Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Pain You’ve Ever Felt?
Tell me how you've been hurt before, painfully and/or mentally.
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Physical: a rusty four inch nail right through my foot.....
Mental: watching my mother die of cancer...
Like, in one end and out the other? Also, I'm so sorry about your mother. I know the feeling :(
Quite a few actually. One of them was when I was in second grade, and I had Pneumonia (Why is that so hard to spell? Anyway), I had to get my blood drawn. They numbed it first, but I was so panicked that I really thought it was going to hurt, even though it was numbed. It didn't hurt, but it was a traumatizing experience.
Another time I've been hurt (this is more mentally hurt than physically hurt) was when my cat died. He was my BFF, and he died. I got over it, and now he's been reincarnated in my stuffed animal (who looks like him) :)
These last two are probably the most physical pain I've ever felt. When I was 10, I was at a sports camp and me and my friends were running around under the bleachers. Suddenly I feel an intense pain in my shoulder, unlike anything I've ever felt before. I can't even describe it. It was SO PAINFUL. At first, I thought it was a wasp. It wasn't. Then I thought it was a Hornet. It wasn't. It was a YELLOW JACKET. I didn't go back to sports camp after that.
And this last one happened really recently. I sprained my ankle jumping on a trampoline. I'm pretty sure I jumped into the stratosphere, I was SO HIGH UP. Then I landed awkwardly, and my ankle swelled to three times its size. It hurt REALLY BAD!! I'm doing better now, but I'm still in a brace.
Sorry the list was long!
Physical: exposed nerve due to tooth cavity. I've given unmedicated birth, and I'd rather do that every day for the rest of my life than feel that nerve pain again. Mental: when I found out that the man I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with was a pedophile. I have two children, so when I found out about this man, I dropped that relationship like a hot rock. That was almost a year ago, and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to trust like that again.
I broke my collarbone when I was three, even though I don't really remember how it felt. Then when I was traveling with my family, last summer, I was wearing a pair of sandals and put my foot under one of the legs of an unoccupied chair. I wasn't paying attention, and my brother sat down in said chair. Ugh, if I think about it, I can still feel it. 😖 I was yelling at him to stand up, but he just sat there with a blank look on his face until he finally got the memo 🙄
That time i rammed into a tree at full force while skiing and instead of my skiis popping off they instead locked me around the tree in a VERY painful position. Tbh if my mum wasnt there youd be hearing this story from a news reporter because i couldnt reach the latch to remove my skiis and with the pain i was barely even able to move...
Physical pain - I had an ingrowing toenail removed when I was about 15. I had a local anesthetic in my toe which I swear did not work. I can still hear the cracking sound it made. When I stood up, about 5 minutes after the procedure finished, I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain and I went very pale. The doctor wisely told me to lie down again.
Emotional - when my dad died.
Physical: When I rammed my knee into the corner of a toybox. Blood was everywhere and I still have a scar.
Mental: 2 things
1. When my chicken died. She was incredibly friendly and she and her flock would literally run up to me for snuggles and food and she got hit by a f***ing car and died.
2. I was in third grade and my best friend (and crush) was in fifth grade and she went to middle school before me and I didn't get to see her for two years and I still barely talk to her.
Maybe not as impressive as others, but two I remember:
When I was a kid, I just finished visiting the bathroom and pulled up my zipper. And, well, I'm male...and "it" got stuck in the zipper. Next: Emergency visit at our doctors office (not a big of a scene like in "There's Something About Mary"...but still).
The other was in the military. I cracked three ribs. That was quite painful. But the day after it happened I got severe cough for a week or so. Every cough was a like a sting with a knife...
Two here. First like to say I'm still quite young and haven't yet felt the pains of being older.
1. When I was dealing with my period when I was a preteen and before I got on birth control I would have the worst cramps ever. I would be throwing up and crying and screaming in pain and couldn't walk.
The second time was when I was experiencing food poisoning while on my period. Constantly throwing up, couldn't hold water down, let alone medicine. Was shaking, couldn't sleep (it was night) was having period cramps at the same time, body forced me to try to puke when I had nothing left in my stomach, was sweating like crazy. Fun time (not)
It's a debate between one tattoo I got, and a deep armbar I was stuck in during a Jiu-Jitsu class.
For my first tattoo, I got it on my calf, and I nearly passed out. Since it was my first one, I didn't know how to process the pain, and it took the shop needing to give me a Doctor Pepper to finish the session. The only other painful moments I had during a tattoo session was when I was getting a tattoo on the side of my leg (went to the front of my shin bone a little bit), and another during a forearm tattoo (went into the joint of my elbow a bit).
For the Jiu-Jitsu class, I was caught in a deep straight armbar, and any attempt of me escaping it only made it tighter. I had to verbally tap out, because I wasn't in a good position to actually tap out on my partner, and after we reset, he said "Dude, your left arm was starting to bend the other way".
