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If you kiss someone long enough against their will or consent ,they'll eventually submit and go with it.
Or when one of them suddenly grabs the other's face and starts slurping at their mouth and you can TELL that they're surprised and not okay with it but wait a second and oh now they're realize that this is what they really wanted after all. Even worse bc usually its in a m/f relationship and the dude is the one who grabs the girl and it just teaches guys that they can kiss a girl without her consent and she'll like it
When the woman says no it just means the guy has to try harder to win her over. No means no, stop making harassment cute.
The teenaged kid beats the Supreme Grand Master in a fight/super powers contest/ cake baking contest??? First time around because they are the secret chosen one.
Reminds me of 2018 gacha videos. "The hated child becomes the ultra mega hybrid omega lost princess"
It was all just a dream
Agreed. And the worse cousin of this movie trope is: the house wasn't really haunted, you just have undiagnosed psychological issues...
Not double tapping the enemy. Like,when they finally get them with a bonk on the head or something, and have a chance to get away,but they never make sure that sucker is dead!
Whenever I point this out, theres always one person that replies: "If they killed them then and there, they wouldn't make money cause of how short the movie is." like...IDC just kill em!!
Computer geek that can solve any problem or hack any system.
This is the equivalent of having a plumber wire up the mains to your house, or the concrete guy hook up the A/C
The kid with the glasses has no personality besides being smart. This can be done amazingly sometimes but it’s rare.
I agree but I think it is never done amazingly if they have no personality. I need to protect my fellow INTx's
Creating a film series without having a plan for the story. That's just crappy writing.
The fact that girls are either bitchy most of the time and if there not, she can't take care of herself without her SO
I can't stand horror movies where a couple has sex even though they know there is a serial killer on the loose.
Just any trope with glasses. Us with glasses can look super hot with them still on deposite popular belief. Also, just because we wear glasses doesn't mean we're all nerdy geniuses that don't have many friends. Yes, people with glasses can be smart and not have all that many friends, but there's also plenty glasses wearers in CP classes and we can have a larger friend group. I mean, I have 8 friends and know more people even if we aren't friends. Glasses aren't a personality, they're literally just pieces of glass that let people see. They shouldn't affect a whole person's personality.
I also don't understand the trope where people randomly get beautiful because they take their glasses off
'The smart character' can be an expert in every form of science, history, technology, math, literature and geography imaginable. 10 lifetimes of knowledge in an attractive 20-something? No problem! This gets especially tiresome when it's a TV series so the writers keep adding on something new and obscure every episode.
And they can type on an annoying clicking sound keyboard 200 words per minute, hack into any network, and their PC is lightning fast, too!
Cliche of character gets knocked out by a bonk on the head and wakes up several hours later. Sorry but if you're actually out for that long by a head bonk then you're gonna have brain damage.
And the uppercut to the chin automatically knocks out the victim every time, just long enough for a crucial piece of action.
The teenager being the chosen one. Hey kid, ur thirteen! Wanna fight a mass murderer? Nooo??? Didn't ask
Load More Replies...So I Know puberty is happening and you are trying to get a hold on your feelings, but if you would stop moping and kill this horrible interdenominational beast that would be helpful. 'cause the world will end if you don't no pressure or anything, but the sooner the better.
Or children being the only competent persons around while all the adults are brainless
That all teens are mean and depressed and don’t do anything. Because while true in some cases I know that I work hard and do my best to be kind. I know some people are depressed and that’s ok, but I hate that all teens are portrayed that way.
That is so wrong. I am elderly and a bit disabled, but I have often noticed, that the first to give me a hand are teenagers. They do, when they see the need.
Enemies to lovers
I cannot up vote this enough. I just rewatched sequel trilogy of Star Wars, the female protagonist falls in love with the evil(ish) antagonist who has dedicated himself to space Nazism due to daddy issue, the guy tortured her, sliced her friends spine and killed a lot of random people and none of these things made her think maybe he's not the guy for me. It's all just bad writing.
Oh man, when a character gets roped into something embarrassing/ridiculous when all they would have to do is say "no,you've misunderstood me there!". Same as the stupid, not what it looks like moment!
