Share the worst thing that happened to you on this 'amazing' year.


February my brother in law took his life. March I lost my job after psychological sick leave. Kids out of school until sept. Husband laid off (restaurant worker)
Live abroad so not seen any family all year and had no help with kids. November best friends dad died from Covid. Tightest Xmas ever after barely working this year and eating through our savings. Please 2021 be kinder


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    The top personal worst thing that happened to me during 2020 was finding out my lactose intolerant, because I loooove dairy


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    My husband broke both legs above the ankles in September while on a dirt bike riding. His extensive surgery with plates and screws to put him back together went well and his recovery is going slow but good. Thank goodness for family and friends that helped us through this.


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    This was the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020. After my house burned down, I moved 3,000 miles to the south (I had never even been there before) to live with a friend of a friend. I payed $1,000 a month (his mortgage was $1100), bought ALL the groceries, cooked every meal. He was struggling with money, so I helped him pay his bills and for the insurance for his 2 motor cycles and truck. I was struggling with money as my insurance stopped paying half way through, movers stole EVERYTHING, and contractors for the rebuild took the money and ran so my house went into foreclosure. I wasn’t sure how I’d afford to eat.This man had a violent temper (I think it had to do with his blood pressure being off the charts) and a few days before Christmas, he kicked my mom and I out because we told him we couldn’t afford to pay for his bills on top of ours (still paid rent, for groceries, and signed him up for social security so he could take care of himself) he gave us 30 days to move but locked us out in Christmas Day. Even threw the Christmas tree we worked so hard on (and asked before hand if it was ok to put it up) on the porch when we came back the day after Christmas. Had a friend not given us money for a hotel, we would have spent Christmas in an office but were grateful that it had heating. BUT had this not all happened, I wouldn’t have moved to a different place where I no longer have to walk on eggshells and I wouldn’t have met the SWEETEST man of my life. He is my lobster. He is the love of my life. I’ve never been treated so wonderfully or been this head over heals. I look back on all that it took to get me here and with him and I would go through it all again if that meant I got to be with him. He has the biggest heart and I’ve never been treated so wonderfully. He is also the most handsome man I know which is just icing on the cake (I’d love him this much even if he wasn’t but it for sure doesn’t hurt lol)Everything happens for a reason and he is proof of that.


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    My fridge broke in November, and was easily fixed (the motherboard was melting the plastic around it) and didn't cause too many other issues. The day after Thanksgiving, it broke again, this time it wouldn't work once so ever. We finally got a new fridge today, Christmas eve. And all the stores are busy, as it's Christmas eve.


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    The worst thing that happened to me this year was my father being hospitalized and my mother was unable to stay with him because of the coronavirus. Then, I have been exposed to the virus three times because I have coworkers who have had it or had family members with it and they came to work anyway. I am especially worried about the virus because if my father or aunt gets it, it could kill them.


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