I guess events before they happen all the time. What about you, guys? What's the weirdest coincidence to ever happen to you?


Years ago. Introducing a very dear teenage friend of mine to my part Anglo-Indian grandparents. My friend also had Anglo-Indian heritage but had lived in England all his life up north, only relocating in his teens to my area down south. He and my Grandfather naturally starting talking about India. My Grandfather talked about living in Rajasthan ‘oh, that’s where my granddad lived’ said my friend. My Grandfather talked about working on the Indian railways. ‘Oh, my grandad also worked on the railways’ says my friend, turns out they had worked the same line. My Grandfather asked my friends’ grandads’ name. When he told him, a HUGE smile appeared on my Grandfather’s face and he said ‘my god, we were best friends out there forty years ago!’. Two friends in India forty years ago, having grandchildren who later meet randomly in their teens and become dear friends. I love that coincidence in my life.



    I was at Disney World waiting in line and there was a boy in front of me my age. He looked exactly like someone I knew from home. We started talking and he was saying how I looked like one of HIS friends. The funniest part was that we had the same names as our friends. We don't even live near each other though.



    10 years ago, I was visiting my parents, who were now living in a town, three miles from the village where I was born and grew up. I had my first car, so took the chance to drive to the childhood village and look around. I went to the house where I lived between the ages of 2 and 12: we'd moved out of there in 1979, this was 2010.
    I wanted to take a picture of the wrought-iron sculpture near the front door, which is too far from the road to see clearly. So I approached and rang the doorbell, to ask permission, rather than just lurking about on the drive, trying to get a picture. When the door was answered, I explained that I'd lived in the house for 10 years, and wanted this photo. The owner look at me, then said "Is your name Gillian ? I think we have something of yours."
    The current owners had lived there for 20 years. Two weeks before my random visit, the husband had been working in the garden and dug up a silver bangle with two forenames and a date engraved on it. They asked a neighbour, who had been living next door since we'd lived there, and the neighbour remembered my name. The date was my christening. I have no memory of losing my christening bangle, or why it was taken out into the garden. It had been lying out there for well over 30 years, and emerged just 2 weeks before my visit. I got to see around the house I'd loved, which had been changed very little, and was reunited with the bangle.
    In all the excitement, I completely forgot to get the picture I'd wanted in the first place.



    My husband married for the first time when he was 18. He and his wife spent their honeymoon in Mazatlan. The same time they were there, I was there with my family on vacation. We did not meet at this time. After I graduated college I moved onto a small street in Los Angeles (6 blocks long). I lived there 12 years. When he was 12 his family moved to that same street. The entire time I was in my apartment, he and his wife and kids lived about 5 miles away, but often visited his mother who lived across the street, and one house up. We never met. We went to the same shops, restaurants, grocery stores, movie theaters. His best friend worked at the same studio I did. We never met. About 15 years ago his wife was transferred out of state, so they moved. October 2005, they took a trip to Chicago to look at colleges for their daughter. October 2005, I was working on a film on location in Chicago. We did not meet at this time. After he and his wife divorced, he moved back to Los Angeles. He got a tax guy. I have the same tax guy. We didn't meet there. We met 3 years ago on match.com and married a year and a half later. We both felt that we knew each other our entire lives when we first met. It was only after we got to know each other's pasts better that we realized why.
    We have shared memories of times and places, even though we weren't together during those times.


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    Doggo Georgia
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You stressed me out a bit there waiting for you two to finally meet *_*

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    I was looking for a full time babysitter for my six week old daughter because I was due back at work. I went to meet a lady named Midge. She was holding my baby and asked her name. I said Margo. She said her sister was named Margo. I said baby's middle name is Wallis. She said her real name is Wallis, but everyone calls her Midge. I told her my name is Vicki. Her brother was Victor. My other daughter is Dayna. Her niece, Dana, lived with her. Dayna's middle name is Rose. Her sister-in-law was Rose. She babysat till my daughter started kindergarten. At my daughter's one year birthday party her mom came in and recognized my father-in-law. It turns out they had worked together at a local drive in when they were young. She asked him what happened to the little boy who used to come after school for a hamburger and shake. Turns out he's my husband. She and I are still good friends and my daughter is thirty.



