Tell about the bravest thing you have done in your life.


Back in January I was on my way to get my 2nd shot.(I work in Healthcare) I saw this girl walking with a van right next to her. I was in the left turn lane waiting. By her body language I thought oh crap. I flipped a u-turn. Beeped my horn. Pulled off the road and yelled girl OMG how are you doing hows your mom etc. She came up to my car tears in her eyes and said thank you. She didn't know him. He had been following her for about a block and kept trying to get her to come closer. I helped an absolute stranger out of a bad situation. I was shaking for almost 30 minutes after I dropped her at her home. We reported the van info to the police.
I had a picture of the plate and the van was stolen.



not killing my self :/



Raising 3 small kids by myself and all of us surviving. Working Law Enforcement. Running into a burning building to rescue someone (off duty.) Giving CPR to my best guy friend who died anyway in my arms. Choosing to go on even the days that I am crippled by my own anxiety / depression.... Life.



Not to let the depression conquer me. I am proud that on that one day on the way to work,I made a decision NOT to crash the car into these trees.



Pulling myself out of depression and awful self thought multiple times



Holding my father's hand and telling him I would be okay and that he could go right before he died. It was a lie... it's been almost 8 years and I am still not okay but I had to put on a brave act to let him end his pain.



I survived getting stabbed in my right lung by a stranger.



When I was younger my brother drifted into the deep end and he started to panic. I was dearly afraid of bugs at the time and you know how ants surround the pools sometimes. Even so, I ran through the ants on the floor and some squished on my feet. Since I was small I couldn’t really pull him up. So I tried to push him back to the steps. After that, I just cried and cried because of all the ants squished on my feet!



Stood up to my abusive mother.

Her discipline involved smacking us around whenever her mood turned sour.

My parent's divorced when I was 17. My mother moved out. Meantime, I got married, had a son and moved out. My mother, in the meantime, was unemployed, broke and had moved back in with my Dad because he didn't want her living on the street.

So one day I came over to ask my Dad's help in moving to a town and hour and a half away to go to college. Before my Dad could render his decision, she blurts out with a list of why I was a free-loader, when was I going to get my life together...etc. I said "Why do you think I want to go to college?"

Her response "I never went to college!"

I said "And look where it got you. You're unemployed, living with your ex and you've alienated your kids so much, none of us are willing to help you. What makes you think I'd want to be anything like you?"

She lost it! Started screaming and cussing. Was trying to get out of her chair to come after me. My Dad said "you go home now. I'll call you later."

Long and short...I went to college and my mother finally went on disability and moved out. Win Win!


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Macy Sharp
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm glad people speak up on mother abuse. The same thing has happened to me except its more physical. My mom was going to hit my brother with the handle of a basket and i told her to stop. It ended up with cops and me being hit even more. I had hit her back. I felt proud. Shes a total piece of s**t.

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When I mustered up the courage to see my mom in the hospital when I was 10 cause she was in a four wheeler accident and had to be administered to emergency care. It was hard to do that but I’m glad I did cause I didn’t know if she was gonna make it but she did thankfully. The hardest part about it was to see her in pain and having all the tubes hooked up to her, it’s something that would be hard for most people to see someone you love like that.



Getting on to the 2nd plane after the 1st caught on fire and had to make an emergency landing. Many years ago,but my legs still turn into jelly whenever I board a plane...



Staying strong while people were running for their lives and helping my friend through a panic attack while running out of a mall that was in the middle of emergency closing down because of a shooter


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There’s no comments on this, and I think there should be. That’s really brave

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A friend of mine was about to get hit by her (now ex-) boyfriend. Threw myself in the fist as meatshield and nearly lost two teeths. Kept the jerk busy till she had time to get away, luckily without further physical violence.



Probably having spine surgery because of my scoliosis.



When I was in pre-school I had to wear braces on my legs because I walked on tip toes all the time and my muscles tensed. Believe it or not preschoolers can be rather cruel.


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Terilee Bruyere
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My daughter had those as well, and yes, even children that young can be so incredibly cruel.

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1. Got out of an abusive relationship while raising a special needs child. It was 6 weeks later that I found out I was pregnant with our second child. He has never met his daughter and in 8 years hasn't even sent a bloody birthday card to his children. 2. Starting taking full-time care of my father who was on hospice but living at home (my mother had passed away while I was at work and she was babysitting my children). He made it one month and passed the morning after my mother's 'celebration of life' event. I guess I should add the reason my father was at home: he was able to spend time with his grandchildren and my mother, after working years in a nursing home as a CNA, absolutely refused to put him in a home and steal what time he had left with his grandchildren away from him.



