Mine is the quiet, I get the heebie-jeebies.


Fear of Republicans aka Idiotophobia.



Thalassophobia. Being in water I cannot see the bottom of. I am OK if I am in a boat but there is no way I am swimming.


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Deutschland Mädchen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lakes, especially muddy ones, make me extemely nervous. I love to swim, and I try to ignore the feeling, but you can bet I'll scream if something so much as a lilypad brushes up against my leg.

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Coulrophobia brings on feelings of fear when you see clowns or clown images. It's a specific phobic disorder that causes anxiety, a racing heart, nausea and profuse sweating.

I don't have those reactions, but they make me very uncomfortable and I start imagining all the worst things - like they are serial killers or going to do something very bad to someone. Probably have watched too much TV in my life.


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Tanja Jonk
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I relate! Look at a picture of John Wayne Gacy as a clown and tell me clowns are not creepy!

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Musophobia. A fear of rats. I s**t my pants when there are any in my vicinity



Balloons... Globophobia


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Mary Rose Kent
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m not afraid of balloons, but I really hate them—they’re atrociously bad for the environment.

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Postphobia. I'm scared of the mailbox. Sounds ridiculous, but it really isn’t. I used to have some lawsuits and even though they ended successfully, I'm still scared of mail.



Achluophobia or Nyktophobia is the fear of darkness. As long as I can clearly see everything I´m fine. But when it´s so dark somewhere that I began to have problems with my sight I started to feel anxious and I´m in need for light.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I live for the dark and the cold. It's said that people hide in the dark and the shadows but I find that when I cross paths with anyone at night, I meet they're more genuine self. Besides, the Marine Corps always told me that the scariest thing in the dark is me 😉😆

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Trypophobia, including clusters of little things, like fish eggs.
And fish with missing eyes. A fish store in my city was selling piranhas with no eyes or one eye. It was so gross and creepy.
Fish just disturb me. We had a piranha and a coconut convict in the same tank living in harmony for a while. I guess my dumb ex wasn't feeding the piranha enough and started eating the coconut convict, but not entirely in one meal. The damn fish was still alive when it was just it's head, laying on the bottom of the tank, looking around and bopping it's mouth. Before it was eaten it laid eggs on a rock in the tank. My ex couldn't have shown it to me any creepier than he did. "uh.... I think that coconut convict was a female. Look at the rock...." "Ewwww" and the piranha ate the eggs, too.


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Caro Caro
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Aw sh!t, why did you post this, brrrr, you just gave me the shivers. I understand why this gave you a phobia!

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I'm not exactly courageous, I have many regular phobias, but the weirdest fear that I have is a fear that I have no fear in very serious situations. It irks me to the point you won't believe. In short, the realization of the absence of fear in a situation provokes fear in me. But technically it's more of an anxiety thing, where there is no object of fear.


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Emme K.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

that sounds a little bit like anxiety disorder, in which you can get anxious so much that when you aren't anxious you get anxious that you are going to get anxious or get an anxiety attack. The brain can get so messed up sometimes.

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my sister is afraid of faces, specifically photographs or drawings. animal or human, doesn't matter. she'll move so she can't see them, or take them off the wall, or cover them somehow. it's a trip to watch her squirm if/when she can't avoid them. it also leads to a lot of lying on her part, since she doesn't want people to know she threw their photos and drawings away.



Cleithrophobia, fear of being trapped. Side effect of a trauma. You do not want to challenge my ability to leave, you will lose. Automatonophobia, fear of humanoid figures. Dolls, ventriloquist dummies, the closer it mimics humans (either in appearance, movement, or mannerism) the creepier it is. The Snuggle bear commercials from the 90s still haunts my dreams.



Losing control of my legs and yeeting myself over a banister


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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeeting /yeet/ Verb: To throw oneself from a high space while making a great deal of noise (I yeeted myself from the 10-foot banister)

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i am scared of walking in the dark



I don’t know what some of these are called so bear with me a I I can't be bothered to Google them.

Scared of quiet
Admitting my feelings (don’t know if it’s a real thing but whenever I go to say like I love you my brain just seizes up and I just end up not saying anything)
I have social anxiety I suppose that technically counts
Public transport
Night time
Sleeping in the dark.
Yeah I am really paranoid. All these things make my anxiety go through the roof especially the dark and the quiet like both of those together make me so so paranoid


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good thing there's Doordash and Amazon, because you're a Shut-in, aren't ya

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EASphobia. Instant panic when I hear Emergency Alert System tones...