    I was over at a friend's house with cartoons on in the background while we cleaned and did other stuff. I wasn't interested in the show, so I muted the TV and put on a Fatboy Slim album. We were both in the kitchen when we noticed the TV show started lining up with the music *extremely well*, including alternating between characters at the right times, and a dance number randomly inserted into the cartoon. As this carried on for a couple minutes, we had completely dropped what we were doing to watch in awe as this continued for much longer than expected. It all culminated in a quick cycle between several characters and finishing in a big group pose where the cartoon faded to black, matching up perfectly with a series of beats and a fade out from the music, at which point my friend at I looked at each other and in perfect unison exclaimed "Oh my goooooood!"



    I wanted to go to a friend's party but my mom said no. Turns out the "party" was a place where they were trading drugs. They got caught by the police.



    Sometimes some things happen like an event happens, a small one like a simple conversations, sometimes i feel like this moment has already happened and its getting repeated... i dont know if that made sense. upvote if this has happened to you, cuz i think I'm the only one....



    I got the 2020 Playoffs bracket 100% correct. I wish I could do that for college. I would be a millionaire.



    I once had this random as hell memory of an episode of a cartoon series, Duck Dodgers, Back to the Academy in which Daffy has to battle Ed McMahon while I was taking a class in community college. When I got home, I learned that Ed McMahon had passed away.



    My friend was very depressed, he didn't want to talk about it, and instead just asked how my day was. I said "Today at work I had to listen to a podcast where the host was so slow and boring, he should give turtle eulogies." My friend began screaming (in joy). He said he was depressed because it was the anniversary of his mother's death (whom I never met) and that he asked God for a sign that she still watches over him. The eulogy he gave at her funeral was a story about turtles.



    one of my friends looks exactly like me


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my friends in elementary school looked exactly like me, we were in the same classes for 4 years and the teachers would often confuse us.

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    One time I was at a local fast-food restaurant. I thought to myself "Wow. An oreo milkshake would be amazing right now." I pull up to the window and the clerk tells me that there is a large oreo milkshake that had been passed up by 3 cars before me. I took the milkshake.



    I saw a guy on Instagram with the same name as me and the same last name as well and the funny thing is I'm a woman and he's a man. He even has the same nickname as me.



    Another thing that happened is that i was texting my old friend from school in 5th grade and she asked me to come to her birthday party on Saturday, i asked my mom and she said no cuz we were busy that day. we were in the car heading to the mall and we were shopping. then i see that friend! Apparently she was also in the car headed to the same mall! I go over to her and we have a conversation because I hadn't seen her in 2 years. I thought it was a sign that i should go to her party.

    P.S: I still didn't go. lol



    Not me but my history teacher: He went to Egypt for vacation during the summer break. When he went to see the pyramids, someone suddenly called his name and waved at him. It turned out to be our other history teacher who had also travelled to Egypt.


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    Fact Perils
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it's possible it wasn't a coincidence and they were both there for the same reason, such as the school sending them there or some important event happening there.

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    I met my boyfriend because of a bet with friends. Long story short, they had me text random dudes in my virtual choir class. One time I texted this guy and randomly asked him what grade he was in. He responded and we exchanged numbers. Time passed and he asked me out and I accepted. I eventually asked where he lived and turns out we live in the same city. Which is hilarious, my virtual choir has people from three states and we live in the same city.


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    Melanie King
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thats cool! One time i was on an online chat room and found a kid who lived down the road from me...

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    My aunt and uncle have the same birthday, 2 years apart. Their sons have the same birthday, also exactly 2 years apart...



    deja vu. I get it so much its scary. and I would not remember the dream until the thing happened in real life. some times I would get deja vu twice on the same thing. some times its small, like what I would eat or what a friend would say or what the weather is gonna be like. but sometimes its scary, like a tornado, a fire, death. most of the time I don't know if it's gonna be deja vu or not. if I had a bad dream I would freak out because I didn't know if it was gonna have in real life or not. the 2 biggest deja vu i have had was when I went on vacation I had deja vu when I was riding my favorite ride and I looked to the left like in my dream and saw 3 kids walk over and get in line to ride. no one else was at this ride so it was just me and my 3 new friends riding it over and over without having to wait. and the other big deja vu was after a funeral for my grandpa, in my dreams my dad would get a call and then we would drive back to see my dads side of the family. sure enough, my dad gets a call and my other grandma is dead so we have to drive back to the other funeral.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same I get deja vu A LOT the only bad thing that happened was a cat got run over 😱🥺😢😭 also I knew the power and heat was going to go out in the middle of winter while we were at school one day (the only deja vu that I knew was going to happen before hand) so I made sure my mom was available also I told my "friend" but she didnt believe me until it happened

