and back again, and it didn't go away. I looked behind me and for a second I SWEAR I saw some kind of demon-like ghost or something behind me. About an hour later, at 3am, we did a ghost detecting session in her room and outside, and found at least 10-20 ghosts who either meant harm or were evil and said "maybe so maybe not" when asked if they were evil. It was pretty creepy but it gets creepier. I was actually pushed from behind- my girl was in front of me- and landed on the grass; I looked up and could make out the faint outline of a man in a suit and tie with no head. It was really weird.



    The scariest thing about this Halloween is it was the night before we found out whether my husband had cancer or not. Thankfully, he does NOT. We are extremely relieved and grateful.


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    The past two years one if my friend groups goes to our friend Maya's house (not real name) and they told me this story of a dancer that danced for a king but the king disliked her dancing so he chopped off her head and the king is dead by now but the dancer haunts ppl as a ghost still. So after that my friends explained how that dancer ghost, on Halloween, occasionally would possess maya's mom. Ofc, i didnt believe it until we were like chilling in their basement and then all the lights went off and her mom came down in some weird white shawl dress thing holding a candle and we all were screaming so loud. And she was talking in a creepy voice something abt how she needed someone to go with her, so we pushes maya's little sister to go (she was in like 1st grade i think) also her sister was SOOO scared. But before she took maya's sister upstairs, maya got up on a table and started dancing and soneine else turned the lights on and then Maya's mom ran upstairs. Later that night my friends were in Maya's room trading candy but i noticed something in Maya's mom's room so I went in and saw her mom dressesld as the dancer lady with the lights on (apparently she like couldnt be in the light) so yeah she saw me and rlly creepily said "GO TO THE ROOM" and slowly chased me so i ran to the room and yelled that she was coming and we all hid in the closet. Then she came in and turned the lights off and she grabbed our toes from under the closet. She kept saying she needed one of us so we pushed our friend, call her Rhea ig (not real name) out bc she was the oldest of us 4. And she picked Rhea up and flung her on the bed then opened the closet and flung the others on the bed but i was scared so I jumped on the bed. At some point she left and in the moment i was terrified but thinking back it makes me laugh.



    We got our electricity bill in the post🤣🤣no monster, ghost or vampire turning up on my doorstep would have scared me quite as much!!!



    the worst thing that happened to me was a few Halloweens ago. I was Jason Voorhees, and we went to a house with a plastic skeleton in front. I was wary, so i approached slowly and grabbed the candy without a problem. I was still wary, so i took a chance and stroked the candy across it face really hard to check if it was actually lifeless. a couple houses later we came across that one house that has a few people waiting to scare you. i got scared and reflexively raised my plastic machete and got in trouble



    I was over at a friend's house watching Shaun of the Dead with the lights off when the doorknob starting rattling, and someone started scratching at the door. We opened the door carefully and both screamed as his cat lunged at us. It was nothing scarry, but I was still pretty scared.


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    So me and my best friend Chloe decided to go trick-or-treating together this year, and it was my first year going with a friend. Around the end of Halloween when my family usually heads back, we always go through the "haunted" trail. There were people trying to scare us but we kinda brushed them off, not very scared, until we see my worst nightmare. A clown. Me and Chloe thought it was just an inflatable. NOPE. It "comes to life" And starts chasing us. Chloe starts to scream, and so I start to scream, and my phone goes flying. Forgetting the fat, scaring clown chasing us, I dive for phone catching it without scratch. Morale of the story, ignore clowns, and keep your phone safe.