Yea, I end up turning it off and coming back(usually an hour later) when I've mentally prepared myself to take in the stupidity
1. The runner trips. 2. Machine gun fire, but no one gets hit by a bullet. 3. Forward, Flashback, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.
Girl named Tiffany moves to D---- Horse Ranch, meets Sexy Stable Boy, tames wild horse, falls in love
Side note: research 'The Tiffany Effect'. It's when things seem out of place as too modern. The name Tiffany is in fact an ancient name. From the word 'epiphany'. But Moses meeting Tiffany sounds wrong!
Any movie where to escape/save everyone/do anything, the main character needs a love interest. Or when someone is like "Oh we are best friends!" The male friend hits puberty and the female character develops a crush on him. And crappy coming of age movies, where the characters do dumb stuff. Or any movie where just to move the plot along they are complete idiots.
Imo puberty is one of the most unattractive stages in life. This acne is NOT doing me any favors 😤
Characters made for "Modern Audiences"
Their only defining character trait is their gender, sexuality and/or ethnicity, and the movie is made to show how great they are for having said traits on the expense of anything that makes a movie entertaining.
There are also sub-tropes within that:
- The Mary Sue, which is perfect right from the start, knows no obsticales, struggles or weaknesses and is the ultimate being (Rey from Star Wars)
- The diversity switchout, a character that became female or changed skin colour in replacement for an original character (Ghostbusters 2016; The next Snow White movie by Disney; Terminator Dark Fate)
- The "Empowered Woman", an unhinged psychopath that acts and looks as manly as possible to be seen as strong and independent (Teela from "Masters of the Universe Revelation; Captain Marvel)
- The new and improved youngster that teaches an older hero new values and showing him/her all the mistakes of the past and why they should be ashamed.
Journalists, Critics and people from the Industry often claim their movies fail because of racism or misogyny - In reality they simply fail to be interesting and entertaining.
Is it really that hard to come up with new characters, relatable and likeable protagonists and original content nowadays?
I tend to agree with this, especially that last sentence. If I was a marginalized person and writers can't come up with new stories to for a more modern world, I would be upset that their best effort was just to recycle some old move but switch genders or race. It's very lazy and tiresome.
Revenge as a justification for obscene level of violence. How many Hollywood films revolve around this trope? And then people are shocked when someone shoots up their workplace over some trivial gripe
The world is about to be destroyed by whatever and the only two people who can save us all are a divorced couple who hate each other, but realize they still love one another after a good portion of the planet is destroyed, and they ultimately save the day.
I’m an English teacher and I know the definition of the word trope. Obviously, JoeShmoe, you do not watch enough third-rate apocalyptic movies.
For no reason, mention some obscure ruling in a particular sport the film happens to feature. The guess what? It is the final around of the sport and this obscure rule happens to come up, giving the hero the chance to win the all important game! Go Team!
That's an example of the Chekhov's Gun principle. Basically, a powerful or unusual element is not (and/or should not be) introduced into a story unless it is to be used. It makes for predictable stories when something like that sticks out and then you just spend the rest of the movie waiting for its opportunity to come up.
Any hallmark movie. Give me the first letter of any Hallmark movie and I can tell you the plot. My sister loves these. For those who have never heard of hallmark movies, here’s the basic plot of every. Single. One. Handsome guy meets girl, girl and guy mildly despise each other. Eventually they come to love each other. Then some misunderstanding makes the girl hate the guy. Then the misunderstanding is resolved and the couple live happily ever after.
That if a guy likes a girl he has no life away from her. His only interest is her.
Any that have the fat/sotty/ginger/female character only there for the main characters to laugh at and poke fun until right at the end they'll get a bit of begrudging respect for coming good when needed. LIke Ron Weasley is one of the laziest character's ever written.... oooh let's all laugh at the bumbling, ginger peasant for a while until Harry shows us the light. Or the female prositute characters in some movies/books that are only there so they can be redeemed in some way
The trope where the average to subpar guy/dude with the personality of a rotten turnip always hooks up with the beautiful, brainy, actually good person woman. (Vince Vaughn, movies as an example)
The clueless dad character frustrates me. Completely inept at everything in life, but somehow saves the day through the power of luck and pluck. Also somehow managed to find a way hotter and smarter wife.