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    Back in 1996, my dad hired these two young guys from the same company he worked in, to live on my new couch. The same evening, I was with my friend at work, selling tickets at a fair. She said she had a cute guy coming to pick her up from work. So I asked If I could tag along and get a ride home. So it turned up to be one of the guys who had moved my new couch inside our apartment. We ended up dating for a few weeks before I met his mom. And you guys... My mom and his mom used to work together in the same company when I was born. And our moms had teased him that I was going to be his wife one day. We got married back in 2006. So, that's how I met my husband :D


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh shoot.. so many typoes. Sorry about that. The autocorrect in my phone is really weird...😅

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    When I was a kid, I was walking on the beach with my parents, and I found a coin lying on the sand. It was kind of an unusual coin, so I picked it up. A short while later I tripped and accidentally threw the coin away as I fell over. We searched all over and couldn't find it anywhere. My parents joked that I threw it so hard, it must have landed a couple miles up the coast. Two days later we went to a town a couple of miles up the coast. I see a coin exactly the same as the one I threw away, lying on the ground. It weirded us all out.



    I went skiing for the first time ever, and was hundreds of miles from my home. After mostly tumbling down the mountainside, I crashed face first into a pit of ice. Another person suddenly face planted right next to me in the ditch. It was a friend who I hadn't seen in years, and it was his first time skiing as well.



    I was working in sales at the time. I told a good customer that no deliveries would be made the following week because I would be on vacation. My wife and I were going to a long planned trip to Germany, but I didn't tell him that. The customer said, "No big deal. I'm out of town next week too." Flash forward to the next week. My wife and I are enjoying our vacation. We were in Munich in an enormous city square with around 2000 other people, and I walk past the customer! We both turned around and kinda gave each other puzzled looks. He was there for some kind of work conference and was heading to a meeting. Small world though.



    2008. I was in Milan, Italy, with my wife. We were going to another city so we bought a train ticket and, although we had time to spare, decided to go straight to the platform. Once there, we starting walking towards our train. She was going straight for the first wagon and I told her, "let’s keep going because when rush hour comes everybody will try to hop in this wagon. So we keep going and enter a wagon near the middle of the train. It was a wagon with cabins and this was my first time in that king of train. Once again my wife went straight to the first cabin and once again I told her to keep going. We enter some cabin near the middle of the wagon, it was empty, so we sat on the seats on the left near the window. We didn’t notice, because we were taking a power nap, but with the departure time closing by, people started filling in the cabin. Once it was full another guy came, woke me up and ask me to see my ticket. I took one semester of Italian in college so I understand a little but because I was waking up from a nap I was a little confused. I show him my ticket and he gave it back to me. He then asked another couple for their tickets, said something and the other couple left the cabin and he and his wife/girlfriend sat on their places. Still confused I started to put what I just saw together and ask him, “excuse me, are these seats numbered?” and he told me “yes but you are ok”. So that is my coincidence, without knowing it we enter the correct train wagon, the correct cabin and sat in the correct seats (well at least in one of our correct seats but the other couple didn’t mind because we left them the one by the right window).


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    My best friend and I have the same middle name.


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    meowgie catster
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *me sitting over here with the most basic middle name, and matching with all my friends lol*

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    I once was in my dad's car, thinking of a random song. Then it started playing on the radio.



    I met someone who looked exactly like me, and who was born on the exact day as me. freaked me out.



    i was asleep having a dream that i was doing my homework, then my alarm went off, so i got up dressed, and picked up my homework so i could do it, and it was already done! that was the only time that ever happened in my life so far. i have never had another dream like that again.



    My aunt recently passed away, and after I had heard the news that morning I made a little agreement with the Universe that someone was going to talk to me about their new Xbox whenever she made it to the other side. It was the most random thing i could think of at the time so it would be obvious when it happened. Several days go by and I was talking to my dad on the phone, about another possible lockdown or something, when all of a sudden he starts talking about how much he wants the Xbox Series X before shutdown so we can be comfortable in quarantine, blah blah blah, but I immediately thought of her and I was trying not to cry. I guess it wasn't really a coincidence but hey, it happened and it was real, might as well share it while I'm at it.