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Bora Zrinyi
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mother had this too. It came from when she almost died and we had to call the AE and they used their syren to bring her to the hospital. It was traumatic and developed into phobia.

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I don't know if it counts as a phobia, it doesn't cause fear but instead a visceral disgust. I've only ever told two people about it in my life and they both used it against me. I told a kid in when we were both in the second grade (USA) and then I told my adult daughter about 5 years ago. Both thought it was hilarious and used it against me. My daughter claims to have forgotten, I won't be telling her again. Y'all here can't do anything though, so.... I cannot tolerate little pieces of paper or bits of garbage around me, on me, especially thrown at me! It makes my skin crawl. This applys to food containers too. If people leave garbage on their plates, inside their glasses, cups. I stay away from those people forever.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Is that why you prefer the dark? (I've read your reactions) Very awful thing they did by the way...

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Globophobia. Specifically helium balloons. I think it stems from working at Chuck E Cheese as a teen and having to fill 500 a day off the tank, with at least 50 randomly popping. Every balloon was Russian Roulette.


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I'm terrible afraid of roaches. It's not just disgust, seeing one really terrifies me. I love bugs in general, and even find rats and snakes kinda cute, but for some reason, roaches are one big NOPE!



Emetophobia - fear of vomiting/ gagging sounds.


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Emme K.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nausea was a big part of my anxiety disorder, during which I would feel on the verge of throwing up for like a whole hour. Now I can't stand throw up or nausea. It's something I go great lengths to to avoid.

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1. Thanatophobia, fear of dying.
2. Arachnophobia, fear of spiders.
3.Nyctophobia, fear of the dark.
4.Agoraphobia, fear of large crowds.



Vespaphobia: fear of wasps.
The funny thing is I love most arthropods, bugs, bees, spiders, whatever you want to put in front of me, but wasps or yellow jackets? I will freeze in place until it passes or run out of the room. I once locked one in the bathroom and held it for an hour for my Dad to get home. In the summer I carry wasp spray around the house (only thing I kill are wasps and recluses) and I even keep a good distance from Velvet Ants because guess what? They're wingless ground wasps. Eeegh


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Velvet ants are pretty freaky if you don't know what they are. Actually, they're pretty freaky even if you do.

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i dont know what i have, but i noticed that i get super sad if i fail in a tiny thing, like not catching a ball, making mistakes in school, and forgetting something, sometimes i even cry. can anyone tell me what this is?



Misophonia! Not technically a phobia but if I hear you chewing, slurping or any eating sounds in general it makes me want to pick up a small metal folding chair and Wack the perpetrator. Do I? No ofc not! But do I think about it………. Maayyyyybe.


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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeap, i hate even my family members when they eat with me.And my people are eating with closed mouth, not burping etc but the sound of chewing is getting on my nerves.

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Public toilets. I can't with them. They're so gross.🤢


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Miss Marmite
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i got locked in one years ago. tiny ass space with a stinking toilet. scared the s**t out of me

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F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out)



Two things:
Being out of my depth, and
Strangers. I will work down a street, but every stranger I see scares me to death because I don't know if they're a murderer, or a thief, or just some weird creep. I will automatically do this without thinking or realising it, but I automatically lift up my arm and cover my chest when strangers scare me. I think it's like some natural reflex or something to protect my heart and lungs if I get stabbed, I guess.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, I would rather get lost or waste my phones credit by looking it up than ask someone any day!

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Grasshoppers. Is there even a name for that?



Clowns, ventriloquist dummies, masks.



It’s not a phobia yet but I’m working up to it - I hate food touching other foodstuff on a plate. And if anyone dare pour gravy (the British variety!) over any of my food then don’t expect me to eat it. Do not put butter on my bread either.

I’ve been like this since childhood so perhaps it is a phobia after all and just can’t admit to it.


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Mary Rose Kent
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It’s not a phobia per se, but it’s really likely that you are a super-smeller and/or a super-taster. Those of us who are one or the other (or—worse—both, as am I), hate most foods, and definitely don’t want them to touch each other without our making that decision for ourselves. When I was growing up, my mother made us all eat things we didn’t like saying it would save us from embarrassment in social situations—boy, did she misjudge that! After a childhood of eating things I hated, I vowed I would never again eat something I hate.