Where every movie has to have a gratuitous romance even when it adds nothing to the plot.
How people run or jump out of a building to get away from a huge explosion.... and AREN'T burnt to a human crisp and die. You can't just JUMP!!!
Or how they jump from rooftop to rooftop without shattering at least an ankle.
I hate the best friends to lovers trope. Sometimes it can be cute, but seriously. Two people (especially guys and girls) can be friends without wanting to sleep with each other!
This is one of those tropes where it's an incredibly slippery balancing act. When it's done well it can be absolutely amazing and super touching and some of my favorite stories, but when done in a lazy and formulaic way it crashes hard anywhere from yawn to downright offensive.
Historic fiction films where there isn’t enough story so characters spend too much time riding places (we must go to York!, wait, Aylesbury, hold on, back to York) and fighting meaningless fights ( kill them all! No, them! Let’s change allegiance for the 5th time). Boring!
During the War of the Roses allegiances changed all the time. Baron Stanley infamously abandoned Richard III in the field at the Battle of Bosworth Field.
I'm sick of movies that jump around in time. I guess they're thinking it makes them look smart and artistic if viewers have to try and assemble the timeline like some sort of jigsaw puzzle?
Immean most make sense, you just have to pay more attention. It isn't hard.
The female characters in anime shows where their only purpose is to cheer on the protagonist or provide healing (to justify them hanging around). Worse is when they are a well renowned fighter, and /or have a powerful skill that is never used so the new hero on the block with no clue can swoop in and save her with the power of determination! Writers really need to develop their female characters. There are some great female characters, but alot are annoying, and boring.
Oh, and I'm not sure if this counts but boobs that go 'boing boing'... It's just weird.
- Sex
Characters always want to bang each other, always portrayed as convenience (babies? nevermind! murderer? even better! matching underwear? always!)
- Misunderstanding/lack of communication
And the whole plot is based on this.
Pointless sex scenes, especially in movies with a lower rating than R so you can have that awkward viewing moment with your folks. SNACKS ANYONE? I'LL BE IN THE KITCHEN.
The fact that superheroes with superpowers have to look like they spend hours at the gym. They have superpowers; they don't have to be in shape (Okay, "Hancock" was a drunk, couldn't land worth a dam but STILL was in great, physical condition!). How about a five foot two, 300 pound "Wonder Woman" or "Superman" versus the "ripped" versions of the same!
The trope where a character literally exists just to add drama for no reason. I don't mind a well-thought-out rival with a proper background story that actually proves a challenge for the main character. What I hate are the ones where some random dude/dudette gets dropped into the plot with some random excuse (I moved here from Texas!) and is immediately an arsehole to the main character, who spends the entire duration of the new character's visit being a pushover and finally getting rid of the new character/overcoming the new character's meanness super easily.
The only reason the woman/family has to die is to motivate the man to do something (I rarely see it the other way round but it's equally upsetting).
When the hero and the villain are in a life or death struggle but still find time to have a chat.
Or long monologues when the characters have no time at all and you're just screaming "RUN AWAY ALREADY" but of course they don't because they're monologuing or the villain is
Magic, especially a broad magic that gives you the powers of a god, but it doesn't work when you need it to.
Seriously, if Hermione could fix her teeth, why can't Harry Potter fix his eyesight?
When there are 2 people who hate each other (usually man and woman) but they have to work together as a team to solve some problem and they can only do it together. Then they end up falling in love even though one of them (usually the man) is a complete ass
The guy falls for the girl or vice versa. Why can't a guy fall for a guy or a girl fall for a girl more often?
Because they want money from homophobic countries so any lgbt content has to be easy to edit out for distribution to said countries. Then quite often the film doesn't get allowed into those countries anyway because they are also racist and one of the main characters is black (has happened more than once in China or Saudi Arabia).
