Be it an encounter with a long-lost friend, an encounter with the unknown, or a mysterious encounter somewhere odd, post it here! I want to hear your stories!


I went to the bathroom at 2:00 am, and the toilet flushed by itself when I was washing my hands.



    I was siting in the car and the doors unlocked and locked 10 times. I was nowhere near th buttons


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    Maureen McDermott
    Community Member
    4 years ago

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    I met something that looks like an alien in my dream. It talked telepathically and seemed to have malicious intent. Not sure it was real, though.



    Ok, story time, was in bed late at night a while back, everybody’s sleep, I’m reading. And out of nowhere I hear something TALKING quietly outside, sounded like it was on the sidewalk across the street. It wasn’t just any voice tho, it was a FRICKING DOLL VOICE!!! And it was quietly chanting in a soft voice. I was like 10/11 years old. I was frozen for like 10 minutes after that. Scares me to this day.



    I have met the same American couple in 6 different countries. Each time they have checked into the same hotel as me on the same day and stayed for the same duration as me (Even when I stayed in Costa Rica for 2 months!). We never spoke or contacted each other in any way outside of our holidays!


    See Also on Bored Panda