I thought of this post while in the shower haha!
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The best idea I ever had in a shower was a super cool sounding response to an argument…. that happened 5 years ago…
To quit my dance team! So a good decision to try other things in my life!
If a fly is perched on a seat inside a bus and the bus sets off, then the fly is travelling at the same speed as the bus, say 40mph. If that little fella takes off and flies toward the front of the bus, he is now breaking all records for flying fly speeds! So don't swat him, he's a trailblazer and will be famous one day.
To finally get out because I look like a raisin and have been in the shower for a hour and a half
Let go of my crush. He just wasn’t ever going to let me in and I realized if he’s not going to let me in, I have to move on. Moved on and was applauded. Apparently this guy was very bad to girls. I thought they were acquaintances only but their relationships were like 1 day long!