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    I was in the theater club of my high school, and during my 1st year we had a training camp right during the Halloween weekend night. Being the overly creative man he is, teacher and a few of the seniors pulled an elaborate prank to fool us the newbies: by pretending that one senior is possessed by a malicious ghost and we were asked to 'exorcise' him. I figured it was a trick pretty quickly since I was the closest to the 'possessed' guy and the 'blood' actually smelled like tomato soup we had for dinner.
    It was fine and dandy then and we soon dispersed to sleep in the clubroom and another empty classroom next to it. The next morning, we woke up to a couple of army soldiers from the military office next door and a police detective knocking on the door because right around the time of that prank was held, a woman was assaulted and later killed in the rice paddy behind the school building.
    Thing is, our clubroom and the classrooms we used to sleep in had windows overlooking said rice paddy and the tiny gazebo where the assault and murder had happened. That night, the lamps were on but the curtains were shut. The prank had been held in the front courtyard of the school, the farthest point from our clubroom, and all 29 members of the clubs and teacher had gone on to sleep never realizing something had gone wrong 200 meters behind us.


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    Not scary or funny, but I lived in Canada for a few years, and they didn't do trick or treating. They did, however do fireworks for some reason. So my friends and I had roman candle wars and I nearly blew up my hand. I also introduced them to the idea of Devil's night, which I'm sure Canada will not thank me for.
    Looking back, I behaved terribly. And I'm starting to wonder if trick or treating is mostly designed to keep kids occupied and out of trouble.


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    I was in college, circa 1996, and in the days leading up to Halloween, two guys wearing wolf/monster masks kept jumping out of the bushes in the dark and scaring people walking across the park in the middle of campus. They scared one of my friends, who told me about it. And I am not petty...ok I am, but I also love a good opportunity to teach lessons and have fun doing it. So I grabbed my costume - grim reaper, including hooded robe, 7 foot tall scythe, and clanking chains - and did my makeup (including glow in the dark paint), and headed out on Halloween evening to where they'd been scaring people.

    I got there a bit before them, so I used a flashlight to charge up the makeup on my face and settled back in a nook of a tree, deep in shadows, with my hood down over my face. After about half an hour, the two guys show up, push through the bushes, and crouch down behind a bench - almost directly in front of me. I waited until they got comfortable then I started whispering nonsense latin. They started looking around trying to figure out where it was coming from. I clanked my chains a few times, then very carefully stepped up right behind them. I took my chains and dropped them over one guy's neck and shoulders and in my best death-metal-scream voice, said something like "TIME TO COME WITH ME, BOY" and they jumped a foot off the ground, turned and saw my glowing face glaring at them out of the darkness, and *took* off running. Well, one of them did, the other one yanked himself off his feet when the chains went tight. He pulled out of them and started crawling away from me on his backside.

    I pointed one finger out of the cloak at him and said "YOUR TIME HAS COME. HAVE YOU ANY REGRETS?" and then in a normal voice "such as scaring innocent girls walking to class?" and I think that scared him more than the rest of it, he screamed "I'm sorry!!" and jumped up and ran.


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    I was quite little, and there was this wolf decoration-thing-that-lights-up. It TERRIFIED me, and I literally ran across the road. It was only a plastic thing that howled when it sensed something, but it traumatized me. Everyone else found it funny, though.


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    I was a kid when this happened, probably in 1999 or 2000 (at either 4 or 5 years old).

    I really loved The Mask as a kid, both the Jim Carrey film and the cartoon series that aired before the 2000's.

    One day (I think it was either on or near Halloween), my dad (who I dislike now for unrelated reasons) painted his face green and tried to give me a hug, ironically while rewatching the Jim Carrey film. It actually freaked me out to the point of crying and running to my mom.


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    Me and my friend were waiting at a house with all it's lights on and everything lit up, but no one was answering the door. My friend's brother and his friend were watching us to make sure we were safe etc. After waiting for a few minutes and no one answering we started to walk back to the road since there was no sidewalk. We had realized that my friend's brother had gone missing. There really wasn't a lot of places for him to hide. Then my friend went, 'name' get up. And he fricking rolls out of a huge pile of leaves in front of the house. It wasn't scary for anyone else, but I hadn't realized he was in there and it was very dark so I was scared.