    My name is supposed to be Jacob(yes, I was thought to be a boy before birth) and I know 15 people that are named Jacob and I have a relative whose younger than me named Jacob XD



    I live in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I vacationed in San Francisco, and ran in to five people at four different times (2 were together) who I'd known from Portsmouth, New Hampshire.



    Three of my family members got me the exact same gift for Christmas, a metal detector! Same brand, model, color, and everything!



    I'm from England and used to teach English in Slovakia in the late 90s. Recently I was working at a company(back in England) where a Slovak woman worked, but we hardly spoke. Then after a month or so, we had a staff outing and I finally told her I used to live in her country. She asked me whereabouts. I'd lived in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, to which she replied that that's where she was from.
    Then, she asked me which neighbourhood I'd lived in and again, it was where she had lived. We did the maths and it turned out we had lived there at the same time and had probably seen each other at some point before finally meeting 20 years later!


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    In 1962 my Irish father, who was living in Derby England, took my mother, who he had at this stage had been dating for a year, to his home in Ballinasloe in Galway. Mum bought postcards of the local area to send home ond one of a mountain in the north of Sligo 90 miles away. My dad asked her why that one when it wasn't in Galway and she just said she loved the look of the mountain Benbulben. 14 years later my parents had been married for 12 years and with 3 kids and we moved to Letterkenny in Donegal Ireland. We had to travel to Ballinasloe to see Granny Dad's, mum. To get there we had to drive down a main road that passed through the area where Benbulben the mountain mum fell in love with all those years ago from that postcard. We all loved that area as it is so beautiful because on one side you have the mountain and on the other side the sea surrounded by the countryside. Mum was delighted to see the area in real life as she loved the look of the area.
    We left Letterkenny in 1985 for England for Dad's work. He was made redundant IN 1987 and went for, and got a job in Sligo Ireland . When we were living in rented accommodation there was a lady who lived over the back and she came over to say "hello" and my mother let her into our living room. She took one look at the portrait we had on the wall of my Grandad, my Dad's dad and exclaimed "That looks like Michael Colohan how do you know him? " My Dad who was coming down the stairs nearly fell over. "How do you know my dad he asked? The woman turned around and said "Oh for goodness sake , hello Brendan". She recognised dad even though he had left Ballinasloe in 1959 and this was 1987. She was great friends with my Grandparents and remembered my Grandad even though died in 1950 when dad was 7.
    A few weeks later mum who was house hunting she came across a picture in an estate agent's window of a house in the area where the mountain that she had always loved, Benbulben is . We went to view it and when we got there we met up with the owners. All throughout the viewing mum kept looking dad and I noticed that mum and the male owner kept looking at each other in a funny way and towards the end of the viewing mum said to him "I'm sure I know from somewhere". The man Geoff said "The same but how"? then it clicked with both of them. In Letterkenny mum worked in an office of the Cash and Carry and dealt with all the invoices of for all the sales reps that came in to sell their goods to the Cash and Carry who then sold them to the local shops. Geoff came in regularly as he was a sales rep for Rowntree Macintosh a company that made sweets (candy). They ended up buying the house here in the area that my mother fell in love with 25 years earlier after seeing a picture of the area on a postcard when she was just 18. We moved in in 1987 and are still here now and even after living here for 33 years and loving it for 58 years she still loves it here.


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    Claire Bauling
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    4 years ago

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    me and my ex girlfriend drew exactly the same picture, but years before we met. The picture was of some girl. it was a portrait. She had a lot of piercings and both of our drawings had the exact same ones. (sadly cant add the pictures.) We ve broken up like 10 years ago. this year i got a praying mantis as a pet. we still talk occasionaly, so when i brought it up. she was like she just got one too. we had a connection that was outta this world. or once i wanted to surprise her, she wasnt home. when i called her she said she wanted to surprise me, and she was standing in front of my door and i in front of hers :D and we had plenty more coincidences like that.