I hate the trope that in married couples even if the husband is really over weight and VERY average looking he still has to have a hot wife. The man can be obese but NEVER the woman. OK there may be times the man is not fat, but this is occasional. Yet his wife has to be beautiful at all times, always in full make up even at 7 am when she's yelling at the kids to get up for school and never a hair out of place. Also The guy has to be the "fun" parent where the wife has to the permanent nag and buzz kill and always putting everyone down.
According to all movies, books, series, etc... All ugly people are evil retards who have all the flaws one could ever imagine, and all good looking people are perfect saints. It is stupid, wrong, and very harmful for many people because everyone tends to believe it.
One of the parents, usually the mother, has died leaving the other parent alone with the middle school age child. Then the surviving parent falls in love with another person. The parent is usually hesitant to fall in love again but the child keeps pushing until the couple marry and everyone lives happily ever after. (Most Hallmark movies)
All you really had to say was Hallmark movies and everyone will know what you are talking about
Where the bad guy with a weapon finally has the unarmed good guy cornered, but the bad guy hesitates just long enough for the good guy to overpower him.
Where the characters having sex look like they're in a wrestling match.
Where the whole world is threatened and only 1 or 2 people know how to remove the threat and save the day.
That a character can be pummeled in the face, knocked on the head multiple times, thrown into walls...yet still gets up and wins the fight.
I've never been able to put my finger on why exactly, but mistaken identity stories make my skin crawl, especially when there's a romance involved.
The Nerd. Like that's all their known for. And they always chase after the most popular person.
"Wow, she is so mean and shallow / he is such an arrogant dickhead! That's all I have always hated! I want her/him!
When several cops all show up at the front door, but nobody covers the back door, which is where the bad guy always escapes.
Okay okay. Strap in this is gonna be kinda long. This is mostly a trope (multiple actually) in Disney channel shows. First, the main character is this nerd that has glasses and braces (ah ha.. humor based on my pain.) and gets called ugly and nobody wants to be their friend etc... but then they get their glasses knocked off and everyone is swooning. Then there's also "The popular girl trope". Yes a lot of popular girls in real life are really mean but a good chunk is actually really nice and good people, and this trope gives them the impression that they're mean, when they're nice. But back to the trope itself, they usually bully the main character (again, a nerd with glasses and braces) and say things like "Guess what, I'm having a birthday party this weekend and *glances up and down for a dramatic pause* you're not invited." Usually in the show the character breaks. Down. Irl, nobody cares about your birthday, Tiger print fur coat hot pink Samantha. But that's not to say there arent hidden Disney channel gems out there. While I lost interest a long time ago, Bunk'd will always hold a special place in my heart.
The "I'm depressed/insert mental illness here/extremely toxic but now everything is fine because I'm in love" trope. That's not how that works. Coming from someone with depression. Yes, finding someone who cares and can help you might make it better, but it isn't the magic cure-all for your problems.
Also, lgbtq+ or poc characters that don't have any other personality.
This might sound horrible at first, but please read. I believe that the LGBTQ+ characters are portrayed as the "all out" gay person without character traits, normal hobbies/friends (really whatever you can think of) because the literal older world/ older geners, media, social and political beliefs still are not fully on board and accepting. I believe it is just a stunt for millennials and the younger generations for publicity?, money? "They" obviously do not understand and that is why the LGBTQ+ community is represented so poorly.
Monologuing!!! Ticks me off every time in all forms of media, but ESPECIALLY video games! Like, i'd have ended this battle already if i was allowed to poke him with a sword while he was taking a frigging hour to tell me how he's already won and blah blah. And the main character just stands there and listens to it? Who has patience for that!?
Movies where the protagonists are kids or teenagers and all the adults are either oblivious to their antics, don't listen to them, or are simply not there for whatever reason. Just as bad when the kids don't go to any adult for help or advice.
Struggling artists who have only one job, and that is to be an artist, but they somehow live in expensive character studio apartments or big lofts with an upstairs (or just anywhere, where they have to pay rent, and without a cosigner), have tons of expensive art supplies and REALLY big canvases, and they're drinking fancy espressos at fancy, expensive cafes, or expensive wines.
And how artists just manage to sketch/paint someone or something within 15 minutes or less, without making any mistakes and tossing the whole thing.