Be my true self instead of what everybody else wanted me to be



Got up the courage on Twitter one day to ask my video game hero John Carmack (One of the creators of Doom/Quake) if he wanted to play VR sometime. Was totally shocked and beyond excited that he said yes. We each grabbed a couple people and started a gaming group, We play every week it’s awesome.



Moved to another country where I didn't know anybody



I did public speeches and presentations without preparing any notes. Knowing that public speaking is one of the greatest fears for many, I consider that brave.



Followed my heart (instead of my brain) and got a divorce (was married to a bully) and lived on my own for the first time in my life. What surprised me when I got separated was that as I told some women that I was recently separated they all said the same thing - that they were impressed because they could never do that. They’re too afraid to be on their own. I think about that a lot.


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Candela Gagopinto
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

that is so brave idk why the isn't any comments there should be, you have been through a lot but you are ok now


I've always had a fear of water (drowning) and when I was 9 I almost drowned but then about 2 years later I went into the deep part (different pool) with no floaties and didn't drown



Idk how much this qualifies but once my little brother was having a pain episode (he has a condition that causes them) and we had been home by ourselves. My father (who was highly abusive) refused to come home and help me and my mom was already leaving work to come get us. I held him down so he would stop trashing and then put him in the tub. My mom got home and took it from there.


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Jette Wang Wahnon
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

At any age being in the presence of some-one having a seizure is a really frightening thing. Sounds like you were very young. You did incredibly well and can be proud of yourself and I bet your mother was relieved and proud of her big girl.

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Walked away from a very toxic relationship and re built myself into a brave and stronger woman



pick up a snail(its about the only bravest thing i'll ever do)



Stepped between four guys beating up another man who was already on the floor when I arrived. All of them were bigger than me and one had a riveted belt which he used as a weapon.
I stood over the guy to protect him and tried to calm the attackers down while somebody else was calling police/ambulance.



Having brain surgery at 3 days old (born with hydrocephalus) and having 10 more of them later around 1 every 2 years. Having Arnold Neuralgia and still suffering from daily headaches .


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That’s so sad. I’m sorry. You are very brave having to go through that pain.

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I went to the state fair with my family and u had never been on a real ride before cause I am terrifies if them. My little cousins and older brother decided that they would go on every ride in the park. I didn't want tk look like a wimp to my cousins who are 3-4 years younger, so I went on all the rides with them. And I actually enjoyed them a lot, except the rocking boat one. So yay to being pressured into it!


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Candela Gagopinto
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i wen in a ride with my father once I wen out terrified but now I sad that I didn't try the other rides I feel ashamed


My best friend had ended up breaking up with this guy a while before the homecoming dance. She and the guy still both ended up coming with friends, though. He was like kinda bugging her and trying to be silly in a way that ended up being hurtful. He'd dated someone from my previous friend group before and when they broke up, they'd stayed friends. So I kinda knew him and knew he might think what he was doing was fine. So... as a socially anxious introvert and someone who super hates conflict... I asked her if she wanted me to talk to him about it. And then she said YES and then I actually went over and TALKED TO HIM. It was completely terrifying and I'm not sure it helped, but one of our more confident friends went over later and sorta told him off I think, so it turned out ok.


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I stayed in the street with a shooting victim to comfort him while waiting for emergency services. A girl yelled out her door that the shooter was still out there, but I couldn’t leave him. Ultimately, the shooter was arrested without further incident. The victim unfortunately is now a quadriplegic. It’s been 20 years; I still think of him often.


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Samantha Power
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That is very brave of you indeed, sad story. You did your best for the victim, very well done.

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When I was about 12 I was out at a lake with my sister and our dog in the middle of winter. The ice on the lake was thin, and our dog ran out onto it and the ice broke and she fell into freezing water. She kept trying to climb out but the ice kept breaking under her paws. My sister started screaming and panicking but without hesitation I walked into the icy water up to my chest, grabbed the dog, and turned around and walked home to our cabin. People were apparently trying to talk to me and help me but I was on auto pilot. Once I reached the cabin I gave the dog to my parents, stripped off my wet clothes, and jumped straight into the hot shower. It was like something had taken over me and I knew exactly what to do.


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Jette Wang Wahnon
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That was brave...and what you do for a beloved dog...same thing happened to my brothers´s´Dachshund in Denmark.He wasn´t able to save her as it was a deep lake and he says the look on her face still haunts him.


