Spill the tea!


When I was about 12 I found a dead kitten on the side of the road and was so sad for the kitten and their family that I biked home and got out my special box (a shoe box decorated with patterned paper) wrapped the poor, dead kitty in a bit of clean cloth and left it in the box on the front porch of the house i found the body by. Then I went home knowing I had done a good deed and that family would feel better about their dead kitty because it was in a special box and I thought no more about it.

As an adult I randomly remembered my good deed... yeah, that family probably didn't even have a kitten. They probably came home, saw a box decorated by a 5th grader, opened it up and thought "What the HELL!!??"

To that family, whomever you are, my sincere apologies. It wasn't a morbid prank, I promise.



    I was likely almost kidnapped and raped. When I was 4-5, I was at a department store with my mother, and she had wandered off, probably chasing my brother. I was painfully shy and scared anyway, but when two adult men approached me, I knew it wasn't okay. They started talking to me, all friendly, asking me my name, and what I was doing there. I was petrified of being rude, so I answered, but didn't feel comfortable, and ducked away as quickly as I could to try to find my mom. I then felt guilty because "they were probably just being friendly," and I was afraid they'd find me and tell my mom I was rude, and I'd get in trouble. I actually felt guilty and ashamed about this for decades until I realized that no adult men have any reason to approach a little child, and like any good predators, I'm sure they could tell that I was easy to manipulate, and I probably was two short steps away from "Want to come see the puppy we have in our car?" or something. I never told anyone about this.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh wow. That really sucks I'm sorry that you experienced that. I don't want to overshadow your story, but I could've been raped too. My ex boyfriend didn't understand the word 'no', and if he hadn't been grounded, I'm sure I would've been. I kind of understand fear behind this.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This kind of fear paralyzes and silences us. And look at most of the comments here, still making excuses for this kind of behavior.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not defending or blaming anyone in this situation, because I wasn't present. But if I see a child without supervision I would be concerned for their safety. Being male doesn't mean I'm bad. But if I think that I'm going to be looked upon negatively for having good intentions then maybe I don't help.

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    2 years ago

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    I can't believe I have to keep explaining this. This is literally why I didn't tell at the time. Dude. THEY WERE NOT TRYING TO HELP ME. They waited until I was alone, because they saw my mom go off, and THEN they started to surround and corner me and ask me personal questions. THEY DID NOT ASK IF I WAS LOST OR NEEDED HELP. Stop f*****g making excuses. I was a child, they terrified and intimidated me on purpose, and they were not "concerned." They were predators. JFC, do better, especially when a child is in a scary situation.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nah, that statement "no adult men have any reason to approach a little child" is gender stereotyping. In Africa we do not assume a man talking to a child is a predator unless the child in question is a teenager and he is offering her something. Sometimes people just want to help.

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Then all they had to say was "Are you lost?" instead of being creepy and close-talking and touching me and asking my name and what I was doing. I shouldn't be surprised at how many of you STILL make excuses for this kind of behavior.

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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Could it be possible that the men were concerned about a small child who seemed to be alone?

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree. How can one say they were nearly kidnapped and raped without knowing their intentions? Just guessing if they kidnapped you they would rape you?? How do you know they waited until you were alone THEN approached? If they wanted to kidnap you they didn't have to make conversation at all. Just grabbed you and ran. A lot of assumptions made in this story for a small child.

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    AK to LV
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was 5'8" in 6th grade. I would have grown men come talk to me and didn't understand it. I finally learned to say 'I'm 12' right away but it took awhile.

    Molly Block
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a story very similar. It was one man though. And I was very gullible and easy to manipulate too. He actually said he had a friend my size, and asked if he could pick me up to weigh me. I let him pick me up under my arms and then he either let me down or I squirmed and he let me down. He then left. I was alone in the toys aisle. Maybe about 6 y.o.? I had no idea how close I was to being whisked away and who knows what. Never told anyone about this either, until now. I'm 53 now. This was in Miami. I think we were at a Zayre's store.

    Rosie Cat
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    2 years ago

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    Rosie Cat
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I deleted my own secret because some people here are really nasty, and I don't find it cute that a person shares something deeply personal and scary and gets down voted.

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    Rosie Cat
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    2 years ago

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    I had a crush on a girl so i took 2 Barbie’s and made them kiss



    One time I split my v****a on a monkey bar type thing.... It had rained the day before and I slipped on it as I was climbing and smashed my croch.........



