Hi Pandas, I'm interested to know your controversial opinions! Anything, even if it's just pineapple on pizza.
Anything that is heavily debated on, tell us what you think!
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In my opinion, pugs and bulldogs are ugly as hell. Especially when compared to other dogs. Their face is smushed! How can any human find that cute is something I will never understand.
I don’t get why people worship Beyoncé.
From one parent to another - Children are not pawns for their parents. You put them at risk every time you use them on social media. Also, children will treat their parents (and others) the way they have been treated. If you want a respectful child then you need to treat them with respect. If you let them do whatever they want then you are raising the next generation of Karens. So sad.
'Bouta call out all the homophobes on here....It's ok to be a part of the lgbtq+ community, it's ok to be confused about your place in the lgbtq+ community, it's completely valid to identify as Bi or Pan etc. (you do not need to 'pick one'), transgender people are valid, being non-binary is valid. Every person deserves to be loved and treated human regardless of their sexuality or gender.
We need to stop breeding, it's the only way this planet will survive. there, I've said it.
In those years before reliable birth control, my mother bore five children; together, we produced seven off-spring, one if whom is severely mentally disabled and won’t be reproducing, one of whom died as a child, one of whom is schizophrenic and very likely will not have children, and one of whom has already stated she doesn’t want any children. Overall, the Jett/Kent family is doing its share of reigning it in!
If there is a minimum age to hold office (higher than the age of majority), there should also be a maximum age.
as offsprings who have no choice but to exist in this world, you owe nothing to your parents
I have a disease that will kill me in a few years. Between now and then my mind will stay intact but my body will lose all ability to even eat or breathe on my own. My friends and family want me to stick it out so they can have me in their lives. But many have ghosted me because they are afraid I’ll end my life, which has been full and beautiful, before I choke to death or can’t suck air into my lungs. They say that would be selfish. I think they’re being selfish.
I've never agreed with "suicide is selfish" as an argument. You choose your own path. It's wonderful when people can come into your life and light a path that you did not see which will inspire you to continue. But in some cases (such as a terrible disease) you really can see that the only way forward is rife with suffering. You should have the right to choose whatever leads to the least amount of suffering.
According to our parents:
If you're under 18 , you can't have ur opinion.
It is disrespectful if you stop them from disrespecting you.
They pay for you , They are your God ! Dude ! It was your descision to do a baby ! Its not my fault
Also , My parents still think its the girl's fault if she is raped , Harrased or disrespected.
my mom will never admit when she's wrong... so we do it for her in the form of rubbing it in her face.
Personal traumas, dietary restrictions (eg vegan etc), or sexuality, etc should not be the the entire basis for your personality. It makes you a 1 dimensional character.
Teenagers with opinions aren’t moody, sexuality is not a “choice” or phase, and being vegetarian or dieting doesn’t give you superiority over the kid next to you eating Cheetos.
Also gummy fruit snacks are completely bussin as a snack and shouldn’t be reserved for kids.
Fruit snacks are awesome. No two ways around it. I'm am adult and my daughter eats way more vegetables than I do.
I might be drawn and quartered for this, but here it is. The 1995 Pride and Prejudice with Collin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is the best version and no one can change my mind.
AGREE it's the version I was raised with and I can barely watch the others. Not That their bad I just rlly live this one 😁😄😁
Social media is likely the biggest contributor to mental health problems in the US(can't speak for other countries) by a large margin, and it should be regulated much more strictly.
That people found guilty of rape, murder or child molestation should be left alone for 15 minutes in a locked room with the victim's family. The family could either choose to forgive and move on or beat the ever lovin' tar out of the offender.
I also believe that plea bargaining needs to be taken off the table in most cases...especially as it relates to violent crimes.
I do believe that there should be more programs in prison like the ones in Louisiana that take rescued dogs and send them to the prison to be trained by inmates. Some of those dogs are well trained enough to become service dogs. It gives the dog another chance and gives a prisoner the means to care about someone else and motivations to do better while incarcerated.
Family channels on youtube should be banned.
They're just so wrong on so many levels.
Cereal in milk is not a soup. It is a grain salad with too much dressing.
I think Southern Baptist Christian is a terrible branch of religion. I am a Christian and sadly I have been a SBC. That's where you find all the fake Christians that make all of us look bad.
Me and my friends were just talking about where the Christian Karens come from.
Dress codes are wrong. Ladies, dont show up in a swim suit. Just be reasonable. Teach people not to be perverts, and explain why its wrong. Dont tell us to cover up.
I agree, however, having gone to Catholic school where we wore uniforms it's cheaper than wearing regular clothes, there is no making fun of or bullying someone because of what they wear as their parents can't afford any different. We were all equal. No fashion judgement. And you don't have to spend time figuring out what to wear the next day and whether it's going to look cool. These are just the advantages I, and a lot of other girls and parents found. But flipping out about widths of straps on tops, being able to see bra straps etc. Please. Just provide my kid with a quality education. That's what school is for. BEING SAFE AT SCHOOL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING!!!