I've gathered a group of guys to keep an eye on this kid who was basically a murderous, psychopathic stalker who tried to stab my sister twice and then threatened to shoot up our school. I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't hurt my family or do anything stupid.



I worked graveyard shift at a remote truck stop with no security cameras by the freeway just across the county line. Nearest law enforcement was over an hour away. nearest ambulance was 45 minutes away and nearest fire department was 1 hour and 45 minutes away. We had the weirdest people come in one time a schizoid stayed for 3 days before he finally did something that the police would take him away for. 2 months after I quit a woman working my old shift was stabbed in the eye. She contracted meningitis and died 2 years later. I feel like that was kind of brave. Or maybe just stupid.



I stood up for myself for once. I am a really shy person irl and in gaming, and (ik that ive said this before), in my mc server it is really common for people to try to befriend me and use me for things. (like ranks and items, since I'm really generous with giving those out to ppl.) Well I had been "friends" with somebody who did that to me, and once they had just started begging me for things even if I didn't have them, I pretty much just snapped. I left the server for a while, but once I came back, they were still there. They just kept begging and pestering me for things, so I really just told them to stop bothering me, and go f**k off. (They tried to make me give them my only trident, my maxed netherite armor, and a bunch of really nice and rare things.) I'm honestly really glad that I did stand up for myself, because even though things like that are still very common and are still happening to me, I at least know what to do instead of having other ppl stand up for me.



punched an attempted kidnapper in the face when he tried to grab my friend and walk away.



I came out as genderqueer to my friends, that was really scary bc i knew they'd treat me different and i didn't want them to (well, maybe i wanted them to stop saying "hey girl hey" whenever i said hi cuz it felt wrong) but i did and i got some negative reactions and some positive ones, then it was over and i was so relieved


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Darnit i was gonna say 'either genderqueer or something else' but i forgot to add it, the other thing i was gonna put was living with my cystic fibrosis and having to go to the doctor every 3 months and get diabetes tests and lung function tests and blood draws and chest x-rays and taking 35+ pills a day and 1.5 hours of treatments a day, thats really hard

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Start the process of ASD diagnosis (I'm 54 years old)



Getting out of a toxic job that was dragging me towards suicidal thoughts.


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I told my parents and let them drive me to the hospital after my suicide attempt. It was hard, and my parents were terrible about it. But I am doing much better and am about to move out


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Elizabeth Molloy
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This was incredibly brave of you. I suspect they are part of the problem. Be strong!

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Made the decision to be honest with my family about drug and alcohol addiction four years ago, been sober since then. It’s daily work but so worth it. Living the life I always wanted.



i came out to my highly homophobic and transphobic father in the car while arguing (read: screaming) about lgbtq+ rights. i said that i was bi, and it didn’t mean anything if he didn’t support me because at that point his opinion didn’t matter to me bc he was being an ásshōle.

he has slowly come around, and i’m waiting to come out as non-binary until i’m 100% sure he’s ok with it or i have a place to move. i don’t want to be in an unsafe situation, but i’m glad i wasn’t kicked out for coming out


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I had brain surgery for an unruptured Aneurysm, it was truly terrifying. Woke up in ICU with a large stapled scar and black eyes. It was a horrible experience, but I didn't want to run the risk of it rupturing.



I came out genderwise to practically everyone I know, save some of of my family. My teacher know, my classmates know, my friends know. That's probably not as brave as the things other people on here have done, but standing up there in history class, calling myself 'non-cisgender', with my voice and entire body shaking and everyone staring at me, that was everything to me. And yeah, everyone still calls me a she except for my closest friends, but it's there. I had to stop my homie from beating up a sub when he called me a she today. ❤



I honestly am not a brave person. But in third grade, I felt like everyone was against me. My teacher was a bully. My class mostly bullied me. The bravest thin ive ever done was tell my parents what I was going through.


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Came out bisexual to my parents even tho in our culture its not aloud so yes u am going to marry the opposite sex but they allow me to date both sexes



Going to a grad party decades ago. Elderly couple, wife in front of her husband were trying to get on the escalator going down and were having difficulty. I was going up but decided to watch them to see if they were okay. Next thing I knew the husband started to lose his balance and I realized he was going to fall forward on his wife and they would both fall. I wrapped one arm around his waist and pulled him back from falling while I grabbed his wife on the shoulder. They thanked me profusely and I made sure they got down to the floor below safely. Have never told this to anyone. So glad I was there and hope they had many more years together.


