Hey Pandas, What Was Something Your Parents Did Or Do That Makes You Angry? (Closed)
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not acknowledging my gender identity
and threatening to commit me to a psychiatric hospital if I go through with my operation
Not communicating. They hate talking about serious things so they never tell me anything important. I live abroad so the only way I have to know about my family is by phone or skype. I usually never get told anything and often leaen it after it happened or through my aunt.
Two years ago my father had a necrotic appendix and was very ill. I only heard about it days after because of a comment from my aunt asking how my dad was. Same when my grandma had a surgery for a peacemaker. Or with most things.
It makes it really difficult for me to be comfortable telling them about my life. Because they get so akward. Today I finally told them that I bought a disability scooter to help me go out and it was a very akward conversation.
Trying to still tell me what I can and cannot do! I am 43 with 3 kids and a career. I'm a big girl now!!!
Reading my diary
That is horrible! I would hate it if that happened to me. I still think about the old ones that were in a box that have gone missing sometime in the last 5-10 years. I don't like the idea that someone else could read them.
My father went out with a gun to see who was parked up the road. It was a new boyfriend of mine. He was “persuaded’ to leave without leaving a message for me. I did not find this out for years!
Im a teenager and they think everything I say is with an attitude or im talking back to them when I am just trying to have a normal conversation with them
I remember those days. It does get better. I heard something about the hormones that affect teenagers being related to the difficulty they have communicating, especially with parents. I know that doesn't help in the moment when parents are misunderstanding you, but hopefully it helps to know things can get better. I used to just go off to my room when these arguments happened, but my mum would then complain that I spent too much time in my room.
Saying "We'll see" when they really meant no.
Yes! Why can't more parents have actual conversations with their kids or at least give a reason for saying no as well?
Fight in front of us kids and putting us in the middle of it (no literally). Kids should not be sucked into their parents problems.
If my mom get prescription medicine and she don't like the side effects, she'll just stop taking the medicine, instead of talking to the doctor about it, and getting a different prescrition. We live in Denmark, we don't pay for doctors and medicine isn't all that expensive. She's 72 years old, she's not that young anymore.
They didn’t hold my brother to the same standard they held me to.
Being transphobic... Especially against non binary people.
I am a 60+ year old person and I support you! I am sorry you are having trouble. Know that not everyone is like this. I wish things had been more open when I was young.
Telling to eat my greens 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
Orphan here. My sperm donor is still out there somewhere but he’s never been in my life and I don’t count him as a parent. Worst thing my mom ever did? Too many to pick just one but making me promise to take care of my grandmother is high up that list. For context, my grandmother is an evil, bitter, hateful, racist, homophobic demon from geriatric hell. My mom died a few years ago. It was expected and our relationship was repaired only about 5-7 years before that. She was a drug addict who never took care of me. She got clean. We made peace. Still, that promise is the worst thing she could’ve done. I feel guilty if I don’t and miserable if I do but I’m the only one to keep an eye on her. If have about 10 years, I could probably tell you some of the awful things my grandmother has said/done and you’d tell me to stay away from her. Or burn her at the stake. But I can’t leave her. I promised.
Both my mother and father had failed trying to smoke when I was 13 years old. However, my mum didn’t want to admit she had failed and even mocked my father for failing. One summer day I came home earlier than expected and saw that the lights were on in the basement. I decided to lean down and knock on the window to show I was home. That’s when I saw my mother smoking in the laundry room. I immediately went in to confront her (mostly for how she was treating my father) but she blatantly denied it. After some arguing back and forth, she called for my father to join us. She proceeded to tell him how I was lying about her and intentionally being mean to her. He, of course, believed her and they both treated me like I was a mean monster for several days after. I was also grounded for a week. Still haven’t forgiven them (especially my mum) even though it happened more than 20 years ago and it still makes my blood boil. Especially since I have kids myself and couldn’t imagine doing anything that hurtful to my kids