I wanted to know some of your holiday traditions for any holiday, not limited to the winter season!


For all the usual family-meal ones (Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas) we light a single white candle in remembrance of those who are no longer with us but use to join us for the meal. So specifically my parents and my aunt/uncle. I'm sure others must do this, but no one that I know does it.


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    My birthday is on Christmas. We get together with my daughter and her family and a few friends on Christmas evening and have CrabFest! Mountains of giant crab legs... SO GOOD. We did miss one Christmas, 7 years ago, as she was delivering her son... also born on Christmas day. Best. Present. Ever!



    To commemorate and remember my great grand mother passing the family would get together and make pastélés. She died some ten years ago.


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    Jane Jane
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My brothers and I (and all of our families and our families families) go to my parent's farm the Saturday before Christmas for a shrimp boil. This year was pretty typical with 34 of us attending. The crazy thing is that we have enough room to seat everyone in the kitchen/dining room. We have been doing this for about 35 years now. We lost mom in May so this one was bitter-sweet.

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    When I was growing up, we had a Christmas tradition of hanging cotton balls on the ceiling. The cotton balls would have a piece of thread pulled through it with the knot at the bottom, then they’d be sprayed with an aerosol glue and dipped into a tray of glitter. The strings were between 6” and 10” long and we’d have to space them out 6” to 9” apart. It was a lot of work and we’d leave them up until we took out tree down (usually right before it could conceivably spontaneously combust from sheer dryness), and after all of the other decorations were retrieved and stored, the cotton balls would come down and all be stored in a plastic bag by their separate colors. I have no idea how my mother came up with this, but it was a part of Christmas decorating from when I was probably six or seven years old, and continued until at least the mid-1980s when we had finally all left home. It was equally pretty and strange.



    well this ones probably really popular but my family does it ? anyways we open 1 present on christmas eve.


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    we have a winner. That egg is saved with date and name on it. Recently found 1 from 1966


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The first part tells for Easter we color hard boiled eggs and the using pointed ends bop them until we have a winner.

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    my special tradition for most holidays is to ignore them



    My nephew's fiance is Mexican, so we now have Tamales included with our traditional dinner. Yum!!


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    Groundhog day is a very special holiday for my family because it is the anniversary of my parents' first date. Every year, to celebrate it, we go to an Italian restaurant (where they went on their date) and watch the classic Groundhog day movie with Bill Murrey.


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    Homemade biscuits and gravy Christmas morning. My gravy is the absolute bomb! Unfortunately, we were not able to do it on Christmas this year because of Covid but we are trying for a day in February where everyone can be together. Did I mention that my gravy was spectacular?


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    My family does a performance of the nativity every year on Christmas. The various cousins are performing while proud parents are watching.


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    Christmas spy games.
    Underwear at the bottom of every christmas stocking.
    April fools day is safe for no one. That's a contest.
    May day may baskets.
    Italian food on thanksgiving.
    Christmas super secret santa, gather items all year long, clean them up and make them cool, and have an unknown 3rd party deliver the wrapped presents to an unsuspecting family down on their luck.

    Homemade valentines gifts.


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