I felt the pain during the cool down, and for the following couple days. No serious injuries, but it made carrying things with my left arm, or moving my left arm in certain ways (not those ways, lol) for a couple of days a bit more difficult. Luckily, I'm right handed.
The worst physical pain I've ever felt, by category:
1) Intense, immediate debilitating pain - intestinal obstruction (due to dehydration) was the worst pain I've ever felt. 2nd place was an abscessed tooth that couldn't be operated on because I was pregnant, and by the time I'd had my baby and the abscess could be dealt with it had extended below 1/4 of jaw.
2) Long term, less intense but never letting up would be herniated discs, disc bulges in my lower spine. It was more of a nuisance and interference with life. No relief from feeling sore and uncomfortable. Thankfully after years of fighting the (Canadian) medical system and ultimately paying out of pocket for private MRI and neurosurgeon, I am now able to have the nerves in my spine burned and destroyed annually through spinal ablation so that I can't feel my back anymore and I can live a life without that pain.
My gallbladder nearly ruptured. It was bursting with fluid but the fluid couldn't drain back out because my gallstones had shifted and were blocking the duct. I had a drain inserted and pus and bile exploded all over the a*s of a doctor who told me I was being a baby. Still got the gallstones and been told it'll likely happen again; they won't take my gallbladder out because I'm too high risk for general anaesthetic.
March 2021. Craniotomy for a microvascular decompression of my left 5th cranial nerve. Developed a blood clot and I can't describe the headaches! So intense there were times I thought my head was going to explode
When my mum told me to do anything to get her through a procedure for her cancer treatment to buy her more time with my little sister.
She had to have an ascitic drain placed which meant tunnelling a pipe across her stomach. She asked me to go with her.
At one point she was screaming in agony and the surgeon said he would have to abandon. She looked at me and told me to hold her down. Which I did. It was the hardest and most painful thing to do to my own mother, she screamed through the process, and it is prominent in my memory banks.
Worse is, that my sisters act like it was a huge adventure and begged to let them do it instead. They're jealous that mum chose me. (I work in health and it comforted her to have someone advocate with some knowledge and understanding.) And to this day, 11 years later, they resent it.
I would not wish that memory on my worst enemy let alone my sisters. They had a hard enough time dealing with the loss as it is. This would have scarred them for life. It has me. It left me with some form of PTSD and nightmares that follow on.
After I had fully dislocated my hip 8 times in 6 weeks, I thought nothing could top that pain, until old mate pancreas decided to get all inflamed and land me in icu for a few days, reg hospital for about a month. (Full disclosure, I’ve never given birth), but I would (until proven otherwise) happily go through childbirth once a month than pancreatitis. And maybe once every 6 months since the hip dislocations.
Physical pain is without a doubt was my last kidney stone attack. I had passed a stone before so I recognized the discomfort as soon as it started. That was a Tuesday around 330pm. By early Wednesday morning I was in a lot of pain so I had my boyfriend take me to the closest ER. Note- this hospital is not good. For example: they can tell you that your arm is definitely broken but they're gonna send you to the university hospital, 40 minutes away, to have it set and casted... Because they don't do that kind of thing there. Now, I knew this when I went there. But I knew what was going on, I just needed some pain control to get through it. This ER did a CT scan, and told me what I already knew... That I had one* kidney stone about 4mm and it would pass on it's own. Was also told if I started running a fever or started vomiting, to come back. And they sent me home with some pain meds. By now it's 2 or 3pm Wednesday afternoon. Didn't the rest of Wednesday and all of Thursday in a d**g haze , fighting the pain. I started vomiting about 2am Friday morning. Fever started shortly after that. I had my boyfriend take me to the bigger/better ER at the university. Got checked in at 1220pm. They did an ultrasound, have me some pain meds. Doc reviewed the ultrasound and by 2pm Friday I was on my to the operating room for emergency kidney surgery. It wasn't till I woke up that I found it they removed NINE kidney stones. NINE! They were the one that was to big to pass was the one the first ER said was tiny and would pass on it's own with no problem. As soon as I woke up from surgery, I felt great. The pain was completely gone and I was ready to take on the world. Started in the hospital overnight and went on a 22 hour road trip with my 2 (adult) kids to see their grandparents 1100 miles away. So.... Yeah ... NINE kidneys was the worst pain I've ever been in.
In labor with preeclampsia, my blood pressure was so high the Dr ordered two shots of magnesium sulfate. The nurse approached me and said Honey, I need you to get on your side and grab the bed rail, and scream real hard because this is going to hurt a lot. She was right, it was like liquid fire. Second nurse arrives with next injection. I asked where the first one went and she said none of them liked to do two in a row, and please hold the rail and scream all I wanted. Its been 47 years and that is the thing about having my first child I remember the most, even though 9 months previous I ruptured internally with an ectopic pregnancy. Next most physically painful was removal of chest tubes after having my chest cracked for heart surgery. It hurt worse than the heart attack had. Worst emotional pain was losing my most loyal friend, Miss Peep, when learned she could have been treated and lived with me longer than her 13 years.