Tell us about a bad friendship.


Ok, so I had a friend, who was, how do I say this... Her family had less money than ours. I was struggling with friends at the time and really didn’t know what a real friendship was like. It started when she wanted to go to my house MUCH more often than hers, and every time she came she always asked if she could borrow my clothes, use my things, my shoes, ect. She was a size larger than me, so she was wrecking a few of them. She also mostly thought of herself, and if she had anything better than me, she would rub it in SO much. My mom started noticing these things and was pointing them out to me, so I started getting very cautious. We kinda left each other a year ago after she hid my phone before she left and I didn’t find it for 2 weeks.
We still sometimes talk cuz she has friends that are my friends, but I can already se how she is using them just like she did to me.


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    I'm not sure if was considered 'toxic' but certainly detrimental.
    My friend was one of the most down-to-earth individuals on the planet. While all our other friends only spoke about girls, cars or sport, he and I would would talk about everything. He was interested in everything (except cars or sports), history, architecture, fashion, space, cartoons... You could literally talk to him about anything and he would be interested.
    He was a great looking guy with a great personality and could get along with anybody. So what was his problem? Drugs!
    All to often I would have to bail him out because he owed money to dealers. The worst point was his plan to pay for his own habit buy buying bulk, cutting it, and selling half. His plan fell at the final hurdle, he didn't sell it, he used it. Now he was on the hook for 10K.
    I found out that he had made the deal directly with the son of a local crime boss, who was know for, shall we say "writing off his losses". I had to appeal to the Boss himself, to agree a repayment plan in order to save my friends life.
    I don't see him anymore, but I hear he's clean, got his s**t together and enjoying life.


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    My friends now. There’s a lot of racist jokes ;-;



    ask for a balloon pump for their birthday balloons but not calling u to it but describing how good it was......way to go girl


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    It was elementary school. She would be really fun one minute, and the next she'd be screaming and throwing things at me. I never minded because she was the only person who ever wanted me around, even if she wouldn't let me hang out with her when she had better options. It wasn't until recently (approx. six years later), that I realized that I would've done anything for her, and she didn't care. She was just all I had, and I would've put up with anything, but I was shocked with the relief I felt, with her out of my life.


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    Almost all of the friends I've had in my life have just started ignoring me and stuff like that


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    I had a friend but she was so jealous. It started when she went out with a boy, but he was in love with me. I never encouraged the guy and I was not interested. But she became jealous. She was still my friend, but behind my back she made me look like a fool. She told gossip, said things against me... I didn't know until another friend told me everything. I was shocked. From that day I ignored her calls and I never spoke to her again.


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    I used to have this one friend in 5th grade, and she was cousins with the guy who bullied me. My friend, we’ll call her A, decided it was my fault I was being bullied because I was “too sensitive” and didn’t bother trying to help when I would run to the bathroom in near tears. Summer break happened soon after I left the “friendship” but the next year we had all but 1 class together. She decided to trick me into thinking she had changed, but soon started calling me sensitive again after a tripped in the hallway and hurt my ankle. After that she decided she was going to punch as hard as she could in the arm almost every day to “built up my pain tolerance” I left her and never turned back.


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    my used to be friend who stopped because i was bi and spread rumors


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    My best friend in fourth grade asked me to pay her back for a friendship necklace.



    I had two in elementary school. So I was helping (let’s call her T) with her friend moving cause she was sad about it. Then I saw my other friend (calling her M) was alone so I went over to her to talk to her and see if she was okay and she started to yell at me and yelling these insults and then said “I thought we were friends but I guess we aren’t”. I started to cry my eyes out and I went back to T and she saw me crying then left.
    Second thing that happened was one of my friends was sitting next to T when I asked her to meet me at the playground. T said to my friend once I left “you’re friends with her” is the way that she was disgusted by it.
    I had a friend who was friends with T and she asked for my phone number but I didn’t have my phone with me at the time. So later that day I asked T for her friend’s number and she said “when she said she didn’t want you to have her number cause she doesn’t want to talk to you ”. I was thinking like excuse me she asked for my number why would she not want me to have her number if she asked me for my number


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    With a friend I just can't get over. She is extremely transphobic and homophobic and has told me I'm wrong for being LGBTQ+ and ignores me a lot, and makes up shitty excuses not to talk to me, then when I talk to my other friend she's talking to her. I was in love with her for a while and I couldn't seem to get over her, we haven't talked since April 28th and it's killing me. My girlfriend told me I'm way better off without her and that she seems extremely toxic but I just can't stop thinking about her, my other friend says she still cares about me and I don't believe that but I definitely still care about her. I don't know what to do, I had a huge reality check like 10 minutes ago and I want to save the friendship but my stupid f**king timelimit on my phone has ran out so i have to wait until tomorrow and I can't f**king wait that long.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s your life, but please don’t contact this person. If she thinks your wrong for being LGBTQ+ I don’t think she’s your friend. She seems very toxic, and her “caring about you” isn’t actually caring if she thinks you’re bad for being queer. It seems like a really bad idea to contact her.

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    one of my firends who i despise now wnated me to buy them a knife like wtf why me get your self