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Samhainophobia. The fear of Halloween. Whenever I see anything like animatronic Halloween decorations or even animatronics in general I get a panic attack. Non-moving ones won’t give me a panic attack but they can still scare me.


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Andrei Marentette
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

this is the weirdest one, it's a fear of something that is supposed to scare you

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Escalaphobia, fear of Escalators. They're fun to ride yes but I can't help to feel anxiety when I'm on them. I have no control over the direction I'm going. That and I'm afraid of falling inside the machinery (thanks 911 *the show*).


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Peladophobia - The fear of bald people

Yes, it's weird and yet I don't know why I have it.



Being alone. I don't mean spending the day indoors I mean having no friends or anyone that cares again. It comes from past mental health problems


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Caro Caro
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope you have friends and family around. Are there people in your life you can depend on, who support you?

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Not sure this has a name but when I was a teenager I had an overwhelming fear when I looked at the sky that gravity would reverse and I would fall into space.



Bridges. Going under or traveling on. I hold my breath when going under bridges. And I HATE HATE HATE stopping (like at a red light) on bridges, especially when you can feel it bounce/vibrate from other moving vehicles.


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Maryjohn deBrun
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had that all my life until I was well into middle age. Then we had a wonderful road trip out to the east coast to see my brothers in Halifax and while there to see the sights. We had come up through the US along the Atlantic coast and I had never seen or experienced the ocean. We went over, under, and around and through so many bridges that I simply lost count. The one that forever sticks in my mine is the 13 mile one from PEI to New Brunswick, in the rain, with grey ocean acting oceany, on both sides. My husband just said " Buck up, if something happens to you it would be more dangerous on a fast ambulance to the mainland." THAT was what I needed at the time, because I became much calmer and just sort of went into a zone where all the grey and I were together and doing just fine. Before I knew it we were back to the mainland in Canada, and we had loads of bridges on the way home to Ontario. I enjoyed every one of them and not been afraid at all since then. Whew!

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Not exactly fear, but I have a great distaste of bones in/on my meat. I call it Ossophobia.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Understandable, it reminds you that it was an animal that was put through a bandsaw and which therefore died a gruesome death. I have the same disgust.

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idk if this is a proper phobia but…

when i was a kid i sometimes watched this show called Numberblocks? (i think that’s the right name). it was basically about numbers and about subtracting or multiplying or whatever to teach children maths i suppose

not only were the numbers freaky as hell, the villains were the scariest. the one that scared me the most (i’ve forgotten his name) was this old guy dressed all in white- i think he’s called the subtracter - and he would “subtract” numbers with a big white hook.

super scary.



Bridges or piers where you can see through the gaps down to the water. Makes me feel dizzy and panicky



Those ugly a** OTT long fake fingernails! There is just no need!



Idk if there's a name for this, but music when it is played backwards. Like your supposed to hear something in the song when it is played backwards. Makes my heart race and I feel nauseated when a song is played backwards or even if it sounds like it is played backwards.


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Mary Rose Kent
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can handle little eight-leggers (I call the teeny-tiny ones Herbies), but anything bigger than a small button and it’s all over.

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FOBO or koinophobia (fear of living an ordinary life).


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Cécile V.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is boredom. Monotony .Wich can be hard. But the answer is in yourself. Break it. Try

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When my food touches or when I see other people's food that touch. I will use a different plate for each item I eat.


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Maryjohn deBrun
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How much of an impact does this have on your meals? Does it curtail a lot of foods? I hate it when people allow all their food to mishmash on their plate then they throw gravy over the whole mess. I can't watch them then proceed to eat it and either have to find somewhere else to sit or have to carry my food to an empty bedroom and eat in peace! Needless to say, I am not a popular guest. I try to hide the behaviour but somehow somebody says "Were you always so weird?" Easy answer. 'yes'


Skelephobia. I can’t stand skeletons. Especially skulls. They give me nightmares and they really scare me.



Mine is guns and elevators . Elevators scare the heck out of me like I feel that my phone is going to fall down that little crack at any minute


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Guns are totally reasonable to be afraid of because usually they are in the hand of an utter moron.


injection. I hate them, I can say I am afraid of them. So imagine when I have to get my vaccines or anesthesia for something when I am on the dentist, for example.