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    I was really young, maybe 6-8 and I remember back then I could never sleep on Halloween. It was eerie for me and I would see things. One Halloween night a shadow of a skeleton appeared over my doorway in my room. There was nothing to cause it, no toys, no decorations that would cause it. It was in a horizontal position also, as if it was laying down. I then looked around my room and my toys started transforming. I had a play high chair for my dolls that transformed into a giant black cat and other toys that would turn into monsters and other scary things. I ended up sleeping with my parents that night. I was too scared to sleep alone. I guess I had an active imagination or there was something off when I lived there. We moved to another house a few years later and I didn’t ever see the skeleton or transforming toys again.


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    I got blisters on my feet after walking for 1 1/2 hours.


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    I go to my friend's house for Halloween every year, and I take my little sister around when we go trick-or-treating. My sister was a cat, and she was wearing all black. I and my friends were running around, up the lawns to people's houses when I noticed that my sister wasn't there anymore. I looked around, but I couldn't find her. I called up to my friends, and one of them said "Oh, she's behind you!" I turn around, and there is my sister, standing behind me with a grin on her face. It was not that scary considering the other ones on this chain, but it still freaks me out.
    That same Halloween (this one is more of just a rant) I was at my friend's house, who I'll call K. It was me, my sister, K, K's sister, and K's friend. We were trading candy when I had the most *brilliant* idea to put all of our whoppers into a bowl. K's friend joked that he wanted them, so we dumped the bowl on his head. Well, that made him overly mad, and when the others ran away, I decided to stay because I had the *best* candy pile. He picks me up, then slams me to the ground. I said ow, and then he was like "Oh my gosh, I'm like- really sorry, please don't tell my mom!" And of course, I ran to the room where all of the moms were, and he freaked out and ran after me, and started screaming that I was a liar. I was only going to tell my mom that I had a ton of kit-kats and I was going to ask if she wanted one.


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    Okay: It was dark and me and my friend were walking down the sidewalk to the next house while trick or treating. A creepy man in a mask walked toward us holding a very realistic knife. (By his height, he may have been a teenaged boy a$$hole who was just trying to scare us). My friend kind of backed up, scared, but I stayed in front of her. She was kind of shy and timid at the time, so. Also, I was already LIT UP. My parents were way ahead somewhere with my little sister and brother, and the other 4 of my friends were up ahead. (Later we learned he actually chased them). But I had had SO much sugar already, and one of my "friends" had said something mean, so I was mad. I was like 12. He was prob 15-17, bu he had a creepy mask on, so I couldn't tell. My friend kind of hid behind me. I was also like 5'6 at the time and he was maybe 2 inches taller. (I'm pretty tall). But I was like "hey pal, why dontcha f!c# off?" He growled and lunged. My friend screamed and I, scared too but more arrogant, kicked him in the balls. He fell onto the pavement and I kicked him once more, threw a Tootsie Roll on him, and left with my friend. We laughed hysterically after. I was proud of myself and how I handled the situation.
    Turned out it was my friend's brother and he had put on a new mask so we didn't recognize him.


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    Husband and I were driving home on a rural, gravel road, around 11 pm Halloween night. He asked me something along the lines of "what's the connection /significance between Halloween and this time of year and death?" I responded, "In some traditions, it is believed that this night is when the veil is the thinnest between the living and the dead." Not a second later, the ball joint on one of the front wheels snapped, and the front end of the car hit the gravel and dragged us to a quick stop. I screamed, and husband was def a little spooked too!


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    As a kid my mother would start sewing my costumes beginning of the month if October. When I was in second grade she decided to make me a "bunch of purple grapes" I wore my purple leggings, I had purple balloons sewn onto my purple sweatshirt. Long story short going Trick or Treating in a single cab truck with father and mother was not ideal. The door wouldn't shut, my balloons starting popping, mother and father getting squished...odd one out, I sat in the back of the truck with more room to keep my balloons.


