Hey Pandas, What Was The Funniest Thing That Has Ever Happened To You In A Game? (Closed)
You can tell an entire conversation or just plain tell what happened.
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I am not sure if because of my voice or because "girls don't play video games," but people often called me out for being a little boy or using a voice changing software.
So in rocket league everyone lags bad and I was lagging very bad I thought the ball was in front of me but I was lagging so I went forward to hit it then nothing happened I just kept going foward.
I was playing Adopt Me in Roblox and then I went up to my friend and said,
Me: Can I eat your hair?
Friend: My hair doesn't taste good.
Friend: My hair taste like dog
Me: I like dog. I like German Sheperds, pugs, and huskies.
*Goes close to friend*
Me: *Munch munch munch*
Me: Tastes like Poodle.
Friend: >:0