    My parents divorced when I was young and we moved into another city. I was separated from my step-sister and other members of the other half of the family.
    When I was teen, I had a non-regular weekend job as a guide in caves. One day someone in the crowd asked me some question and when I was answering, I recognized her and I frozen in a shock. I was very ashamed immediately because it was simply not possible (last time I saw her I was about 5 yo), but she said my name and confirmed it is her. She was on her personal challenge to see all accessible caves in our state. So after 13 years I reunited with my sister and later with whole family.
    I still couldn't believe the crazy coincidence.



    I met someone on Instagram that is a year younger than me (for context my birthday is April 13th, 2004 and theirs is April 12th, 2003)



    I cant remember the exact situations, but sometimes I will think about something, such as a show, and then later that day I do something similar to my thought. Its not that interesting but I wanted to share


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ill learn about something or something like that and then sometimes later that day ill see something that reminded me of that and ill be like heyyyy i just learned that

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    I have several:

    1. I have the exact same birthday as my biological brother

    2. I know three couples, a Erin and Aaron; a Chris and Christina; and an Alexander and Alexandra.


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    Arctic Fox Lover
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you're a twin? Idk if that's considered a "coincidence" per se lol

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    I realise I've got a few related to my times living abroad. I worked in a school in Germany for a couple of years. After finding out where I'm from, a colleague mentioned they used to have another teacher from there. Upon enquiring about him, I found out that not only was he a teacher at the secondary school I went to, but he was my form teacher for one year.



    My dad got into a car accident at the beach when he was in his 20s. A lifeguard was driving and waving goodbye to his coworkers then ran into my dad’s VW van. Fast forward 9 years: My dad and his best friend/coworker were talking about car accidents they had been in and my dad told the story of the accident at the beach. His friend paused then asked, “Was your van blue?” My dad replied, “Yeah! How did you know that? I haven’t owned that thing for years!” His friend answered, “I was the lifeguard.”

    They remained best friends for life (another 30 years). You never know who you’re going to run into.


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    I have two!
    1st- Late 90s-Living in Ohio, 26 y.o. Guy dating 22 y.o.girl from OH whose immediate family also lived there. We won tickets to Disney world. We went but didn’t tell her family because they hadn’t yet met me and wouldn’t have approved of us sharing a hotel room together. On the last of three in the parks, we were in Epcot when some big guy ran up and grabbed my (now wife) from behind. It was her older brother! They (he and his GF) went down to FL to fish and on their last day, decided to go to Disney. Because he’s a big ole science guy, Epcot was more desirable. Again, they had no idea that we were there. I think we parted with me saying it was nice to meet them and her saying don’t tell her parents that her boyfriend was there with her.
    2nd-Late 70s-King’s Dominion,VA (theme park)-8 y.o. old me and my family (living in VA) were walking through the park when a big guy grabs my mom from behind. It was her older brother from L.A. who was at the park for a day conference and was walking through before he flew back home that evening.



    So, in Disney Springs they have a store where you can make your own lego figure. (Their shirt, at least. Then you can pick the hair and stuff from a bin.) They have a TV that shows who's legos are being made, and so I saw the names Will and Meg (My parent's names are William and Megumi). I asked my mom if she had made legos for the two of them, and she said no. I showed her the board and stuff. The Will and Meg were right by each other and everything.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow and also I LOVE DISNEY SPRINGS AND DISNEY (imagine Mickey emoji here for some reason that doesnt exist)

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    This is my second Slovakia-related story. Again, I used to teach English there and a couple of years later I worked at a summer school in Spain. I was going with a colleague to pick up another new teacher and I saw his CV in the car. He worked for the same company that I had and after seeing which city he was based in, I thought about who I knew from there.
    We picked him up and I said I'd seen where he worked, but didn't let on that I had, too. I asked him "So how's Liz?" He looked at me and said "It's a small world." It turned out that they were also in a relationship.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Incidentally, my teaching partner in Slovakia, who I also lived with has moved from Hong Kong to the city where I now live. I haven't seen him since we used to work together.

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    Me and my best friend have the same middle name. We each have one older sister named Lily, and one younger sister named Maddison. Our mom's names both are Angelica, and our dad's names are Ryan.(They also have the same middle name, Evie and Bruce.) Our cousins are each 6 years old and have the same birthday. Both named Jane. My grandmothers maiden name was Greene, so was hers (But we are not related.) And we each have different friends named Alexandra Ray who were born on the same day. And a Golden Retriever named butterscotch born in June, 1 day apart. Which is how many days apart our birthdays are. And our aunts both live on the sam street in California.