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    Cold Contagious
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I made my daughter up to be the Chiquita banana woman one Halloween, with nice looking plastic bananas and other fruit sewn onto her headpiece with sequins and colorful materials. Her outfit was a shiny hot pink leotard with diagonal stripes of different shades of pink and silver sequins with a fluffy yellow tutu and fluffy yellow poofs of the same tutu fabric for the sleeves with hot pink sequins on both and a short little hot pink wrap to tie around her hips, with yellow tights and hot pink sequin shoes, and bananas to carry with her. I thought she looked adorable and she loved it. She didn't win anything at her spook walk at school, but she was still very happy about her costume. We had fun together and that counts for a lot.

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    My husband LOVES scary, psychological/thriller movies/shows, we’ve spent almost ALL of October watching them. I go into a dark room in my house, don’t turn on lights…it’s my house, I’m familiar. This idiot (my husband), is hiding in the corner, behind the door, did I say it was pitch black?! He jumps out, he had to have been there at least 10-15 minutes, scares the living sh!t out of me. Very important lessons learned, 1) my knee jerk reaction…a hard pop to the head, 2) my knee jerk curse “God DAMM!T, and 3) I can’t trust this jackass AT ALL!!


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    When I was a kid there was a house with a zombie chair. On it was the candy, there was also snakes. I hesitantly reached my hand in and nothing moved. Safe right? Wrong. I grabbed candy and started walking away. Then I heard a noise and the snake moved and shook. I jumped a foot off a ground and ran.


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    I was walking past a parked car while trick or treating, and suddenly the horn goes off while I’m in front of it and gives me a mini heart attack.


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    This year actually! Two friends and I went trick or treating in our area (Aussie, so there's really not many people actually doing Halloween) and stopped at a local playground. I wanted to get some photos of the playground - I'm a big fan of liminal spaces and playgrounds at night are perfect. I finished and we moved on, I went to show my friends the photos and in one of them there's just this pair of glowing red eyes. They're pretty high up (this playground has concrete arches with murals painted on them about ~3m tall and the eyes are near the top just under the archway) and there seems to be some sort of black silhouette. Nothing else happened for the rest of the night, we cracked a few jokes about how it felt like being on a horror movie. Best guess is that it's a car's taillights, but I don't think there are roads or carparks in the direction the photo was taken.

    I'll try to attach the photo in the comments when I can, it's on my phone and I'm writing this on a laptop. Pretty low quality, I thought my phone camera was just bad when I turned the flash on but my dad pointed out I had smudges on the lens.

    tl;dr Think I might have accidentally photographed a demon in the local playground on Halloween night.


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    I don't celebrate Halloween so I wouldn't know 😂


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you write stuff on Amazon that you don’t actually buy or try as well or businesses on Google that you haven’t visited I love that stuff

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    Getting a thing of toothpicks oh Halloween.


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    Bored Panda_14
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG THE SCARIEST OF THEM ALL (Not as scary as a rock/ Charlie Brown) 🤣🤣😱😱

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    My husband LOVES scary, psychological/thriller movies/shows, we’ve spent almost ALL of October watching them. I go into a dark room in my house, don’t turn on lights…it’s my house, I’m familiar. This idiot (my husband), is hiding in the corner, behind the door, did I say it was pitch black?! He jumps out, he had to have been there at least 10-15 minutes, scares the living sh!t out of me. Very important lessons learned, 1) my knee jerk reaction…a hard pop to the head, 2) my knee jerk curse “God DAMM!T, and 3) I can’t trust this jackass AT ALL!!


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    My husband LOVES scary, psychological/thriller movies/shows, we’ve spent almost ALL of October watching them. I go into a dark room in my house, don’t turn on lights…it’s my house, I’m familiar. This idiot (my husband), is hiding in the corner, behind the door, did I say it was pitch black?! He jumps out, he had to have been there at least 10-15 minutes, scares the living sh!t out of me. Very important lessons learned, 1) my knee jerk reaction…a hard pop to the head, 2) my knee jerk curse “God DAMM!T, and 3) I can’t trust this jackass AT ALL!!


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