We were all young and green! 


"Your hair look so nice, like an expensive mop!"
We did not get together XD



" Your eyes are so pretty, do you wanna go out?" I really wanted to hide after that 😂😂



I promise, I'm usually pretty smooth, but.... yeah, several come to mind:
'You smell like cat food' (Why?... just... why?)
'I like your book' (It was a school text book that we all had)
'I'd annoy you for the rest of your life' (After she described me as 'annoying, but in a good way')
'I ate food once' (No idea why I said it, wasn't even related to the subject being spoken about)
'Can I take your cherry?' (Talking about an actual cherry she'd left on the side of her dessert plate. Her parents were sitting next to her)
'You have big feet' (in a group workshop we had to complement each other and that's what I chose!)
'I like buses' (meant to say I prefer getting the bus home rather than my mum picking me up)



"Don't die". We're best friends and I say it all the time but it's weird to other people. (She also yelled at me for drinking extra sweet tea at 7 a.m.)


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My crush is also my one of my best friends and one time he told me he liked this girl and I litteraly said I also like her too. (Didn’t actually like her. I’m Gay)



"Who's the stuffed duck?"



More of how I responded to a girl who had a crush on me, but close enough.

Aight, so this girl emails me, doesn’t even ask for my number, we exchange pleasantries, hey how are you type stuff, then, just out of the blue she goes: “I’ve had a crush on you ever since I first met you in third grade.”, and my stupid brain decides to send back three characters, guess what they are. “...”


See Also on Bored Panda

"You know, we need to sacrifice your child for the cookies to be complete." - Talking about a random egg she made an emotional attachment to in cooking class. Yeah, don't ask.



Our hands brushed. She said “oh! Sorry!” And I quacked. That’s it. I quacked.



So this wasn’t really to my crush but my crush heard me. I was talking to my friend at lunch and he walked in and was near us and she started tease me ( that’s our friendship and it’s lighthearted teasing) and then a said a little to loud “I can’t help that I love his freckles and his personality” and he heard me and then we never spoke again.



Well,I didn’t say anything, but we were at school. We all have a job todo in the mornings. Mine was clean the tables in the hallway(where ESL was taught). I decided I would bow to the next person to come out of the door to get a wet wipe from me to wipe their desk and of course my crush came out, I bowed, and still cringe


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See Also on Bored Panda

Me “ do you like LEGO’s” Them “ uh yea why “ Me “ well... we should build a relationship!” They called me a kid and walked away honestly I thought it was pretty smooth tho