Stupid one because I know a lot of others have it, Trypophobia, people who don't have it don't take it seriously, so I guess that can consider it "weird"


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Talia Mclaren
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's never stupid to be scared of something, and you shouldn't be ashamed of it. We all are scared of something, even if we don't realise it.


Not exactly a phobia, but when I find a loose hair it makes me feel really uncomfortable.



Agoraphobia. (Fear of big crowds)
I once went to a trampoline park with my whole Stake Ward, the whole waiting room was full and my friend, who wants me to get over the fear, dragged me into the middle until there was no way for me to get out of the crowd without brushing past someone, because we were so smooshed together. I started hyperventilating and ended up hiding outside for the whole time. Still makes me scared to think about...


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Glen MacLeod
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think I'd be very angry with friend. Forcing a "cure" is less than a bad idea.

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When I was like 4 years old, I watched that one episode of Team Umizoomi with the red roller skates, and it gave me Rollerskatephobia. Yes, that's the name they chose. And yes, I'm over it. I was FOUR okay?


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Bacony Cakes
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Will this cheer you up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW7Y0aFVRus


Ichthyophobia, fear of fish. Its just the way they look, smell, just everything about them makes me uncomfortable. I feel like they are staring into my soul.


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Mud spider
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Tbh I think the way fish stare at everything is absolutely hilarious

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Spectraphobia-fear of mirrors-all of my mirrors in my house are covered with towels


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Sabina Rosholt
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get scared because I think something bad will happen in my reflection. Like somebody will kill me or my family

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Dryer lint. Freaks me out beyond words.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

hmmm - makes great paper - think of it as potential paper instead of lint. A change of perspective might be the thing. Worth a try.


Sawgrass, specifically Sawgrass prairies e.g., The (Florida) Everglades. But it’s not really an irrational fear, because of the possible threat of an alligator attack.


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Wasps and hornets, but honeybees and bumblebees are fine.
I believe it's called apiphobia



Dogs and idk the name


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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Me too. I do not understand the adoration of them. I get that they're often kind/sweet/good bois etc/ but I find them physically intrusive, allergenic, smelly, drooly, manic, and loud. Also, the third most dangerous animal by numbers of human deaths after humans and mosquitos. Probably due to having been attacked by them too often. Really do not want to be near them.

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I have the fear of messing up on stage. I am a musician and play concerts, but for some reason, it makes me panic and it messes me up even more to the point I have to restart the song. I messed up on stage once playing piano and the song sounded good, but bad at the same time (like you could tell what song it is, but its so bad you don't like it)


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe try trepiline 5mg before each performance. Take the edge off without messing your skillset.

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The absolute f*cking MAGNITUDE of time and space. It's kind of a bummer.


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Crickets. Orthopterophobia. We had a cricket invasion back in the 80s. My cat would chew off a leg and watch them hop in circles until they ded. All I had was a little stick vacuum. I started with the little ones, ok. A bigger one got sucked up, the machine started to smoke. I unplugged it, and IT KEPT RUNNING! Our house now has crickets outside, but the lizards eat them. Occasionally one gets inside, and hub will catch it in a cup and throw it outside. Then one day I glanced at a big floor cushion, there was a 10 inch long grasshopper on it! AAAAAAAHHHHH! Somehow hub caught it too. My hero.


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Tamra Stiffler
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The largest grasshopper I've ever heard of was 4 inches, but I'm not an expert. 10 inches seems a bit large... perhaps fear colored your estimate?

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My ex had eisoptrophobia, fear of mirrors. She could get really anxious when she was getting a haircut or something, and she would cover every mirror in the house unless absolutely necessary. When getting ready, she would use the camera on her cell phone instead.


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I have carpophobia. It's fear of the wrist, specifically the veins there. I can't wear bracelets without feeling sick, and people grabbing me there is an absolute no.


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Flowers. Fear of flowers. I don't know what it's called, but I hate touching plants and flowers. This one time we had to dissect a flower for biology and I did the whole thing with tweezers. They're fine from a distance, though.



Most of these aren't proper phobias, but here's a list of things I'm scared of:
1. Being forgotten
2. Me or a loved one having a terminal illness, so maybe hypochondria?
3. Clowns. Hate them
4. Dolls, specifically baby dolls. Barbies are fine. I'm getting over my fear of mannequins
5. Buttons. I cannot abide obvious buttons


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Melissa Rodriguez
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same. I don't know if it were those awful butterfly hairclips my mom made me wear as a kid or that one episode of SpongeBob, but I panic if there's a butterfly near me. I can't even look at one in a photograph.

