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I'm scared of heights and open unbroken horizon lines but the only one I actually know the name of is claustrophobia. Basically in short I am scared of literally everything lmao
Also needles they're horrible and I hate thinking about them
Pyrophobia, it’s led to many sleepless nights worrying about whether or not my house will burn down
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) is a big one for me, and also trypanophobia (fear of needles) is another annoying one I have. Oh, and due to some past trauma I now have melissophobia aka apiphobia (fear of bees).
Needles. Luckily i've managed to get in to therapy so hopefully it woun't be as bad some day
I have Kopophobia, a fear of fatigue. It ruins everything. I’m constantly conserving my energy bc I’m afraid if I exert myself I’ll be too tired to do anything. But then I’m not doing anything bc I’m conserving my energy. I hate it. And I realize it’s not rational. But there it is.
Nyctophobia. I can not STAND the dark.
Its that one crack in between the door and the wall at night...