Hey Pandas, What Smell Have You Smelled Recently That Brought Back A Memory From Your Childhood?
Mine is the smell in the closet in my hallway it smells like *opens the door and smells it* brand spanking new towels.
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This is going to sound weird but for some reason, my calculator smells like the inside of a Chuy's restaurant and it brought back so much nostalgia because I moved away from my old house there to another country
I was living in a farm in Springs Junction when I 3-5 years old. There was a smell of cow poop and dirt. Recently, I caught the scent but I forgot where I was but I'm not in Springs Junction anymore. Instead, I live 258 km from there :)
I bought a bubble bath from Avon and when I put it in my bath the smell hit me and I got a vision of my Granddad's bathroom. He died over 30 years ago when I was 15.
When my grandpa was alive. He would always use a certain Dial soap. So when my parents buy it. It takes me back to childhood. He passed in 04
I got a liquid hand soap from Dollar General that smells exactly like Lifebuoy. My maternal grandma's house smelled like that because she had a bar of it at each sink. Every time I use that I think of my grandma.
Grass, fresh cut or otherwise..nature.. Just brings back memories of being outside all day during summer
I was in a DiDi (Chinese Uber) the other day, and the smell in there reminded me of my grandad's old car from when I was a child. My grandfather passed away in the early 1990s, so we're going back a long way. I believe the car was a Volvo 345GL (if anyone is remotely interested in looking it up).