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Escalators. No idea why.


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I have several and I’ll list them in order of my level of fear from 1. manageable
2. Takes great effort to manage
3. Crippling

1. Crowds, jump scares, germs
2. Feet. Baby feet are fine, once someone hits double digits in age, I want no part of them. Don’t touch me with your feet, don’t touch mine, I don’t care if you think they are beautiful with your new pedicure, they aren’t. In my house, wear socks because I don’t want to see your feet. Worse is if your feet touches me. I will flip out and have threatened to break bones if you touch me with your feet. Balloons, everything about them but the random popping feels like my heart is going to burst.
Unworthiness. Fear of just not mattering. Fear of becoming seriously ill or injured and no one cares. I’m convinced if I were to go off the grid or something terrible happens and I disappeared, no one would notice or care.
3. Lightening. I will not leave my home if there is even a chance of rain. It’s from Trauma and no amount of therapy will cure it. I’ve tried. I will avoid it at all costs and if I can’t avoid it, I go in a room with no windows and put in earplugs and take a klonopin to stop the panic… which just takes the edge off. It is truly crippling.

I’m a hot mess. God bless my husband who is super supportive and loving. Life is hard y’all!


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I'm afraid of heights and claustrophobic but those are pretty common.

I'm not sure if this is a phobia, but I have to do things certain numbers of times or else I feel that something bad is going to happen to loved ones.

I'm afraid of sleeping on my back. My theory is that if I fall asleep in any position that I'd fit into a coffin in, I'll die. I sleep in some weird positions, but at least I feel relatively safe.

Turning off the light in the basement and then sprinting for my life for no apparent reason.



Fear of........

P. H. S. E classes. Every sing le one I've been to has traumatised me for the rest of my life


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Mary Rose Kent
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Public Heath & Sex Education? I can’t think of what else P.H.S.E. might stand for.

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I couldn't find it but... I have this irrational fear that certain...entities from my dreams will escape into the material world - and of course, society would collapse and chaos ensue.


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Pretty sure this doesn't have a name but it's strong enough to be considered an irrational phobia but I have an intense awareness of drinks spilling. Drinks that do not have covered tops cannot be left near ledges and I'm constantly watching people's hands when there are drinks served at the table to see if they're going to knock any over. I always push the cap back onto any bottles and if I don't I physically can't let go of it.
I have a similar thing about things actually catching fire from candles but the drinks thing is definitely the most irrational


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Mary Rose Kent
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to burn candles when I bathed, but then one morning, I woke up and found I’d left all those candles in my bathroom burning overnight, at which point, I never burned candles inside again. Ironically, months later there was a fire on the roof of the apartment building, and it was right over my apartment. It’s was a flat-roofed building in San Francisco, and the building manager allowed people to have barbecues on the roof, and one night after one such BBQ, the coals—which had been dumped out into a pile on the roof, didn’t go out as anticipated, and eventually burst into flames when the wind inevitably picked up. I was napping because I was feeling funky, and I’m suddenly awakened by the sound of stomping feet running into the courtyard and shouting “GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!” I jumped out of bed, grabbed my cat, shoved her in the bathroom, shut the door, found her carrier, went into the bathroom, shoved her in, grabbed it, and ran out the door.

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Houseflies. I will RUN from a housefly, but stand next to a bee. Flies TOTALLY skeeve me out.



The sound of Sharpies. It actually makes my skin crawl and break down in fear.


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moose man
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just can’t stand the smell of them (great now I smell one. Or was that because I farted?)

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Homophobephobia. I’m afraid of homophobes, wait no I think that’s just a working brain. Or just trauma from the years of hiding in a game invaded by homophobes every 5 minutes. We’ll never know 😞


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Tamra Stiffler
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I wish we lived in a world where people didn't have to live in fear of just being who they are.


I have a fear of the ocean- pools and creeks are fine. But OCEANS damn. (I recently made a post about why I’m afraid of the oceans) and blondes… they scare me because almost every blonde I meet is abnormally nice or a complete asshole. I’m also terrified of all animals. But I still love them so much!


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ocean: totally rational. Will destroy you and make you into fish food. You have no power over it at all. Pools and creeks contain brain eating amoebas, keep out. lol.