If there really is such a thing as a “soul” that exists beyond the human body, then you already know what death will be like. Too bad you can’t remember it. Heaven and Hell are such bullshit concepts because they both consist of eternal imprisonment. How is that something to look forward to, either way?
Welcome to the atheism club, my friend. We do coffee mornings and casual Fridays.
There should be an upper age limit on voting in federal elections as well as term limits on congress. My grandma refused to vote (in federal elections) after 70 stating that she shouldn’t be responsible for what happens in 10 or 20 years, it should be up to the younger generation. Voting in the USA should be compulsory and fined if you don’t vote.
I agree. Voting should be mandatory. I'm sick of 30% of the population deciding who governs everyone in the country.
America movie ratings are weird I mean we can show the most violent gore filled scenes but consensual sex is something people get all upset about and complain about
This is the opposite in most of Europe. Sex is natural and normal so it isn't really a thing in showing it. Violence is uncensored per se, but is only aired after certain hours for the most part.
You shouldn't verbally attack people who disagree with you. Democracy is about having the freedom to believe what they want and express those beliefs. A lot of people are claiming to be pushing for equal rights and freedom of voice, but those same people shame and suppress those that disagree with them.
There's also a difference between hating and disagreeing. For example, say I didn't agree with the LGBTQ+ community. But these are thoughts and feelings I kept to myself. I have Gay and Trans friends that I treat the same way I would treat my other friends. They wouldn't even expect I felt like this unless I told them. If I still love the people in the LGBTQ+ Community like I would anyone else, do I really deserve to be talked to like I'm a horrible, evil person? If I actively discriminated against them, that's one thing, but just not liking one of a person's traits is not a crime.
Even so, YOU CAN'T FIGHT HATE WITH HATE! The only way to fight hate is with love. Turning against each other only makes the animosity grow. We need to come together and accept our differences and work to make the world a better place.
Some ideas should be (verbally) attacked, vigorously, and wherever they are found. Everyone sane hates the Nazis. Let's use them as an example. Imagine a Nazi was telling you that you have the right to disagree silently with the Third Reich, but you should not have the right to tell them what evil bastards they are. Because telling them their ideology is not only stupid, but evil is a form of hate speech and by speaking out about them you hurt their fee-fees. Disagreeing with them they say is violence, and so when they decide to kill you, they say, its self defense. Maiming you is something to brag about, to be proud of, because you said something they didn't like and now people feel justified in hounding you at work, at home, and online. After all, you engaged in hate speech. How dare you have a contrary opinion.
Paper straws are awful and have a tiny positive impact. Plastic straws make up less than .025%. They are pretty much entirely a marketing gimmick.
You say that like you think 0.025% of ocean plastic is a small amount. It isn't, when you realise that there is a greater mass of plastic in the oceans than there is of plankton.
I’m pro-GMO. There’s no proof that they’re bad for us. We’ve been modifying our crops since humans began farming through cross breeding and splicing and selective planting etc
The only thing we have to look out for is disgusting companies like Monsanto who try and colonize Haiti.
The adoption system should be designed to make adoption more or less the same cost and difficulty as the other, more common way of adding a child to a family. (Right now it's
Adoption is free in Canada but the approval process is so hard...
The more people post their everyday life on Facebook the more I see them as people with low self esteem pathetically hungry for praise.
I agree, and just as bad if not worse are the large amount of people giving likes to those very posts.
Being offended by something/someone does not make you right.
The entire administration staff of Youtube is monkeys and Homer Simpson with a broom.
This is supposed to be controversial opinions, not facts. Upvoted regardless because I 100% agree.
Bikers and drivers should never drive on the same road. Bikers are too vulnerable compared to people in cars, and drivers hate them. There should be bike lanes, and some streets should be reserved for bikes.
The bike thing has always disturbed me. I dont necessarily dislike them (unless it's a peleton on a Saturday morning), but who thinks it's a good idea to have a 1/2 ton or more vehicle driving on the same road right beside a person riding a small 2 wheeled transportation that could easily be knocked or fall over into my car's path and the only thing to protect them is a helmet? Other parts of your body gets damaged, that will kill you too. It just seems that the odds are really against the bike rider. Also, provides for a pretty stressful time for the driver of the car. Bike lanes are great but it's hellish for the cars trying to make turns.
Just because you are LGBTQ (etc, etc, etc) does not make you a good person. It does not make you a bad person, either.
All right, I know I might get backlashed for this, but here we go..
I think that the BLM movement has gone too far. I'm not saying this because I'm racist white trash, I'm saying this because they're rioting and burning buildings without any consequences as well as removing the memories of the people who shaped our country.
Also, the fact that we have to mention race in news stories?? Like if a WHITE man kills a WHITE man, that doesn't get mentioned. But if a WHITE man kills a BLACK man it's racist. Racism is not always a factor in this type of stuff, and there are other motives.
