Hey Pandas, tell us about your least favorite animal and why you hate 'em!
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Mosquitos...I mean they count as animals haha.
Ticks. They are horrible little blood suckers, spreading disease wherever they are found. They ruin walks in the woods, in meadows, just about everywhere. When they balloon up, swollen with blood, they look disgusting.
I am talking about those that are determined that the inside of your ear, your nostrils, or you mouth is perfect place to be, no matter how many times you flap your hand at them. The same kind of gnats that seem to decide the second you set your beverage glass down outside that it is perfect place to commit suicide.
Probably going to get down voted and hated, but pomeranians and pugs. Pugs because theyre overbred and pomeranians becasue theyre twitter purse dogs.
Cockroaches, I'm just equally terrified and disgusted by them. I can stand mice, rats, snakes, mosquitos and any other kind of vermin, but cockroaches really make me lose all my nerves!
I mean, humans, for one, but monkeys have always freaked me out.
Flies. The more I swat the more they try on purpose to get in my hair. Especially where I live it’s really hot, so there’s a lot of mosquitoes and flies everywhere
Mice or rats. As pets, I'm sure they're wonderful, but it is not fun to hear them skittering around under your bed at night looking for food.
Most definitely the (German) wasp.
Not only does their sting hurt a lot they're also super aggressive.
Having a BBQ in the midst of summer can become a nightmare. They raid your buffet, they crawl into your beverages, they're swarming bloody everywhere. And if you come to close, bam! you get a sting.
Trying to run away? Have a sting.
Fighting back? Here's multiple stings.
Do they heroically die when attacking, like bees do? Nope. Reload and fire again.
Bloody bastards. I hate them.
I kill them whenever I get the chance.
Seldom have I shown mercy.
Try distracting them- place a favourite treat out (an egg cup of beer?, A dollop of jam?), a little distance from your BBQ or whatever- then they can have what they're after without having to fight you for it. Cover your buffet food with lids so that the smell doesn't attract them so much. Always move slowly and calmly, and MOST IMPORTANT, know this: when you kill some species of wasp, it releases pheromones to attract more to avenge it! (Source: Attenborough)
Tomato horn worms. I'm terrified of them. No logical reason. As a kid we had to pick them off of our grandmothers tomato plants. When threatened they rear up the front of their bodies, wave back and forth and click their mandibles at you. It scared me to death at 8 years old and left me traumatized for life. LOL! But I really am afraid of them to this day.
GREAT STARCLAN I ABHOR THEM I’m not usually afraid of bugs or caterpillars, I can hold tarantulas, scorpions, and (harmless but evil looking) Gulf Fritillary caterpillars. But tobacco hornworms? I hate them.
Probably chimps. Ever since that zoo secrets posts where they said a chimp can rip your arms off and stuff. I had nightmares.
None. I loves snakes and spiders too, they're just a little creepy.
2 words
Also any insect that has more than four legs/arms is a no-go for me. That's just my opinion though.
Aliens..... won't show themselves...always sneaking around.
I hate ants, there's never just one of them and some sting and bite.
Mosquitoes. I know everyone is saying this, but I just HATE them. I literally almost DIED because of a bite when I was 4. (no I am not exaggerating)
Living in the desert, I’ve grown to HATE Scorpions. Super creepy, they hide everywhere and their sting is like being electrocuted. I’m convinced that they are aliens living amongst us
MOTHS. They're really annoying and there're some huge here, at least the same size as my hand, and that people call witch butterflies, but really are just moths, all black and spooky. And butterflies, I mean, by far they look cool, but that's it, ew.
How could you hate moths!? Look up rosy maple moth. (Mainly because I dont know how to add a picture lol)
Dogs. I'm pretty cynophobic, as a rule, so I tend to stay away from dogs as much as possible. Honestly, it's a simple phobia, just completely irrational, so yeah, they would be my least favorite.
