Hey Pandas, What Situation(s) Happened When You Absolutely Could Not Stand Working With A Coworker At All? (Closed)
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I work in banking and my coworker decided she was the boss, at a lower position than I. She would always instruct people that there were better capable people to help.
So when the day came that she needed my help, I said no. I'm sure there are better capable people than me. Always shooting me down. If the interaction was brief she would say I must not know what I'm doing. Ha ha ha. I called her out on it and then just stopped talking when she flipped.
She cried and cried for days and eventually tried to be the "bigger person" and bought me a plant as an apology. I just said I didn't want that s**t in my office and I'd be happy to throw it in the trash.
She requested a transfer. Like lady, if u can't handle ur own dishes, u need to fudge off and understand how toxic you really are.
If it was a fruit bearing plant, I would have kept it but still hate her.
My coworker (female) once said to me and a colleague (also females, both survivors of sexual abuse) that the 'me too' movement is a load of bull and if a man took a woman out on a date and paid he has every right to expect sex in return. She has two daughters.
Currently she also 1. Believes covid doesn't exist, 2. Doesn't understand why her mask had to cover her nose because she talks with her mouth, 3. Refuses to get vaccinated and says she'll wait and see what happens to all of us who were guinea pigs.
And for some reason she expects the company to give us gifts and free food and meal vouchers all the time? I don't know where she got that idea from.
1.) I'm very sorry you and your other coworker had to go through such abuse. 2.) Just by your description of the other coworker, I already despise her.
I’m a Human Resource Director and we hired an Engineering Manager. The company paid for his relocation, so it wasn’t like I was going to get rid of him that easily. He was hired by our parent company when he applied there and they didn’t have a spot for him. We had to travel quarterly to the main location. Most often was in a company plane, but on occasion it was scheduled elsewhere so we would fly commercial. He was the most misogynistic person I have ever met. His first day, in orientation, he asked if I was going to bring his mail to him and run errands! It was a manufacturing company and I was the only female in an upper position there. I told him absolutely not, he could walk up front and get it like everyone else. Our Plant Manager did his own errands and got his own mail!!! He was constantly demeaning towards me and female machine operators/test techs. He would often make a big deal out of HIM driving when we traveled, not even hesitating to say it was because he is a man (one year we flew into Chicago, renting a car to drive to Minneapolis. He continued driving in blizzard conditions, we slid off the road, and ended up staying the night in some museum in a TINY town in the middle of nowhere with a couple of others who couldn’t make it through either, sleeping on Victorian couches and other uncomfortable furniture. Though the lady was amazing, even made us breakfast the next morning. Anyway, you get the picture. We had a cafe in town that made the most amazing grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. So anytime I was made to travel with him, or he was particularly trying, I’d tell the Plant Manager he owed me a sandwich. He knew how much I despised him and never failed to deliver 😂. The night he ran off the road I happened to be on the phone with the manager. After telling him what happened, I informed him he definitely owed me at least 2 sandwiches for this trip!
When I first started a job, there was one coworker who wouldn't even show me around just because she wasn't my trainer. She also completely ignored me whenever I had questions and would often disappear at the most inconvenient times when the store was very busy and when I was by myself. And she claimed to a manager that I wasn't working when SHE was just chatting with other coworkers. We hated each other. When I tried to reconcile with her, she said "I'm here to work, not make friends." In no way did I want to be friends. I just wanted a coworker who knew how to communicate. It was such a toxic environment.
not at work but at school. there was the girl in my class last year (and im not trying to sound mean or whatever) but she had weight issues. anyway whenever you argue or do anything she doesnt like she would have a fit and tell the teacher that we were fat shaming her. apparently she is always used to getting her way at home.
in science class once the teacher paired us with someone and lucky me had to work with her. she never did anything at all. we ended up getting 98 on it all because of me and when i told the teacher that she never did anything she told everybody i was fat shaming her. i eneded up getting 1 week detention AND a 0 on the assignment.