Finally, everything is offensive nowadays. I mean, they'll label anything you say that they don't like as something or the other and they'll get all their friends and bash you for it. I just think that it's stupid..
Whew! That got a lot odd my chest..
ok, so the “BLM movement” as you said isn’t speaking for all protesters or news sites. in every instance of a protest or fight against something there are people who use the movement to try and be a hero or live out their dreams of destroying the government or whatever. these people are not the BLM movement or what it stands for. you have to understand that the BLM movement is a movement for peace and equality. the people rioting are just angry and causing more harm than helping but this doesn’t mean that the i tire movement is wrong. also of corse news stations will be pushing race in their articles, race is a very popular and weighted discussion in the world right now and the news wants people to read the articles so they will put in as much controversial stuff as they can. and you say that everything is offensive now, well it may be true that there are a lot of thingslike cancel culture, you should try and ask why something hurts someone and understand where they are coming from.
That ant-vaccers should be rounded up in a landlocked, walled-off "Escape From New York"-style reservation carved out of Tennessee, Kentucky, and a few other Midwest/Southeast states. The delusions of the few should no longer be at the expense of the many.
Here's my idea: If Earth is already overpopulated, why do we need everyone to get vaccinated? They'll die off eventually, and it'll be a win-win: All the stupid people will be gone, and there will be less people in general. Killing two birds with one stone.
Harry Potter is overrated. There. I said it.
not as overrated as all "classic fairytales" and their Disney's versions... but I can follow you, despite my liking HP a bit. But twilight and 50 shades of grey are totally complete bull$#it
Never read the books, nor have i seen the movies. And i wont. That also goes the same for the whole bs Twilight series. Don't want to. You can't change my mind. There.
haha me neither! You can't makeme change my stubborn opinion if I refuse to read the books! Muahaha
Load More Replies...There's a difference between "owning something" and making it your entire personality.
Fortnite is a good enough game the community (as always) is the problem
We should globally let kids and young adults learn foreign languages and politics of different countries and then let them choose their citizenship when they are, let's say, 20. Until then - they'd have no country of origin but full access to medical care, schooling etc. Countries would start to actually develop and take care about citizens as they would want to have more hands to work.
I don't think it's a plausible idea, but I like your unique perspective!
Though it wasn't intended as such originally, "Karen" is now being used as a sexist slur. Also, many straight white men are now making negative statements about "white women" using "white" as a cover for their misogyny. They're actually referring to all women, but they know they can't get away with saying that.
People need to leave people with neutral angry faces alone. Please, I'm not mad. I'm daydreaming and you're not in it
As a midwife and psychologist I need to add: Beeing not happy and grateful 24/7 after giving birth is normal! Doubting your decision to have a baby is normal. Crying and to bewail the lost of independence is normal!
Not talking about life-event stress is unhealthy! To admit that it is hard sometimes is okay! Being an okay-mom is enough!
didn't think "women are not just walking incubators" would be a controversial opinion in western civilization in 21st century but apparently it still is
That all white people are racist, stupid Karen’s. That doesn’t apply to everyone. Just because someone is white does not mean they didn’t work hard to be where they are now. Saying white people are racist is being racist.
Racism is racism no matter who it is directed at. The NFL has begun awarding higher draft picks to teams that hire diverse head coaches. That is racist, as it encourages teams to pass by white coaches based solely on their race.
the bored panda community relies too much on puns
I know right! One innocent comment, the puns start and then it's PANDA-monium!
Talking to strangers is theraputic (of course only do it at daytime where others are around)
Woodlice/pillbugs are cute 😂 i have a giant plush one and my mum hates it and says it look like a giant nit lol
- Classes on Parenting and Birth Control should be mandatory to receive a H.S. diploma in every state, with refresher classes required of men and women at age 30.
Avocados don't actually taste good on bread. I'm fine with guac, because of the seasoning, but on plain bread? That is a sacrifice I will not make
People should be chemically sterilized at birth an not allowed to have children until the have proven that they can care for them emotionally and financially.
If you're chemically sterilised at birth, you won't be having children ever. Think before voicing an opinion and you are less likely to look stupid.
Ok, um, I have to say it. Thanos was right...
About the humans. The animals that don't do harm are fine. Also, i'm kinda glad some people didn't agree because it made a heck of a good movie.
Cigarettes kill you so don't start smoking them
Donkeys are cuter than horses.