    So me and my BFF have nearly identical families.



    I sometimes have dreams involving people that I know, but wouldn't feature in my everyday life. For example, an old classmate (I left school 22yrs ago and moved cities), or a client from a previous job (again, in another city). The following day, that person would appear in real life.

    Of course it freaks me out but I just have to accept it's coincidence, despite happening at least 4 times.



    Had a dream about a tornado hitting my school.

    Few days later, a tornado hit my town.



    I had a dream that I was in Italy with my husband and we were desperate to leave because mount Etna erupted. Our flight was canceled and I was so scared. The next morning I found out on the news that Etna erupted and the Catania airport was closed. I've never been to Italy.


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    Playing in my grandmothers back yard on vacation in England where all of our family live. (My immediate family and I live in California). A pretty white butterfly came and actually landed on my shoulder I was totally amazed and after it flew off I ran inside to tell my mom, turns out my great grandmother had died an hour earlier. I was seven at the time and this has happened several times since. I’ll see a white butterfly and learn someone I knew has died. It’s a little freaky.



    When I went to Vietnam to adopt my infant daughter in October 2002, I brought my best friend with me, who'd recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer. The doctors told her that it was slow-moving, so if she wanted to have another baby before they performed a hysterectomy, she had until about Jan. 2003 to get pregnant. My daughter's final adoption day (also knows as "Gotcha Day") was October 9, 2002; my best friend had her last baby on October 9, 2003.


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    Anarchy (they/them)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a Gotcha Day too! My parents celebrate it every year and they get me and my sibling a small present!


    Sometimes i will have these extremly wierd daydreams and then later jasmine will be like "I have a new book idea!" and it will be my dream. We also have the same creepy monsters in our nightmares: actually you don't want to know our nightmares. Don't you?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jasmine is my twin sis if you didn't know! Also its mostly creepy because jasmine has nightmares based on stress and i have no stress and have nightmares based on my phobias. Two heads thin alike! (i think that's the quote!!??!)

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    There was a guy I liked in 6th grade but we never ended up together. We lost touch in middle school (except for a few basic hallway conversations) and i forced myself to get over it assuming i'd never get to be his friend again. Two years later the third day of high school I stop to talk to a friend, and a couple of minutes later he walks up. As it turns out he always meets them there every morning. He asked me out a week later and we started dating.



    Me and my mom were listning to spotify turned it off and the same song was on the radio


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    So my Great Uncle is black and when he was about to meet my Great Grandfather for the first time he was really worried about that because my Great Grandfather was a republican, and my Uncle didn't know how he'd react to his daughter dating a black man. Then, as soon as my Great Grandfather opened the door, they both started laughing because they were wearing the same new tie. :)



    My classmate told me someone in the class will die in year 2012. He died in December 12th 2012 from motorcycle accident



    Went on a vacation to the Carribbean, with my bf, who was born in Germany ( later important). 1st morning went to a café, sitting outside. There was a couple later on the second day, who moved closer to us on the beach,for more shadow. We started speaking, went in trips together, and found out,the couple was from the same place as my bf, also found a sticker with the region's name ( where they were from) on the peak of the volcano on the island, on a wooden sign) and later I saw among my pics taken at the beach that I photographed the couple before we knew them and they found a picture that they took of us, when we were having breakfast on our first day( just cause I was feeding a stray dog & cat & a chicken). We've been friends since.
    Also on that trip, met an Italian guy, who went with scholarship abroad, to my hometown ( I moved 8 years prior) and just took a vacation, flying to the island directly from uni.
    The world is a small place. 😃


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    I used to live in a house with my brother & cousin before she got married. We were uni students trying to save money so furnitures were donated from relatives or picked up from local hard waste that people put out on their front lawn so council can collect them.
    One day cousin rang me to rush home because one of our neighbours threw out a huge flatscreen TV & we didn’t have any. I came home a couple of hours later & the TV was gone.
    Fast forward 5 years later to now, found out that my partner used to live on the same road, he saw that very same TV & picked it up before I got home. Can’t believe how close we almost met 5 years ago.


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    When I was a teenager, I was in a badminton club. There was another girl there I played with whenever my friends couldn't make it (Vanessa).

