

    Turtles breathe from there butts



    finding out were lobsters p from


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    bon bon (still purple boi)
    Community Member
    3 years ago

    ima google where and see

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    your mouth waters before you throw up to protect your teeth from the high levels of acid in your vomit. (honestly don't know how I figured this out)



    Homophobia is way more common than I thought it would be



    This isn't something I've learned yet, but my life will be forever ruined the day I learn how they get the Teslas into the Tesla store at the mall.



    That every society had slaves and not only white people. Coz now i feel like white people are shamed too much. Like yea i get we did some bad stuff in the past, but like with the whole natives thing also, like thats what countries did, they explored and fought and conquered, like thats how the world worked. And with the slave thing, natives and africans traded slaves amongst themselves too, at that time we were just trying to be productive and create an economy and stuff, like i get we shouldn't praise it but like...



    Jelly beans are shiny because they are covered in shellac which is insect poop.



    if i dont eat in less than 20 secs...I DIE becuz I NNNEEEED MAH FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD i regret det



    Why chainsaws were made or saw if you wanna know here.copy paste that


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    Bakugo Katsuki
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Baby, I'm not even here, It's the hallucination 😬🤐🙌🏾✌🏾

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    male sharks don’t have testicles, they have tendrils they use to reproduce instead.



    Sm64 is personalized. Now I have to check behind the shower curtain each time I use the dire dire bathroom. And a certain echidna “fun fact”. Look it up if you REALLY want to know. And clickbait on YouTube. Still regret watching that crap.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    That people ACTUALLY THINK William Afton is Phone Guy. It’s not possible-
    William Afton died when he climbed into a springlock suit, it malfunctioned, and he was crushed.
    Phone Guy died when a animatronic killed him. I think it was Freddy, you can hear his music in the call, but thid hasn’t been confirmed.
    Also: Please don’t look for Ballora toys on amazon. Poor Ballora-



    In all seriousness....
    When I was really young it was knowing that my parents did ~it~ so that I could be born...
    Left me traumatized for a while 😂



    santa died so thats why you cannot see him and he stalks u bc how he know what u doin and my cousin and sis said "magic" and i said "magic stalking powers"


    See Also on Bored Panda

    How much bacteria and stuff is in one drop of seawater
    I'm never touching the ocean again


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    mr. cheeto chester
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what do you expect there is over one milion in one ocean and (ThEy GoTtA pEe ToO)

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    How hyenas give birth. (Please don’t google it.)


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, I know this. It's not gross just sad they die

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    Watching season 6 of the clone wars finding out i die 😢



    That everyone is worried about what you think about them but you are worried about what they are thinking about you....I was up all night just thinking.



    What jello is truly made of


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    bon bon (still purple boi)
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    me:*googles what is jello made of*me:*gasp* i need to tell my whole family to never eat jello ever!me: *dies of shock* me soul: welp i ded now so nothin i can do but now i will GHOST(go) back in time to make jello never happen

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    that if you see an unfamiliar face in a dream its the ghost/demon watching you sleep...


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did you know that reading this post also gives you nightmares?

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