Yes!!!! totally!!!! However, horses are better to ride. Solution: Get both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Tolerance does not equal celebration. The very definition of tolerance is that you tolerate someone’s actions, existence, whatever, even though you don’t agree with it. Currently it’s being used to say “if you don’t agree with me and celebrate the fact that I exist and do the stuff I do, clearly you’re hateful and a terrible person.” That’s not tolerance, you’re asking for celebration. Which is all well and good, but I don’t think celebration should be required. People are all entitled to their own opinion, and if my opinion is that, say, orange is a terrible color and people who think orange is awesome are wrong, I’m allowed to believe that. Now, I don’t think people should be allowed to go and scream at people wearing orange and call them names or anything, but just saying that people who think orange is awesome are wrong isn’t hateful, it’s just an opinion. My opinion isn’t hurting anyone. Disagreement is not the same as animosity. I just think that people shouldn’t think that “tolerance” means “complete acceptance and praise”, it means “I agree that you’re entitled to your opinion, even though I think it’s wrong. I can coexist with you without agreeing with you.” People always say that Christians are “intolerant” because the Bible says that homosexual acts are sinful. But that’s not intolerance, that’s an opinion. Now sure, calling homosexual people slurs and refusing to associate with them would be intolerance, but simply believing that they’re wrong and stating that fact isn’t. The Bible actually teaches tolerance (“love your neighbor as yourself”, “love your enemies and pray for them”, “do unto others what you would have them do unto you”, any of that ring a bell?), however it does not say that we have to agree with everything everyone does.
Edit: “The very definition of tolerance is that you allow someone’s actions, existence, whatever, even though you don’t agree with it.” Can’t use the word in the definition.
I think biggis dickus is unfairly made fun of. You shouldn’t make fun of someone because of their terrible name/ speech impediment.
Being pro-choice when it comes to suicide, though it is not a position I personally agree with, is not that outrageous. People who believe this see it as a natural extension of bodily autonomy.
Speaking on the cusp of the possible dismantling of Roe v Wade, there is no such thing as "bodily autonomy" in the US
Vote counts (likes, dislikes, upvotes, downvotes, etc.) on social media comments should not be visible immediately. Due to the bandwagon effect, when the vote count is public, the first person to vote on a comment has a disproportionate amount of influence.
^ Why I don't upvote/downvote stuff/check upvotes/downvotes before reading
Having almost completely open borders makes sense, and if individual citizens are willing to sponsor immigrants, there is no reason for the government not to allow it.
I doubt you could get enough citizens to sponsor the amount of immigrants. There are tons of reasons not to allow it, everything from the language barrier to taxes to foreign spys. You wouldn’t leave your door unlocked, why leave your borders open.
Copyright enforcement has gone too far to the point where people are afraid to create original art because it might be coincidentally similar to something and get them sued.
Alex Jones is not a performance actor. Not an opinion but fact: I’m his ex-wife, and 1) he’s not acting, 2) he’s admitted in sworn testimony he’s not. Alex’s counsel lied in court when they said this to Obstruct Justice & keep evidence of Alex drunk, raging and high out of the custody suit he filed. This false argument has protected Alex for years while he sued me over & over so my kids were immersed & isolated in cultic Infowars with a father who suffers from alcohol abuse. He’s not funny, this fraud was used to harm my kids & protect him all the way up to the Capitol steps on January 6th. Attorneys’ obstruction should lead to their indictment.See my feed on Twitter @RealKellyJones
There is usually no difference between opposing groups except their labels.
Left/Right wing: Both have extreme opinions against people that don't share their views and consider any means necessary to archive their goals
Bigots/SJWs: Both make use of racism to boost their messages, both use minorities to their advantage and call people that disagree with them names.
Overall there is too much hypocrisy in every group. Like "Friday for Future" leaving behind tons of plastic waste after demonstrations or groups claiming to "defend the democracy" while completely disregarding votings (January 6th in the USA, State elections 2020 in Thuringia, Germany)
There is something missing from the post I wrote: "People should look more at the actions of people, movements or groups instead of just listening to their words"
If we are to survive as a species we need to get off this planet and unfortunately the extremely rich and their slaves are the only ones who will make it. COVID has taught me that as a species, we can't even wear a single piece of clothing, use free health care, or stay inside for 6 weeks to keep our neighbors from dying. Its a matter of time before climate change causes a global famine when drought wipes out all the crops in Asia and North America at the same time, Karen Sixpack isn't going to sacrifice an apple for an 11 year old kid to survive so they will both die from hunger.
Once any organization or movement (however noble it starts out as) gets a large standing on social media it becomes a watered down joke shortly thereafter by fake activists just virtue signaling or using it for clout. It really destroys so many important things its sickening.
I don't believe in "good" and "evil." I think most people lean on these ideas as a way to simplify the complexities and challenges of the real world i.e. it's convenient to just say Bezos is Satan incarnate, rather than learn his upbringing and how his brain works against the backdrop of an endlessly competitive system that will inevitably have someone at the top. Worst of all, we might then have to accept that we share many traits with him, and he's just better and luckier in the right ways.
We all run on our own blend of motivations and I think discussing these openly and evenly with a goal to understand is the only path to any kind of harmony. In other words, I believe common ground has to be built, not merely found.
I believe there is god and evil, but I don’t think any one person can be entirely good or entirely evil. I mean, if you think about it, someone trying to be entirely evil would have to destroy everything good in their life. Oh look, friendship is good! No more friends. Oh look, skin is good! No more skin. Oh look, being alive is good! No more being alive. See the problem? Anyone trying to be truly evil would eventually just go insane. And there can’t be anyone who’s perfectly good either, humans are all flawed.
