Something you’re good at, have natural aptitude in, an innate understanding of, etc., yet no interest in pursuing or ever using. Example: classical musician, don’t care about playing or performing.
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I can spell supercailifragilisticexpialidocious and antidisestablishmentarianism (basically all big words) in my head and I can talk really fast. people don't like either of those things so I don't do it. I can also spell well in multiple languages but that is no use to anyone
I can hold my breath for 3-4 minutes. It hurts after, and there's really no point in doing it, so I don't.
I grew up playing multiple musical instruments. Could win small competitions and awards, yet no desire to really do anything with said talent.
I'm pretty good at music. I used to like it but now I can't stand it anymore. Not sure why though.
I can untie almost any knot, especially in necklace chains. Only thing I've ever used it for is untying friends' shoes and my little sister's tangled necklaces.