    I used to take snacks like ziplock bags of cookies and hide them in our VHS collection. A week would go by and we'd have no snacks in the house at all. My mom would find me eating them and watching a movie. She'd ask "Where did you get those??" My answer was always the same "Had 'em."



    I kissed a girl and I liked it.



    At some point in elementary school, I was minding my own business and walking back home after a long day and this random truck pulls up to the nearest stop sign and waits for a really long time as I walk closer.(because that was the way home) Reminder: The road was CLEAR AS DAY and something clicked in my brain that said "If you get ANY closer you are going to get kidnapped" You wanna know what I did to this sketchy truck that was probably going to kidnap me? I held up both of my hands at my chest and.... flipped the driver the bird with both of my hands.. YUP! The funniest thing was IT ACTUALLY WORKED! It got the dude to drive away and leave me be 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



    I was born on a bomb!

    A little clarification: I was born in a hospital in the Netherlands, in 1963. The hospital was probably built somewhere in the 1950’s. Many years later a new hospital was built in another location in the city, and the old hospital was demolished. One day there was a small article in the local newspaper that during the demolishing they found an unexploded WW2 bomb right under where the maternity ward had been…

    According to that news article the bomb could still have gone off all the time.

    Not really a secret, but if some website asks for a ‘secret security question’, I’m often tempted to use this.



    If I was bored I would just start to "eat my cheek". I would start biting the first layer of skin on the inside of my cheek off because I was bored. I was a weird kid....


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom does this all the time. I picked up the bad habit, especially when I'm nervous

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    I used to strip completely naked, crawl inside my pillowcases, and force myself out pretending I was a baby being born. Several times. I was about six.

    I would also wake up in the middle of the night, strip everything off my bed, and meticulously make it up again, then just go back to sleep.

    I was and am a weird kid.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My youngest son had an unusual habit, he was maybe 4 or 5 at the time. He always wanted to wear socks to bed, so of course I'd put some on him. When I went to wake him the next morning (or even from a nap), he would be wearing them on his hands! He never remembered taking them off his feet and placing them on his hands, but he did that for a couple years...lol

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    Okay, so, once when I was five in gym class we were playing soccer. I was the goalie. So, I was excited and when my team got a goal (and I had to go pee) I peed my pants.



    not really a secret but I never told my friends I HaTe hugs from most ppl. I still don't tell ppl that.



    So.. I kinda liked barbies but wasn't really into them but I really wanted to do glow-ups on them (New hair, different faces, stuff like that) and so I would take the heads off of them to redo their hair but I could never get the old hair out so there would just be random doll heads around my room😅



    I decided to do gymnastics in my mother stomach causing her to go into labor and my umbilical cord rapped around my neck, sufficating me and causing my heart to stop for a couple seconds.


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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My daughter was born 2 weeks early with a perfect knot in her umbilical cord. Doc said that had she gone full term there could have been serious problems.

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    I found out the screen time, iPad, computer, parental controls passcode out.


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    When I was little I would take random food items and flush them down the toilet. I especially loved to flush bread because it was fun to watch it get soggy and squish down the toilet hole.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just laughed, hoped my family didn’t hear, and almost shot ice cream up my nose 😆

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    This kid was following me around a playground (we were both in preschool) and I told him if he doesn't stop, I would throw his hat over the fence and out onto the street. He called my bluff and I followed through with it. After that I felt really bad and swore to myself that I wouldn't tell my parents until I was sixty. But anyways that was my darkest secret for several years.


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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In grade school, I was about 7 or 8 yrs. old, a boy sat behind me and was constantly pulling my braids. One day he did it once too often and I picked up a book, turned around and hit him over the head, HARD, with it!

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    I was at a pretty big summer camp, and we were playing capture the flag.
    I was pretty emotional when I was younger, still am, sometimes. I would throw tantrums at the tineist thing and get really, really, mad, espeichally if someone cheated in a game or something was unfair.
    so anyway, we were playing capture the flag, and I was the jail guard. there were like, 4 people in jail, and someone from the other team tried to free them, but I tagged him before he got to the jail, but he insisted that I didn't tag him in time, and he and his buddies just walked away and then mocked me. I think something happened earleir in the game, because I was MAD. like, seeing red spots in my vision mad.
    I tried to talk to the camp councelers, but I was screaming at this point so I don't think they could understand me. this made me so, so, so, mad that I ran up to one of the kids who had freed the people from jail and scrathced him. (I have really long nails, by the way.)
    he was reasonably upset, and the camp councelor was called. since it was a big summer camp, she didn't know my name and so asked me for it. (obiously to email my parents.)
    I was really sad and scared the rest of the day, because I thought that my parents would be really mad at me, but when they picked me up, they weren't mad. they never talked about it. I don't think they even got the email.
    I kept quiet but was scared for years that they would dig up that email and find out.