Some cultures are *in fact* morally superior to others.
Mental health issues should not be stigmatized. I can’t talk freely about my mental health illnesses without being stigmatized, or outright ostracized. I’ve even lost friends once one diagnosis came out. And sometimes, I hate to say this as we are Christian, but often Christians are the worst culprits when it comes to being judgmental over mental health problems.
- Every citizen, regardless of gender, must be required to give one year of service to their country after reaching 18 or graduating H.S. They can choose to serve either in the military or as assistants in schools and health care facilities, the national parks system, Housing & Urban Development or Maintenance of the Interstate Highways. The only exception to giving service would be mental or physical incapability.
Not all Nazis were terrible people. I know that sounds super bad, given how terrible the actions of the Nazi party were, but hear me out. Everyone always uses Nazis as examples of unforgivably terrible people, but often the lower level party members were only in the party under threat of death. Hitler and his upper level cronies were terrible, their actions were unspeakably evil, I definitely agree with that. But there actually have been reports of people in the lower levels actively trying to destroy the party from the inside (unsuccessfully). And for many of them, it was either join the party or die, and joining the party seemed like the better option at the time. Also, think about the youth programs. These kids have been brought up as “future comrades”, their whole life or whole schooling has been focused on Nazi ideology, that’s really all they know. It’s not entirely their fault. If you had been taught for as long as you could remember that some people weren’t people and were enemies to be killed, and you were never told anything different, ever, don’t you think you might have started to believe it? It’s the same with many cults, the people who were convinced to join weren’t at fault for the actions of the leaders. Islamic extremists too, yes, blowing up buildings and killing tons of people is very bad from most people’s perspective, but often that’s all they know. Young kids are very impressible, what they’re taught is what they believe. Just because someone is associated with a group that did something terrible doesn’t mean the individual person is evil.
Better to say: Not all Germans who were Nazi members, had a choice.
A lot of people are confusing personality with mental illness. strange behaviors, social , cultural differences vary from different areas and environments.
it would be more convenient for professionals and to people themselves that " that is wrong with them" is just a part of their personality, and correcting these traits takes harder to correct then just taking a pill.
Anosmia is a serious COVID-19 symptom. If someone doesn't have any life threatening symptoms but loses their sense of smell, they still didn't have a mild case because their quality of life can be severely affected.
Modern medicine defeated the natural selection and that’s why people get dumber and dumber, some suffer their whole life because of terrible illness and they even pass their genes to next generation. That will destroy humankind…
It is disturbing to me how often I hear people being told (usually by advertisers and politicians) that they "deserve" whatever it is. The people saying that have no way of knowing whether the people they're talking to "deserve" it or not. It's not good to keep repeating the lie that people "deserve" things instead of having to earn them. These liars should also quit telling people that there is "free" stuff. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it in one way or another.
If I find out that you are religious, believe in horoscopes or homeopathy, I think less of you as a person.
Technological advancement makes dumber.
Well, given that you made an error in a single sentence, that could certainly be true for you, but you cannot apply that to everyone. In 1903 almost anyone could learn how to fly an aircraft with a hour or so of training, but I'd challenge a "dumb" person to even start a modern jet aircraft, never mind fly it - and yet people still do it. Technology doesn't make anyone dumber, but technology in the hands of stupid people certainly serves to highlight their deficit.
Alanis Morissette's song 'Ironic' was indeed a fine description of irony. It's just that people have a very narrow concept of irony and expect the individual vignettes to convey a sense of the worst thing happening and the least opportune time (poetic irony), and most don't. But there is another kind of irony, Cosmic Irony - that sense that your life is a joke that god is having at your expense. That's what the song is about. Things are 'a little too ironic' for it to be anything but god toying with you.
Yes, the dictionary definition of irony does indeed fit the majority of examples in the song. The problem lies in people trying to redefine the word irony to make the concept easier for themselves to understand.
Let's stop making fun of flat-earthers/anti-vaxxers/racists, etc. They don't know that they're wrong, and just because they don't know/don't listen to science/decide to hate people for no reason, doesn't mean that you should trash talk them. Just ignore it, hopefully they'll realize the idiocy or die of covid or something. If they hate you because of something you can't , why are you hating them because they're dumb?
“Hopefully they’ll die of covid” Kinda harsh don’t you think? "Well I don't like them, so I guess they should die."
From the United States here, I want to get rid of celebrating the Fourth of July, it is very confusing who works, who is off, what days, some get three, four and five day holidays when it is midweek.
Congress changed multiple other holidays to make them Monday holidays, change our Independence day to the first Friday in July. The Declaration, from what I understand, was signed over a 9 day period, and the Fourth was chosen as a middle ground, as it were.
We could stay up late celebrating on Friday night, then have two more days to clean up, while always having three days off in a row.
