The purpose of asking this question is to gain some information about the simple practices in our daily lives to prevent eye problems.


Limit your screen time. Staring at the same close distance, with a bright backlight will eventually cause eye strain. Same goes with reading.
When you are reading take short intervals to look at something else for a moment.
If you find bright lights blinding, wear sunglasses in those situations. I don't buy that sunglasses cause weakness in eyes.
Wear sunglasses in winter to prevent snow blindness.
Read with good light.
Pay attention to changes in your eyesight. It's inevitable as we age.
Go to the optometrist yearly.


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Huddo's sister
Community Member
4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've never heard of sunglasses being blamed for causing weakness in eyes. In fact, after my laser eye surgery when I was 6, I was told I had to wear sunglasses every time I went outside at school, which I hated!


    Don't read or use your phone/tablet while lying in bed. This creates an unusual, unhealthy angle to which your eyes are forced to adapt to.

    Moreover, if one eye is weaker (this happens frequently, and we are not aware of it because initially the differences are very small), the other eye makes an extra effort to compensate and hep the weaker one. In time (and this could mean just a few years), the better eye gets tired, and eyesight deteriorates. This is easily corrected with the right lens. That's why an optometrist/ optician is our best friend.


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    Huddo's sister
    Community Member
    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happened with my eyes, one was bad because of an optic nerve pit, which was corrected with laser surgery, but the other deteriorated trying to compensate before it was picked up. Thankfully after the surgery both stabilised until I had different eye problems almost 10 years later so I didn't have to wear glasses until then.

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