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    I used to pick off my scabs and eat them… I was a weird kid :)



    I really didn't like using the bathroom when I was little and would hold it until it was to late. One time at my sisters birthday party (my youngest sister) we were about to sing happy birthday and I knew I had to go and I didn't so I accidentally peed myself... 🤫



    Of all the weird s**t I did as a kid... I'll skip that and go ahead with saying my sister's chopping off Barbies' hair habit. We later read serial killers and psychopaths did this as children and I never let her live that one down (she's perfectly normal btw)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to cut my doll’s thumbs off and write “I am a poo bear” on the back of their heads…hehe…because I hated dolls 😅

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    Okay, So as a kid I loved to climb things. Alot. One day, after hockey practice, my tennis ball went over the wall and got stuck under the scoreboard. I didn't want to lose the ball so I f******g ran up the wall and grabbed the top of it. (I was a really tall kid and the wall was only like 10 feet up.) When I ran over and got the tennis ball back I threw it down and jumped off the top of the wall. (I don't know what I was thinking because I prob could have never walked again) But I landed fine and was grounded for a week.



    Not that much of a secret But a weird thing in my eyes that might be normal.

    I had a crush on My bully in like 3-4th grade and his sister gave me a Mini Bouquet of Dandelions to give to him

    Now, I absolutely hate him.


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    leia's emotional cupcake
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i actually really feel this post. Having a crush on the "popular rich kid in the other class who everybody in my class makes fun of and gossips about, saying he's annoying" is a similar experience, no?

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    When I was about 8 I was taking a class at the YMCA (wasn't a swimming class, but can't remember what type of class it was). Anyway we were standing in line and I got bored so I decided to do a pirouette (to bad I wasn't taking a dance class it's where I truly belonged) I had my arms out as I turned I accidentally hit the girl behind me in the face. She started crying and bleeding from the mouth (found out later I had knocked one of her baby teeth loose) the instructor ran over and asked what happened some kids said I hit her, I denied it. I felt absolutely terrible but I was scared I'd get in trouble. I never told my parents, I'm not sure I've ever told anyone that story.


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    Rhyleigh Beer
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ( check replies at the end)Similar thing happened to me in 2nd grade. I was in line, and as a kid NOBODY. NOBODY. CUT IN FRONT OF RHYLEIGH. I whould literally get sooooo angery. So, we are in the lunch line, the day before spring break. And this kid, let’s call him billy, walked in front of me. I said hey that’s not your spot! He was like yuh huh, durrrr! And I get in front of HIM. well he started squirming trying the best his little second grade legs could do. I tried to block him, and my arm started stinging and ALLLLL the kids gasped. There was blood on the floor, and he was screaming. Long stiry shirt, I elbowed his mouth, and he bit his lip open. Now, at the nurses office, mrs.....uhh...let’s call her mrs.jerk bc why not any way mrs jerk took an ice pack, SLAPPED my arm with it! And then, we did an Easter egg hunt (remember it was the day before spring break) and geuss what!?!?!? I HAD TO GIVE BILLY MY EGGS! While the class watched the movie “hop” I sat in another room, crying. I an so angry to this day.

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    Well, I used to eat my fingertips off…
    And eat chapstick…
    And I lost five pebbles in my ear… to this day they haven’t come out of my ear
    But the main story I want to tell is that in Kindergarten, this kid said he was an alien and he could make me an alien too. Like an idiot I beloved him. Cut to, he convinced me to curl up in a ball and close my eyes super tight until I started seeing colors. In hindsight he probably was making fun of me as I did it… but still.


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    I used almost never wipe or change my underwear until it was as stiff as cardboard.


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    Elizabeth VanDyke
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my daughter was little and beginning to dress herself, I would ask her almost every morning if she put on clean underwear and she would always say she did. And she truly did! The clean undies over the dirty ones!

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    I would steal my older sister's and mom's Harlequin romance novels (it was the early 90's so they were super popular). They figured it out, but never actually said anything - they just disappeared overnight. I think we were all too embarrassed to actually verbalize it 🤣
    This is probably pretty common and not that shocking, but there you have it. I learned a lot from those books, and I wasn't even 10.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Harlequin romance novels? As in, romance novels about clowns? Clown romance???

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    At a friends sleepover, I stayed in the bathroom, playing with their body lotion and body butter. I placed it EVERYWHERE!


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