50% of humanity are aholes
Never never never judge someone on their opinions or beliefs
Don't feel sorry for people with mental health problems, help them get through it
Grammarly is a scam, premium stuff is used in the adverts, they don't tell you, you have to pay money for premium but 'Grammarly is free'. ALSO, I HAVE GRAMMARLY WHICH IS HOW I KNOW THIS. It f*cking autocorrected from grammarly to Grammarly
Well your very first sentence makes you guilty of what your second sentence says.
That people should be tested for voting and getting kids.
Idiocracy is a documentary.
This would be very difficult, and can be very easily misused.
I can be tired too. Just because I'm a teen doesn't mean I'm not tired, depressed, and stressed. I work 3 jobs, go to high school, and I have to hide my sexuality from my family. Can't I sleep in past 7?
YES my parents always get mad at me for not getting up. They say “your not tired so get up” as if they can tell when I’m tired, anxious and depressed.
The school system is broken and we need to reform it immediately. most kids barley get the healthy amount of sleep they need every day and work multiple jobs and have after school acivities and they do this for almost 200 days straight with very small breaks ranging from 1 day to a week maximum. During thoe breaks we are given work to do aswell. teens need a break. Our developing minds are being halted by the amount of stress and anxiety that our daily lives bring us.
Something doesn't have to line up with your personal beliefs/lifestyle/opinions for you to support/respect it.
If something isn't actively hurting anybody let it be.
strict parents have children who are compulsive liars. I lie in pretty much any situation where I panic as my mother and father are strict.
Raising minimum wage doesn't help the economic disparity, especially when the prices also go up.
Carole Baskin didn't do it.....
Die Hard is NOT a "Christmas movie".
- Every citizen of the United States should be required to vote every year. The ballot should include an option indicating that the voter does not approve of any particular candidates.
- Everyone living in the United States is provided with full healthcare (including medication), similar to the Medicare system.
Whoa! You obviously don't have any idea about how Medicare works. You pay an awful lot for Medicare . (It's just the same as buying insurance.) You can't choose which medicines you need, and Medicare sure doesn't cover all your medical bills!
Glamorizing being overweight doesn't make sense, but it is not at all comparable to glamorizing being underweight. People generally don't become overweight on purpose the way they try to look like underweight models. Eating disorders that can lead to a higher body weight exist, but they are not "reverse anorexia," and the compulsive behavior is not an attempt to gain weight.
A lot of people, myself included, are underweight & don't have an eating disorder. I eat over 3k calories a day and still can't gain effectively. People assume when you are underweight that is intentional, they get mean, call you anorexic and assume you have mental health struggles due to your weight. Sometimes people assume you're a drug addict, based only off of the fact that you are underweight. I've been trying to gain weight since I was 14, and I'm nearly 40 now. Sometimes, the human body just does its own thing no matter how we wish it would behave. Please don't assume all thin people have gotten that way on purpose.
The Jim Carrey version of The Grinch is the best one.
love the claps and i applaud you for saying what needs to be said
s summer better than winter? Summer is warm and nice.
Is spring better than fall? Spring is when the flowers grow.
Is going out better than staying home? No. Stay safe.
What’s the right way to pronounce GIF? It's not peanut butter. It is G-i-f. It makes a g sound
Which came first? The chicken or the egg? The chicken could have been some sort of genetic mutation from the Coelurosauria family.
Should toilet paper hang over or under the roll? Side ways.
Are morning people more productive than night people? No. They are tired and grumpy. Night people cry while working and Peggy Drexler, a research psychologist, suggests crying at work could help you to air the issue.
Are blondes really not as smart as brunettes or redheads? Heck no! It may just be the stereotypes that make them seem dumb. I am blonde and I have straight A's.
Is being Instagram famous better than being TikTok famous? Does it matter?
Is the American accent better than the British accent? Heck no. British sounds so nice and classy.
Are introverts too quiet or extroverts too loud? Extroverts are way to loud
Preferring summer to winter, and spring to autumn aren't really controversial, but they are opinions. Despite my enjoyment of being indoors, there are health benefits to being outside. Again, another non-controversial opinion. "G" makes different sounds, which is why "legend" isn't pronounced as "leg-end" (unless you're an idiot) and why "egg" isn't pronounced as "ejj" (also unless you're an idiot). Chickens would have evolved from something, but many species would have laid eggs before what we know to be a chicken had reached it's current stage of evolution. Toilet paper is usually placed on the holder horizontally, so it is sideways. Whether it hangs over or under is irrelevant, as long as it doesn't tear badly. I shall continue adressing your opinions below.
IMHO, this has been one of the most fascinating questions ever posed on Pandas!! The answers and replies would make for a great demographic study (except that we post pretty much anonymously).....
There is no such thing as 'Vaccine Hesitancy' any more. It's been over a year and there has been plenty of time for people to check out the peer reviewed research on the vaccine programme. Those who are left simply won't be vaccinated and are antivaxxers..
That Travis Scott is guilty of inciting the crowd and should be banned from live performance for the remainder of his life. Or at the very least limited to small occupancy venues and pay for an extra police presence.
