I like making discussions where people can give interesting insights about how they feel about certain things. However, everyone has an opinion.

Please follow Bored Panda's rules and guidelines, I'll allow politics this time, but only for the fact that politics is an opinion, but please, please, P L E A S E don't spam others. No religious hate, please. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and values, but do NOT degrade someone due to this.

Is it as simple as pineapple on pizza, or as complex as the death penalty? Let us know!


I have many controversial opinions, but it often has to deal with both sides of the story. I might get downvoted to hell for this, but who knows.

As an American Student, a lot of these things affect me directly, and I want to speak out.

1. If people are so against sharing a bathroom with someone of a different gender, use a gender neutral bathroom, or better yet, use it at home. Should a girl's bathroom have urinals in it? I say no, but only because the girl's bathrooms are tiny as hell. FFS, make girls' bathrooms have more toilets in them. That way, us women can get in and out easier instead of waiting in like, hour long lines. Conversely, period products should be easily accessible for everyone who needs them. While it might seem like a quick fix to have period products in men's restrooms, it's not a long term solution, as it will be taken down and put back up, et cetera. Make gender neutral bathrooms for all, and then have period products be able to be used, no need to fret over sex versus gender and whatnot.

2. More complex, is abortion. Do I believe that abortion is morally wrong? Yes, I do, but I also hate killing bugs and s**t. However, if someone wants to end a pregnancy, who am I to stop them? They don't want the pregnancy, I won't take care of their child if I make them keep it, so why be hypocritical and not take care of the child that I want to live? (I'm a minor) F**k it, make adoption easier and help those kids that are already suffering without a family taking care of them. However, actions still have consequences, and yes, there are many consequences for anything you do. Pregnancy is not the only consequence.

3. Hot chocolate should be more concentrated for water, as the normal concentrations of hot chocolate to water makes it look and taste like barely flavored water.

4. Healthcare should be free for all, no matter what. I believe in the government paying for us to be healthy citizens, and the quality of life skyrockets this way. The same goes for college; quality of life improves, and studies have shown that the rate of education can impact the crime rates, something to do with job opportunities and society, not sure exactly.

5. We can't print a lot more money to deal with inflation, as that'll cause a lot more inflation (Too much money; worth less than what we pay). And on top of that, unless the government wants to pay for us getting cars that are perfect for the environment, you can't make a society give up more affordable gas cars easily for the damn expensive, healthier cars. Maybe have us walk or bike, but damn it all, make it easier for us to do things instead of us having to do a daily grind of stupid work with stupid higher ups and their f*****g f**k stupid power hungry lives.

6. Periods are perfectly fine to be talked about in public! People get so embarrassed over some blood coming out of a vagina. It's due to this stigma and embarrassment and people die in shame, don't get necessary help because they know nothing or are too confused and scared, and seriously, it's a part of life. I'm a rebellious m**********r and open my pads as loudly as possible, have tampons at my disposal (And pads), hold my pad and/or tampon out for everyone to see, and am very blunt about my period. I don't sneaky sneak to the bathroom either; I might shout it. Do I get made fun of? No, I'm terrifying as hell, but I'm sure they talk behind my back. Not my goddamn problem.

I have others, but I'm getting bored, so thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :)


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    There is no true "best show". There is a best RATED show, but all of it is your feelings about that thing. Unless it is objectivly true, nothing is truely "bad" or "good", because everyone thinks differently about it. Except Velma, that "show" is awful, and not at all tied to the true Scooby Doo lore



    Time to open Pandora’s box again…Alllllrighty then! First off I think neopronouns are unnecessary. I think pronouns are kinda unnecessary as well but I can let those slides. But neopronouns? The heck? Ze? Zen? Zer? What dis some alien language? Alright next up, I think people should stop downvoting on Bp for the most stupidest things, for example Pineapple and I were saying “yo” back and fourth on a comment thread and each of my “Yos” received 2 downvotes each. Just mine, not theirs. Thanks a lot guys. And lastly, I think the film industry is suffering heavily because they are bending over backwards to appeal to a “modern audience” for example, Peter and Wednesday from Disney getting torn to shreds. Dreamworks is blowing all of Disney’s new animated movies such as Strange World out of the water with Puss in Boots the last wish. Because Dreamsorks isn’t trying too hard to appeal to a modern audience.


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