Please put what has been shocking to you, perhaps something like the packaging on your shampoo is wasteful. Note: please put the country/region you found it in so that we know where to be careful!
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Covid-19. A lot of people are claiming the virus isn't real, but it IS! What about the THOUSANDS of people that have died? Is that FAKE? No! The virus is real people, some things are just hard to believe!
There is a new side-effect they are calling the "Long Haul". It is when the symptoms never really go away - for months and months and months. This flu is not kidding!
Hitler was nominated for a nobel peace prize. The nomination was cancelled and nobody even won a nobel peace prize in 1939. Cause, you know, War.
Muslims are being held in concentracion camps in china, they are being forced against their religion whilest also being beaten and tortured, the news hasn´t been giving this issue a lot of attention, but we need to take actions against it. This has been going on for several months.