Don't think this is that much of a controversial opinion. I feel like we all agree that he should be held accountable, except maybe some of his diehard fans, if he still has any after all this, which I hope he doesn't. He really doesn't deserve his platform, and that's also true with a lot of other famous people in the entertainment, and I know I'll get hated for saying it, but, Mostly a lot of rappers especially
Free speech must have its limits. Hate, intolerance and *deliberate* desinformation should not be allowed to exist without consequences. People often fail to realize that freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence. Allow intolerance to flourish and it will get into positions of power, destroying the tolerant society that let it exist in the first place.
Luis, we are on the same page, absolutely. It has taken me quite a while to understand "freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence"...However, I'm proud to say that I DID (and still do) speak my truth to power and proudly accepted my consequence of going to jail for it. (The glorious days of OCCUPY!)
People who are "concerned" for my health because I'm plus size, be it family or friend whatever.... Just leave me alone. I'm not an idiot. I know health risks. I study biology for God's sake. Just stop saying that you are worried for me. I don't need that many people to worry about me. Let me be. I can make my own decisions.
I honestly don't think furries are that bad. I mean, sure it's a little strange but just let people do what they want.
I agree. I don't understand it either, but if they're not hurting anyone there is absolutely no reason to hate
If women are allowed to wear trousers men should be allowed to wear skirts and dresses. It's about time we demolished gender norms! :)
I don't know where you live, but in my country anyone can wear what they want. If you haven't got a dress code at work you could go in dressed as Mickey Mouse.
Wealth should not be inherited.
And why not? Why can't people provide for their children, or other descendants? What if providing your child with an inheritance kept them from living on the streets, allowed them to buy a car so they could get to and from work, or was what they needed in order to save their own child's life with an expensive medical procedure? An inheritance is left to help those who need it so they don't have to struggle so badly. If they choose to squander it instead, that's their own stupid fault.
Sometimes mothers are not always the best parent
RWBY was a good show after volume 3.
For the sake of this planet, the human population needs to be reduced about 90%. Nature is trying to get this done, but here we are wearing masks and getting vaccinated. At least maybe we'll be better off without the stupid people who refuse such things.
I can see by the comments here that people don't see the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm of my post. That's my mistake, I should have clearly marked it as */sarcasm
B.F.B Post-Split was the best season of Battle For Dream Island (B.F.D.I)
This is for LGBTQ+ people only and weirdly specific. Just a small thing about terminology. "Multisexual umbrella" makes more sense than "bisexual umbrella." Obviously use any label you want. But multisexual is just liking multiple genders, which encompasses a lot of sexualities. Bi makes more sense as a label for liking specifically two genders, and being under the multisexual umbrella. Again use any label you want, this is just what makes sense to me.
Every person 21 or older has the right to choose if they want to end their life. Those under 21 have the right to petition the court.
So, basically, people suffering from depression and other mental issues shouldn't be treated for them, but instead congratulated for wanting to commit suicide? I wanted to kill myself once a very long time ago. I was too stupid to choose the right pills and felt very very sleepy instead. I have no idea what I was thinking, but now I know life is great. My point is don't use permanent solutions for temporary problems. Euthanasia due to severe and painful illness is a very different thing, which doesn't seem to be the one you're talking about.
Correcting someone's grammar or spelling online dosen't make you look smart.
religion sucks especially when it causes discrimination against things you can't control
I agree. I hate the so-called religious people who use it as an excuse to be homophobic (and other bad things). You're not very holy if you're hating a person because of their sexuality, I doubt God loves you if you do that.
My parents always act like i owe them. As if I owe them because they made me, but it pisses me off so much! I did not choose to be here THEY chose for me to be here. So THEY owe ME a life worth being here for!
Btw feel free to call my parents a holes in the comments :)
I adopted my child. I did choose her, but I also chose to give her a life better than she otherwise would have had.
That Doritos aren’t even that good! What is all this hype for a tortilla chip with why to heavy seasoning?
The OGs are great. They aren't overwhelming in comparison to others. I also like the salsa verde kind. But the nacho and cool ranch kinds gross me out.
Just because white people don't suffer from racism/ men don't suffer from sexism structurally, does not mean there i s no racism/sexism against them. I solely means it causes less damage, but it most likely will, if you just change the structure and not the ideology.
Discriminating against anyone - black, white, brown, male, female, straight, gay- is still discrimination.
Also, please clarify what is the basis for comments and replies being censored (as in, "This answer is hidden. Click here to view." WHY are they being hidden? I can't find a uniting criterion at all. Please clarify, Panda Staff.
Come on, Panda Staff!! I posted this more than a day ago and you aren't responding?! WHAT ARE YOUR CRITERIA FOR CENSORING COMMENTS?!
I tend to agree with this guy on this YouTube short
Debt is a scam. Your credit score is f*****g irrelevant. Buy only what you have cash for and you won't spend d your whole life paying things off.