Painting/drawing outside without someone coming up and pestering them. (Yes it can be irritating to the artist, and it happens often and that is why you don't see many artists creating work outside.)
Plain jane turns out to be a total hottie after she takes of her glasses
That any movie that contains an atheist character will at some point admit they believe in god or find faith, or pray or some other nonsense. But it never seems to go the other way. It's just so blatant and blech. Not something that happens in real life and it's just so preachy.
The worst I've seen was on episode of scrubs. Dr C*x was having a go at Nurse Roberts for believing in God despite all the suffering they witness. Later a 9 year old girls is stabbed, and after being scanned, a tumour is revealed. Nurse Roberts is like, see god works in mysterious ways! So your god had a child STABBED just so he could show you the life threatening tumour he put in her body?? Why??!?!?!
Any movie where the villain is killed at the end so the good people just walk away or kiss without making sure they’re really dead. Then the villain starts to get up and shoot them…only to be shot dead by the unlikeliest person in the background. Dudes, make sure your villains are dead before celebrating.
Never turn your back on a downed enemy, and ALWAYS. CHECK. FOR. A. PULSE!! Why do they never learn?
The "white savior" trope, should've been retired ages ago instead of winning Oscars, along with the "magical minority".
One of the worst examples of the "white savior" is the Last Samurai where Tom Cruise goes to Japan to become the ultimate Samurai. Just embarrassing. Dances With Wolves is almost as cringe worthy.
Movies with middle schools being portrayed with the “cools kids” and “bully” and the main character always being bullied. I understand that bullying is an issue, but it makes the movies all seem the same.
And there are the preppy guys, the crowd of arrogant jocks and stupid cheerleaders in a car, the three mean girls whom everyone hates but nobody talks back to them for some reason while they walk down the corridor abs push everyone, the nerds whom people feel forced to pretend they don't like themselves... Long story short : cliques are a myth, and a crappy one.
That explosions and greenscreens are a replacement for storylines and good acting. *cough* Michael Bay *cough* *cough*
That all woman look similar. There is a much greater diversity in looks in male oscar winners.
Movies based on books that are so drastically changed the main characters become unrecognizable.
Why characters in relationships feel like they have to tell their partner any time someone kisses them, even if they didn't invite it and it meant nothing. It ALWAYS causes the relationship to break up. And when one partner wants to give an ultimatum or break up, they tell the other one at some inconvenient time that "I have something very important to talk to you about tomorrow". Thanks for giving me a night of insomnia. Finally, does everyone who has sex for the first time with a new partner destroy half the room flinging each other into walls full of shelves and across tables, completely overcome with passion?
I hate the best friends to lovers trope. Sometimes it can be cute, but seriously. Two people (especially guys and girls) can be friends without wanting to sleep with each other!
Oh no! There’s a savage storm coming and the hotel only has one room left. Guess we’ll have to share the room. The inevitable argument about who gets the bed, but we can share that, too. Waking up the next morning in bed together. Uh, oh! Did we have sex? (Come on, both people know if they had sex or not)
not in los vegas you dont ;) /j fr tho, those are a bit annoying
When there's something like assigning powers and everyone gets a common one but the main character is "different" os "chosen" or "special" and their power hasn't been around for years, or is different from everyone in their family, or it doesn't exist.
I would love to see one where the main character is normal and someone else is the unique one instead.
That all girls dream about a wedding day/dress. Seriously never thought about it as a kid and I do not understand women who care that much about something so silly and wasteful.
No one ever says “goodbye” or its equivalent when ending a phone call. They just hang up. Who does that IRL?
I don't specifically "hate" anything. I have to say though, that Joseph Campbell-esque "hero's quest" bit needs to be laid to rest. It's old, worn out and been a zombie for far too long. And everyone seems to love it. 🤦♀️
Campbell wasn't making something up. He was observing that most stories fit a pattern which he called the "hero's quest" or "hero's journey". There are good and bad examples, but that's what stories are. If you can come up with something else, go for it.
The simple act of leveling a gun at someone causes the sound of the slide being racked.
Or they fire a 9 mm handgun (or a 12 guage shotgun) with one hand and there's no recoil.
