A compilation of people that woke up sweating in their bed because of a terrifying dream.


I had a dream I was lying in my bed, and I was looking out my window. Suddenly, this slender-like person appeared in front my of window. Their face was deformed and it was basically slenderman. I woke up terrified.


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    It was very abstract, but I felt like I was in the hearth of darkness and evil, as if I slipped the dream realm and fell into some metaphysical place. I woke up in sleep paralysis, of course.


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    This is the most horrible dream I've ever had:
    I went for a walk around a lake where I knew a little girl had drowned some time ago.
    I jumped into the mud of a shallow spot on the lakeshore and suddenly bubbles came up to the surface accompanied by a terrible smell of decay.
    Then I saw small red shoes floating on the water in front of me.


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