Toothpicks. Someone dropped one on a carpet and it got shoved up in the bed of my toenail. Had to have it surgically removed. I now get cold sweats every time I see a toothpick.



Swallowing pills. For some reason my brain tells me I'll choke on them.



When I was very young I thought all women became pregnant by a certain age and they had to make sure they were married before it happened. As I aged and learned how babies are made, but I still had a fear of immaculate conception or parthenogenesis. I had this fear of just becoming pregnant until about my mid-twenties. Then it just faded away.


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I'm afraid of birds. From far away they are ok but close to me? Brr. I find them gross, the feathers are disgusting to me, their eyes are empty and on each side of their face which I think it's greatly disturbing. The bigger they are the scarier I find them. Seagulls are a nightmare and I think if I saw an ostrich in real life I would die. I could go on and on and on about how I hate them and how they frighten me... And it's a struggle because they are EVERYWHERE :(


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For me it's parasites. Like the little worms that will invade you skin and see crawl under it. Certain rivers in Africa where one can swim up your penis.... YIKES!



Crazy as it sounds... my navel being poked. all because of a Far Side cartoon, lol!


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I don't know if this is a phobia, but I get queasy when I see a messy living space, even if it's not my own. My reaction is proportionate--a bit untidy, I feel mildly uncomfortable, but in a place that is completely wrecked, I start to feel my scalp tingle, my stomach surges and I can go into a full-blown panic. The reason I'm not sure if this is a phobia is because this is not irrational, it is a learned behavior. My parents would beat my siblings and me when we were kids if we made a mess or didn't do our chores.


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Dunno if this has a name, but I have an crippling fear of giant hogweed. They're just so big. I can imagine falling in amongst a whole bunch of them and getting pulled into their midst...*shiver*


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White powder, like corn starch, corn flour, chalk dust or plaster powder. I just can’t stand the “squeaky-ness” of it.

Regular cooking flour is only ok once I have actually touched it.

I have no idea where this has come from!


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Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have the same issue with dry undersides of coffee mugs and chalkboards. So i understand the link between dry/white and squeaky.

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Coulrophobia- the fear of clowns and Swineophobia- The fear of pigs



If the (80L) boiler would fall down on me, while I am below it showering.



Belly buttons.
They give me the heebie jeebies.


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Fear of those tiny little midges you get if you walk near fields that land on you in their 100s! So small you can barely see them but you can feel they’re there!


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Flour, cornflour, chalk, and so on. Just the thought of touching flour gives me the chills. It’s linked to sensory processing and my autism. I am happy with icing sugar though.


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Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same. How about the dry underside of a ceramic coffee mug?? Shudder.


I am freaking tearrified of butterflies but I love snakes. Ikr I'm damn weird🤣🤣



Catoptrophobia and Spectrophobia but like combined? The former is a fear of mirrors and the latter is a fear of ghosts, demons, etc.


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Webs. Not the spiders that make them, I like Spiders. But the Webs they make, just nope. Don't even think about it. Horrible.



Fear of butterflies, junebugs, moths, etc.


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Two things. Roller coasters for one - I am convinced the cars are going to fall off the sides and the riders will all hit the ground and burst apart like watermelons. And the second is dirty sugar. A sugarbowl that somebody has got coffee in makes me want to puke.


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Mine is styrophobia, I cannot handle styrofoam rubbing together. Nails on a chalk board no problem, foam egg containers opening or removing foam packaging from a box just kills me.


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I have Chicken phobia. I'm afraid to be near to chickens, ducks or birds (except penguins). Even looking at their pictures or videos disgusts me. I also don't eat chickens, ducks, or any kinds of birds.


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I used to climb up the ladders in caves and loved it. But now, if I see a photo of like a glass bridge or freaking spooky bridges I get a panic attack! Fear of height's. I went to this one women's camp and went for a walk and came up to an old trestle. I got about five feet into it and I just froze... I could not move at all.


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I dont know if it has some official name, but i have working fobia. It sucks.



Ketchup. It's disgusting. I am terrified of it getting on me or accidentally ingesting it.



I don't have any phobias. If I "discover" something "scares" me, I make myself do it until it doesn't bother me. Of course there ARE things that are dangerous that I do not do, but just "phobias" nope, I refuse to be my own prisoner.


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This isnt really a scientific fear but…
My BIGGEST fear is that Camilo wont be in the Encanto sequal



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