What is your "never meet your heroes" experience?


The ever elusive Martha Stewart!!

So, this is probably the "anti" answer -
In 2002, I went to Sicily on the invitation of my boyfriend's family at Christmas,. Really wonderful people. My boyfriend, meh, not so much. So, we're walking around Syracusa, and in the main church off the piazza, my bf is all excited-"look, it's Martha Stewart" and he's giving me this spiel of how she loves Sicily and visits often and I should go up and say hello as a fellow American, and I just flat out declined.
For 2 reasons.
1, the person looked nothing like Martha Stewart and
2, I didn't care. If it was her, she deserveved some privacy on her vacation and I'm not the kind of person to be all gaga over a celebrity and not let them have a nice anonymous vacation.
They are people, too, no ? They are entitled to privacy, yes?
I'm glad I didn't embarrass myself because I later checked online about her and it wasn't her. Not the right country.
A week later he's all "it's Berlusconi in the car, let's get a pic, and at that time I didn't know Italian politics, but why would I step into traffic for a picture with some I knew nothing about?

That bf was a douchebag i never regretted letting go.