    During summer vacation that year, my parents took me to Bavaria (I'm from Hamburg, Germany). That's like nearly across the whole country. One day, we went shopping at an adidas warehouse sale. I was just looking at some t-shirts when I noticed a girl at the other side of the clothes rack. I looked at her and thought "Wow, she looks exactly like Vanessa". Then she looked up at me and looked like she just had the exact same thought. It was actually her!

    Same day, same time, same location, more than 600 km away from home! Never forgot that crazy coincidence.



    When I was a kid, me and a friend of mine were begging our parents for icecream after dinner. The grownups were watching the (national) news on television and said "no". Because of the warm weather that day, the news was showing footage of people visiting the beach (which is on the other side of the country) that day, including people eating icecream. Without really looking, I pointed at the TV and said "those children are getting icecream from their parents though!". At that moment I noticed, the children on the TV, eating icecream, were my cousin and cousins, together with my oncle and aunt. Apperently they visited the beach that day and got filmed.



    Once I left a football game and was hungry for food. I went to our abandoned tailgate and there on the grill was a hot dog someone had left, now perfectly cooked and plump, which I dubbed The Miracle Hot Dog. The next year, my friend and I were walking back from the beach at 1 a.m. after NYE fireworks and I was telling her the story of the Miracle Hot Dog, since we were both hungry for hot dogs. On our walk back, some family was selling hot dogs out of their driveway as a fundraiser!! At 1 a.m.!! Miracle Hot Dog, part 2!!


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    My parents made the decision to move out of our family home of 32 years. I had not lived in the home for the past 15 years, so it surprised me when I got a call from mum telling me I had mail forwarded to their new home.

    The mail was related to a new account that was set up for a local internet company. I called the company and went through the information, and putting them on notice that my family had just moved out of the house, and that I did not live there anymore, Nor did I start an account with their company. I was afraid someone had found information from when I was previously living there. It was confirmed that first and last name were correct, but the middle name and birthday were not. The company flagged the account to investigate and said I would not be charged for the account.
    On closer investigation, I called my parents real estate agent to see what he knew. Apparently the new owners that had purchased the house were renting the house out. The first person to rent the house happened to have the exact same name as me. So after 32 years of our family living in the house, the very next person to live in the house had the same name.
    P.s: i let the company know so they didn't close their account, and addressed the mail issue with Canada Post.


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    I see others already put this, but I get déjà vu a lot. I dream about things that happen the next day, I suddenly have a memory of something I can't remember EVER doing.


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    When I was 18/19 I had my first boyfriend. He was a DJ and had some vapid groupies for friends. One in particular kept trying to break us up and wouldn’t chill. She kept calling him at all hours and he’d ignore her for the most part. I picked up his phone and told her he was busy a few times. Fast forward 12 years, I was looking for a roommate on Craigslist and I met this girl “Jane”. She she’s ok and moved in. She turned out to be high drama, anorexic (100 pounds and 5’9), and shallow. We were talking in the kitchen about our “City” lives and who we knew when it dawned on both of us who we were to each other 12 years ago. Yep, the annoying groupie I got in drunken fights with over my boyfriend! Her response to finding out was, “You’re the b**** who kept hanging up on me!” She was still salty I guess. We didn’t last much longer as roommates.


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    Fact Perils
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anorexia isn't a bad characteristic about someone... sorry if i misunderstood but that's the way it seems by being in between high drama and shallow. Anorexia is a real, extremely difficult to go through, eating disorder.

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    In the late 1960s and up until 1972 I used to travel by BOAC home for the holidays. Because I and many other travellers were under 18, we were met at Victoria BOAC Check in and accompanied on our journey by BOA’s Aunties or Uncles. Our mantra was to do what we wanted, theirs was to keep us under control.
    When I was 18, I started working at a pub in Canterbury and there were a group of young men – well older than me – about 30 years old give or take a year or so. Their mantra was to try and get me to bend over whilst I was wearing my mini skirt, mine was to bend at the knees to get that bottle of bear from the bottom shelf.
    In the summer when I was 22, I had a row in my local (regarding politics), l and a snotty lady - a lot older than me- OK 2 years older than me. Her husband stood by in hysterics.
    One year later I as a member of Gingerbread, and overheard a single father discuss going to Gingerbread meetings – I introduced myself he started going to the meetings and we became friends. We discussed our previous lives – he was one of those “Uncles”, he was one of those lads trying to get me to bend over – he was the husband who was laughing.
    We have been together now for 45 years. We were meant to be.



