Hey Pandas, What Pets Do You Want And What Names Will You Give Them?
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I want a rescued cat and a dog idc about the breeds or how they look ill call one ace and one arrow 😍♠️🏹
I want a Saint Bernard and I would like to name them Andy! I also want a kitten, Idc which breed and I would name them Danny. All gender neutral names! Then I wan't a bird and name them Jaiden since Jaiden Animations has showed me my hidden love for birds!
Okay, so I really want a sphynx cat (the hairless ones) (yes, I'm one of those people. Weirdness is a strength) named ET the Extra-terrestrial. I also want a Bischon-frise and name it Monsieur Fluffernutter! Or a wrinkly dog and name it Time (like A Wrinkle In Time)
I want a black cat. If it's a girl, I'll name her Lilith, and if it's a boy I'll name him Leviathan, Levi for short.
I would like my little furry mate, Buster, a Jack Russell / Border Collie cross with a smiley grin and a bouncy attitude - loved everyone (except Squirrels and Rabbits).
Sadly died of Leukaemia aged 7, 7 years ago.
I miss him every day .....
I’m so sorry for your loss. The important this is, you know that you must have been a awesome owner. Buster will be in doggy heaven right now, eating all the treats he wants.
I definitely can’t have them all but I want... Two ferrets, called Dice and Domino. A rabbit, called Carrots. Five cats, Sleepyhead, Scrödinger, Boo, Juice and Pixie. Two dogs, Marcus and Draco. Three chickens, Elena, Maggie and Tina. Five goldfish, Rover, Spot, Butch, Rufus and Maxie. Two tortoises, Cabbage and Kale.
At the moment, we have my BFs Rottie, so we can't get any more pets. His name is Hercules (the Rottie) and if I were to get another pet, it would be also a dog, and I would name him Kratos.
I want a golden retriever and I'm going to name it fleetfoot.
If you get this reference you're my new best friend
I really want a lavender corn snake and I would name it flower. I also want a skinny pig (hairless Guinea pig) and I do not know what I would name it
An old, big dog who needs a retirement home and if he/she does not have a name already, I would go With Falcon. Subsequent dogs would be Captain and Marvel. They would have to accept that the cats are the supreme leaders. I need a place in the country. And more money.
I want a pig and name it Hawk... Anime weebs should know the reference...
I also want a black cat and name it Aizawa, a ferret named Draco, a dog named Charlie, and another cat (orange in color) and name it Mic...
I want a border collie and if it's a boy I would name it Cooper, if it's a girl I would name it Bella. Those are my two favorite names ever.
I want a border collie and if it's a boy I would name it Cooper, if it's a girl I would name it Bella. Those are my two favorite names ever.