A lot of us have ended up in a situation where a snarky remark is well deserved, however often people hold their tongue to keep the piece. I would like to hear your stories of when instead of holding back, you let someone know how you really felt.
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Some girls on the volleyball team were bullying me and one of them had like a little minion so I said, at least I don't have to pay people to hangout with me cuz you're intolerable to even be around. The reason they were bullying me was because I was changing in the locker room and I didn't wear regular bras. I wore training bra cu I'm a late bloomer, but they were continuously talking about it during practice. Plus now in highschool no one really likes me cuz they think I am some weird gay kid and most of the openly gay kids are very weird but I mean. I'm probably the most low key one on my whole school.
I used to work with a woman who was always asking when my baby was due. I have never been pregnant nor do I desire to be. I just have had a rounder midsection and I am actively working on losing weight. I had lost some weight when she asked again when I was due. I snapped and told her, “ It’s the damnedest thing! I went to the doctor yesterday, I am already 19 months along and the doctors don’t know when I will give birth!” She never asked again.
So someone and their friend were bullying me and I said to the main girl, hey at least I don't have to pay people to hang out with me because you're so
Guys this has stuff wrong with it. Down vote to hell please