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Haveing my foot sewn up with seven stitches while I was awake. And it only took 5-10 minutes.



I made the decision to get a liver transplant at 22 years old after just surviving life due to multiple life threatening chronic illnesses. My health had deteriorated so much that I had spent the Christmas previous to that in the ICU with sepsis. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, my recovery was not easy. I’m now 26 and no longer on the edge of death but still deal with chronic illness in my day to day life. My life has always been one medical thing after another but after the transplant it became so much easier. I have the ability to go to work and not have to worry about dying lol. My scar is massive and it’s physical proof of the biggest decision I ever had to make in my life.


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I left my abusive husband



Roller coaster, oooog... I was sick after it. :


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Learning to drive. I was 38.



I was facetiming a friend from a different state when a very drunk man crashed a stolen car into his yard, came into the house, and attacked his mother while he and his twin sister watched. His dad was on a walk and he wasn't supposed to be back for another thirty minutes. I got my mom and we called him so he could go beat up the guy and if we hadn't things would have been a lot worse(we were in a different state so we couldn't call emergency services). I don't feel like I did much that would be considered brave but it was really scary. I guess the crazy thing is that he and I would facetime to play Minecraft together and the last three times I had said I was busy because I didn't want to, but this time I just randomly decided to. Everybody involved believes it was some sort of universal intervention or something.


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Pushing the peddle to the metal to avoid a head on collision with a fool who decided to overtake some trucks on a narrow road with century old oak trees on both sides.
I knew I could swerve into a driveway because I drove that road on a daily basis.
If I wouldn't have made it, I would have left this world in a blaze of fire and car parts scattered all around.
I guess the devil wasn't counting on me yet...



survived three desieses in a row, and covid


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Running for student government. Greatly increased my confidence and public speaking ability. Running again this year!



Walked away from the bottle and reconnect with my son after 15 years and 3 weeks.


See Also on Bored Panda

be born.


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I think in my 19 years of life the bravest thing I have done was flown a glider plane. Was one of the scariest yet amazing experience I've ever had!


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I was discord stalked by some perverted 16 yo once. I made friends with him, but then he asked for nudes. So I sent him this:

Then I blocked, reported, and unfriended him and changed my Discord name.

Watch out for ALPHA RIWWED or Alton F. Krueger (Spring-Locked) or somethign like that, he's a f*****g pervert.



February 1977, on patrol, entered fully involved burning building. My partner and I saved four people , who had no idea their building was on fire, from burning to death. We all spent hours in ER on O2 for smoke inhalation after FD put up ladder to get us off adjoining roof.


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Suzanne Haigh
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This should be higher, real bravery saving lives and risking their own


This sounds random, but galloping my pony up a hill for the first time.


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When I was in the sixth grade and my sister was in the eighth, a group of boys at our school kept picking on her. I walked up to that group of boys that if they didn't stop picking on my big sister there would be trouble.


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join the fire service


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I was 21 when my Nan asked me to go on the holiday to the US. I was thrilled despite my Nan being a difficult person - if you're thinking of a sweet old lady, you are wrong. She's very like Patsy in Ab Fab and she didn't raise her children as they were holding her back from partying but she and my mum did reconnect after I was born. She's always been very critical of my mum but seemed to make an effort with me. Anyway, she is being awful on this holiday and I can't seem to do anything right. We go from Palm Springs to LA and she starts to complain about my mum. I've had enough and stand up to her. She throws my passport at me and tells me to leave if I don't apologise. I'd never been abroad by myself and was terrified but you bet I snatched up that passport, somehow booked myself into a motel and the next day I was on a flight back to London. Was so proud of myself as totally out of character for me and it actually gave me a lot of confidence. My Nan never contacted myself, my mum or my siblings ever again. They're thrilled.



Two of my neighbors committed suicide on the eve of christmas..I help them but didn't survive..


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Living, knowing that I'm going to get hate for who I am at some point.Knowing that the world isn't gonna change in my lifetime.


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Live. When all I wanted to do was die. I even tried several times. Now I'm 10 months sober and have a life that I'm grateful for. I still have days where suicidal thoughts come into my head, choosing life is a daily thing.



Quit my job after a very bad burn out/depression and flew in NZ for a year in a van. Saved me!


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Not sure if brave or just stupid, but I offered a wolf a dog biscuit from my hand....and she ate it (the biscuit, not my hand 😅)