I was brought up being told you ONLY take out a loan to 1) pay for your college/university education, 2) to purchase a house and 3) MAYBE to buy a car. You ONLY buy what you have the CASH for (not what the bank says you have "enough credit" to buy). Fresh out of college, I did NOT follow my parents' advise. I ended up spending 13 years trying to pay off my foolish use of credit cards during my first two years after graduation. Those were really rough years of HALF my salary going to pay off the interest on those credit cards! It is better to live BELOW your means (i.e. don't spend your entire paycheck on what you need to live! Choose a simpler life-style & SAVE MONEY every payday). This would be my urgent message to all young folks. That and "be kind to everybody". My Babci (Polish grandmother) would say, "Don't spit into the wind. It might get blown back into your face"....That would be my second "urgent message".
That there's a D in fridge but not refrigerator😒
Sorry Late night smokin Didn't read the instructions Not an opinion Still controversial🧐
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS. Sure, restrict your kids technology time, but don't restrict their social time, online or otherwise.
I'm pretty impaired when it comes to technology, IT etc. so could someone with greater experience in this area please explain/clarify this for me: I thought "online" actually IS "technology time". Can one be considered as being "online" if they're speaking on a telephone but not utilizing Face-time? I'm confused, genuinely. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or snarly here. I just thought being "online" meant you were literally utilizing technology. (I'm an old lady who grew up writing with pencils and paper, so please give me a break here :). I am actually trying to learn this stuff!
We should get rid of all languages except English, as globalization makes it necessary to communicate internationally in a language you know 100%
PS! I am from the very traditional and nationalistic Norway, but still mean this
Languages are a part of our culture and heritage. Learning to speak more than one can only improve your ability to interact with the outside world. And if we removed all languages besides English (I assume you mean the modern version), how many words and phrases do we lose?
We should get rid of all languages except English, as globalization makes it necessary to communicate internationally in a language you know 100%
PS! I am from the very traditional and nationalistic Norway, but still mean this
I think James Corden is cute. When people learn that he's my celebrity crush... I've had someone tell me they lost all their respect for me.
I like his personality. He seems like he's a fun person in real life. Also don't know why people would have that extreme reaction to him being your crush, people really need understand people have different preferences
Ananas på pizza? Jo det går men husk pepperoni, sitron pepper og rømme dressing med hvitløk!
Seriøst: alle rasister er svake og feige! Som selv har valgt å være ett offer!!! Regelrett kvalmende mennesker tenker jeg personlig!!
We should get rid of all languages except English, as globalization makes it necessary to communicate internationally in a language you know 100%
PS! I am from the very traditional and nationalistic Norway, but still mean this
Women are projected as some perpetual victims as some holy cow in this vicious world created by men. Their own role in human violence, since it is more complex, isn't queried much.
We should give the nuclear codes and bombs to toddlers
Snookie's transition from party girl to mother is inspiring. If she can get her s**t together anyone can.
Plenty of people before and after Snookie have improved their lives, some from far worse conditions. There is nothing special about the fact that being a mother made her realise she needed to grow up and be a responsible parent.
Men should be allowed to fight back against females, regardless on the fact that they’re inherently born stronger.
In law - you can. But it has never been considered acceptable. I remember when I was young if you saw a woman hit, punch or slap a man you'd think 'what did he do that she had to hit him?' Now, thankfully, we realise that women can also abuse men and those who do are, increasingly, being prosecuted for it. My worry is that this 'being allowed to fight back' is being used by those who actually just want to abuse women..
Humans are not smart, I could explain, but go read the Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom. Not 100% but it's a start on why.
Challenge: Upvote the ones you *disagree* with because they better represent what the post is asking for.
Yes, the most off-the-wall crazy talk fell to the bottom, while the least controversial statements percolated up. 😖
Load More Replies...I think liberals are the real racists in America. Can't imagine the arrogance that says that black people just can't make it unless white people make it easier for them. How insulting. According to liberals, your average black person cant even manage to get ID.
America is a whole continent, not only a country you know it right? Maybe better be more specific and write about USA, or at least north america
Load More Replies...I'm all for all kinds of people fostering and adopting children but I do not like that if an agency does find a home not a healthy environment for a child (for a valid reason) the couple - or single person- can cry discrimination threaten to sue to force the agency to change their decision. If a straight couple doesn't qualify they don't have the same recourse.
Challenge: Upvote the ones you *disagree* with because they better represent what the post is asking for.
Yes, the most off-the-wall crazy talk fell to the bottom, while the least controversial statements percolated up. 😖
Load More Replies...I think liberals are the real racists in America. Can't imagine the arrogance that says that black people just can't make it unless white people make it easier for them. How insulting. According to liberals, your average black person cant even manage to get ID.
America is a whole continent, not only a country you know it right? Maybe better be more specific and write about USA, or at least north america
Load More Replies...I'm all for all kinds of people fostering and adopting children but I do not like that if an agency does find a home not a healthy environment for a child (for a valid reason) the couple - or single person- can cry discrimination threaten to sue to force the agency to change their decision. If a straight couple doesn't qualify they don't have the same recourse.