1: the heroes best friend is black or brown, so none of what they do is racist.
2: that no one stutters or forgets what they are trying to say
Happy endings. Too many movies finish with every problem resolved. Real life is not like that.
when the thin girls personality is that she eats massive amounts of junk food.
The funny man, obese, and average looking husband character having a model worthy, thin, and overly attractive wife.
The ability to see objects under water with perfect clarity, even without goggles or a mask. How else would someone find that critical thingy they need to escape the flooding cavern, ship, villain's lair, either before or after navigating a submerged death trap of a maze (on one breath, of course).
Ah, yes. For me, it's that thing where the dream team of like four guys and one tomboy girl have to infiltrate some high-end party or something.
So they decide, "hey, we need to flirt with the villain while in disguise so we can steal something from his house".
The guys all look at the "I don't wear dresses or makeup because that's dumb" girl and go "yeah. you're gonna be the decoy."
So they stick the girl in the dress and some bright lipstick and suddenly Careless Whisper starts playing as she steps dramatically out of the makeshift changing room.
Anyone who steals a car magically finds the seat and mirrors are set just the way that suits them.
One person can take a hundred bullets to the head walk up to the shooter and punch him/her knocking them out clean and then drive themselves to the hospital
I have two at the moment, but there are loads haunting my brain:
1. All vampires are sexy, late teens/early twenties and hot as f***. No one looks like Nosferatu. And where does all their money come from?
2. The bad guy finally has the good guy tied/strapped/ imprisoned and then they start up a conversation about why the bad guy is doing all the usual bad guy stuff. And how he's going to laugh when he finally kills the good guy, who miraculously breaks free/escapes/whatever. Why didn't he just shoot him when he had the chance. Why does it matter to the good guy as to why the bad guy did all those things?
Nobody acts like they feel sore or hurt or so much as strained a muscle after a physical altercation. It’s rare to see bruises or black eyes afterwards, unless there’s a raw steak to put on it. It’s even more unusual to see the injury heal over time and the bruises change colours. No broken nails or scraped knuckles from fist fights or trying not to fall off a cliff.
Hate it when an entire family/town/city/country/planet are submissive/abused/enslaved/oppressed and no one from there ever thought to change anything. Someone not related/never lived there/just passing through has to liberate everyone. Like it won’t happen again. The population is suddenly smarter and will continue to improve. (Especially in the Old West -- everyone could handle a gun. One person is not going to terrorize a town when anyone can shoot ‘em down.)
Isekai anime tropes, modern character dies and comes back to life in a new world. Gets a weak ass ability or becoming the weakest species into the strongest person there is.
Busting out the violins during emotional moments. Loud noises just ruin it. Come on, I want to focus.
nah, you gotta bust out the small violins instead lol images-10-...a248d.jpeg
action film: a bajillion of the bad guys get shot, but when it comes to the real antagonist, it's a one-on-one fist fight.
Then, when the villian is almost done for, the hero goes "No, I won't kill you. It's not right." Dude, what about the dozen or so nameless guards you slaughter on the way in here? I didn't see a wink of remorse from you about ending their lives
All of them. If it's ubiquitous enough to be considered a trope, throw it out, stop repeating tired cliches and come up with your own ideas.
Every time they mess up a potentially great movie with a f****n relationship.
I'm talking to you, Hancock. Deadpool.
It’s not possible to outrun an exploding fireball, especially in a narrow corridor or tunnel, except in the movies.
All the Miss Marple-type English shows made only for people aged 60+ where you never see any teenagers or children. They simply don’t exist.
That the good guy is losing to the baddie the whole mivie except for last five minutes, when they prevale. Give me a Sherlock who’s on top of the game from the start because they’re just. That. Good.
Plain jane turns out to be a total hottie after she takes of het glasses
I don't know why this is being downvoted because it is totally true! Looking at you Princess Diaries and She's All That!
The rope trope
The character is precariously negotiating his way up a rope or along a ledge,
We see the rope fraying, we see the characters foot stumble and rocks or pieces of ledge fall , the rope snaps but just at that moment, the heroes arm appears to grab the climber ant stop him / her from falling to certain doom
The fist fight where the villain has a gun. As the hero tries to disarm him and they are tightly clinched together, the gun goes off. Shocked looks on their faces until one of them slowly falls dead. Bad guy always died. Hero always unscathed.