My younger brother got trampled by a very friendly dog when he was a year old. Big or small. Friendly or not. He is scared of them all. (I know there are big dog lovers out there but please don't force people into liking dogs by saying 'well, my dog is a good boy' and things like that. Some phobias are a result of trauma and can't be fixed that easily.)
Had to take care of them for a week when I was an intern at a zoo. Smelly and dumb.
Crabs. I am terrified of them. I don't know why, but they really scare me. It takes me a while to get brave enough to swim in the ocean every year.
snails. idk why but just njesgtsfjgf;dsd no no no no i cant with them
Humans, they destroy everything and randomly decide to fix it. If that doesn’t count, probably hippos.
Any insects. Flying or crawling. Including butterflies and ladybirds. They are very pretty to look at, but keep away from my touch!
Mayflies. They're dumb, can't even really fly correctly, and will form extremely dense packs of critters that you can't get through without having your mouth, eyes, nose, hair, and clothes filled with dead mayflies.
those idiots are unknowingly killing themselves thru destroying nature. stupidity
Obviously humans (self-explanatory), but I'd have to say Flies. Okay, not technically an animal and I’m aware that they’re a food source for other ‘animals’, so they have some kinda purpose. But the little sh *ts really f *%k me off.
big parrot one of those f&*king dumb things bit me on the lip when I was hugging someone I couldn't eat for a while. *, let's just say I wasn't too sad when he kicked the bucket*
* I was a little happy*
Macaws? Yeah they’re essentially 3 year olds, for 40-50 years. Perfect for employers, sucky for visitors of their owners
A blobfish. No disrespect to blobfish lovers but the blobfish is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen...Personally.
This isn't fair to blobfish. They are deep sea creatures and the pressure down there is a LOT higher. They do not look so... blob-y if people don't bring them to the surface. I'm sure that people wouldn't look good if we experienced such a dramatic change in pressure, either.
Apes. Though wasps, hornets, mosquitoes are quite the nuisance, and can kill, apes like macaques are vicious s.o.b's that will maim you for a piece of food on you. Hope the plastic my pineapple was in killed the bastard that attacked me. I hate apes.
Since almost all other animals are taken,I will go with the penis snake.Everything was fine in life until I came to know of its existence.
Snakes idk why its just an irrational fear I have had for all my life I scream if I see one in pictures and I cry if I see one irl.
Lions. My brother and his 'Pride' can hate UwU
I really don’t like really small bugs/weird things that I can’t really see but feel. All I can imagine is them crawling up my legs. Also those fish that have to saw like snout those things, I almost stepped on one once (we were at a beach) and it scared the actual h**l out of me.
AnimalHumans killed per year
2Humans (homicides only)437,000
Hippos. Even their babies are not cute. And if they can get to you, they will viciously kill you.
invasive ladybug, and other insects or fish. they are a mess
Spiders. More specifically, black widows. One almost bit me when I was 5 or 6 AND THEY'RE DEADLY!
American opossums. I am terrified of them after a traumatic experience when younger. Don't bother arguing with me, I am traumatized and will always hate them.
There is only one single animal that comes close so I can say that it is my least favourite. Flies. The sound, the filth, flying round your ears and trying to land on your hand. Urrrrrgh! I don't like things crawing on me if I didn't let it as it is, but add in the dirty and that sound... >
Rats.. definitely rats. For some reason they make my skin crawl. Though I have no idea why or what caused it. I had that all my life.
Beards. The way they cling to people’s faces with all those pubey little hairs and live off spilled food and snot.
Bed bugs. We've been battling them in our apartment complex and they really seem indestructible
Monkeys, apes, and most dogs. I like whippets, greyhounds, huskies, and Australian shepherds (a little) but everything else—no.
Humans, cats, chihuahua, roaches, I can go on if you'd like?
Sure .-. im trying to be dumb so people can downvote me. I want to rate their roasting or smartness out of 10.