Doesn't have to be specific.
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I have a 5 year old puggle. Pug and beagle mix. But i believe she might be a monkey in a dog like costume as she has so much energy
A pitbull mix who is black with a white nose and orange brindle on his legs.
He's the laziest bum ever and I love him SO much.
I have a lovely, yet slightly hyper, border collie mix. She's adorable and I completely love her, but sometimes she can drive my family crazy lol.
Three cats, but one is more mine and less the family cat. He is a black and white tuxedo cat, with spots that look like a mustache. He was born a stray, but his family lived in by backyard before I moved, so I know his entire family tree, or more accurately, pile of twigs. He is also kind of a dummy, constantly meowing and running into things, and barking at bugs in the window (yes, a cat that barks). I still love him anyway!