Better yet, when two (or more) people are pointing guns at each other and they have a heated discussion but on one fires. Never. Ever. Happens.
Where a couple is having a huge argument and everything they say is in turn, he says then she says and the whole argument is so articulate. People scream and say dumb things and talk over each other.
The countdown before the evil device is activated
Is this a trope? In a heterosexual couple, the man is always taller than the woman, even in diverse and progressive movies.
She is thé ago of his granddaughter a brilliant model and he well… if she just drops her expectations she could be so happy
Any Magic/Fantasy show where the good guys have to search for a missing book, talisman, pages from a book, magic wand, etc, in order to advance the plot. You know they will find it, but then, there will be something else to find!
I hate it when a car is in a movie crash it will explode for hardly any reason. The car industry makes these things as safe as possible (unless it’s GM with its faulty ignition switches).
I hate the best friends to lovers trope. Sometimes it can be cute, but seriously. Two people (especially guys and girls) can be friends without wanting to sleep with each other!
Will Farrell being funny.
Overbearing Matriarchs, dumb (or usually fat / clumsy / greedy / "whipped") dads. As much as I loved Turning Red I could've done without those tropes in it.
When cops yell stop from across a parking lot and a chase ensues that lasts a loooong time. I can write crap like that.
They always announce themselves from too far away, allowing the suspect to easily escape.
Mom made a feast for breakfast; 20 eggs scrambled, a heaping plate of bacon, a mountain of pancakes, the works. But Dad only has 3 sips of coffee before leaving for work, the younger sibling is eating a bowl of cereal instead, oldest sibling grabs a random fruit and rushes out the door, and the middle sibling takes a few bites but leaves for school soon after. I'd hate to see what the grocery bill for that family is like
The bad guy that just keeps on coming back, even though they've been shot, butchered and beaten to a pulp. The fact that they keep coming back is terror #1 in the film and everyone involved knows it, but SOMEHOW nobody bothers to chop the damn guy's head off or something once they finally have him down. No, they just shoot him in the leg once and think it's over. Looking at you, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I hate it when cops in TV or movie beat suspects up or torture confessions out if "the bad guys". It's never okay irl and can lead to guilty people walking free or innocent people making false confessions.
What about the ones where the very average girl gets a makeover, becomes hot and wins at life. ( I'm looking at you, Anne Hathaway.)
I see most films on TV, and I simply don't want to finish seeing a film, where the characters act stupidly, or at least more stupid, than I believe I would in a similar situation.
Plus: anything where a huge part of the plot revolves around people not speaking up about important stuff. Or always interrupting. Not listening. This drives me nuts.
Load More Replies...Mom made a feast for breakfast; 20 eggs scrambled, a heaping plate of bacon, a mountain of pancakes, the works. But Dad only has 3 sips of coffee before leaving for work, the younger sibling is eating a bowl of cereal instead, oldest sibling grabs a random fruit and rushes out the door, and the middle sibling takes a few bites but leaves for school soon after. I'd hate to see what the grocery bill for that family is like
The bad guy that just keeps on coming back, even though they've been shot, butchered and beaten to a pulp. The fact that they keep coming back is terror #1 in the film and everyone involved knows it, but SOMEHOW nobody bothers to chop the damn guy's head off or something once they finally have him down. No, they just shoot him in the leg once and think it's over. Looking at you, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I hate it when cops in TV or movie beat suspects up or torture confessions out if "the bad guys". It's never okay irl and can lead to guilty people walking free or innocent people making false confessions.
What about the ones where the very average girl gets a makeover, becomes hot and wins at life. ( I'm looking at you, Anne Hathaway.)
I see most films on TV, and I simply don't want to finish seeing a film, where the characters act stupidly, or at least more stupid, than I believe I would in a similar situation.
Plus: anything where a huge part of the plot revolves around people not speaking up about important stuff. Or always interrupting. Not listening. This drives me nuts.
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