    I was having a rough patch with a really close friend. I was thinking one day what I would say if I ever ran into this one mutual friend in particular. He didn’t live in my area and we weren’t close at all. But I was specifically thinking of him when I pulled into my driveway and there he was. Right in front of me on the sidewalk. I couldn’t believe it. I was returning home after picking up lunch, he was picking up something from work and had decided to walk through my neighborhood. It was just so random.



    I was in a rather unconventional relationship in my early 20s. It ended badly, and YEARS later I was working at a different job than the one I'd had at the time. One of my duties was to go to a satellite office one day a week and man the phones. No one ever called or came in, so the woman who rented the office next door started coming over to chat with me (I hated this; I'm a huge introvert). Well, one day she starts telling me this "scandalous" story about a former client of hers with lots of juicy (and inaccurate) details, and about halfway through the story, I realize she's talking about me. My ex was her former client. At least I know what she was going around telling people about me, I guess. I didn't tell the woman that she was talking about me, just mentioned that I actually new the person she was referring to and she clammed up, thank god.



    Several years ago I went to NYC for vacation. Was leaving the NBC building in Rockefeller Plaza after shopping in the gift shop. Just as I was stepping out of the revolving door, my upstairs neighbor from my building in Chicago was just about to step into the revolving door. Neither of us knew that the other was going to be in NYC. Of all the places to be in NYC, we were in the same spot at the same time...and if I had left the shop 30 seconds earlier, I wouldn't have run into him.


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    Wilson Pickett
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me. I worked in a building in downtown Chicago. My GF's mother lived in a small town in NW Wisconsin about 400 miles away. We often went to a bar in that town. I was in the elevator in my office building and a woman walked on with a Tshirt from that bar. Of course she knew my GF's mother.

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    My husband was born in Sendai, Japan and grew up in the southwest corner of NC which is were we lived right after we got married. We were at a conference center about an 90 minutes away and there was a Japanese guy there who looked like he was close to our age. It turns out he, also, was born in Sendai, Japan the day after my husband was born and was born in the same hospital.


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    Had a guy from one of my favourite ice hockey teams rutoring me and my sister through our last 2.5 years of high school math and also our final exams. He also had a really good relationship with my family so we invited him with his wife and children to a bbq when all was over. His wife then said she had an aunt with our last name living in the same village but spelled with 2 s. My father told her there was only one variation in the 400 people village of our name. She and i started researching. Turns out we are related and I now have family from Finland as he is Finnish 😅 still have contact here and there and see a lot of them on Facebook 😅



    My friends birthdays are on the day that my mom died.



    I was flying alone out of state for educational purposes, but I was flying out of LA instead of San Diego, and met a guy about my age on the flight. We were both in the same dress code. When the chaperone called our names, we realized we were going to the same place, and we both lived in San Diego! We are still friends a year and a half later


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    So, I had a friend, an online one, y'know? So we had no idea what each other looked like.
    My friend lived in Wyoming, I lived somewhere completely different. We even had different timezones.
    Eventually we both worked up enough courage to show each other our faces through iMessage.

    It turned out the other person looked exactly like an old friend of mine-and I looked exactly like a friend or theirs!



    1. My elementary teacher's wife is the granddaughter of my grandmother's sister. We only found this out when our families unintentionally met at my grandmother's house about a year after I graduated elementary school.

    2. I know two girls whose birthdays are the exact same as mine; one is middle school friend and one is college friend. I'm still friends with them today. With the one from college, we share a lot of likes and dislikes, and have had several similar life experiences. I always joke that we were twins that separated at birth.


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    Me and my friend were talking while watching one of Technoblade's recent streams(the one where he moved to a snow village). I joked he was moving so far that he would find Beelloon(Fundy and Nihachu's lost bee). Moments later, he sprinted past a random bee, in the middle of a bunch of icebergs. I still don't know if it's Beelloon, but it was funny.


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    I hesitated giving a security deposit on an apartment that was on sale in city I really wanted to live in. When I contacted them after looking at a few other places I didn’t like as much they wouldn’t give me the same deal they offered when I was there a week earlier so I passed. A few weeks after I moved into a different apartment I was in a bar after work and on the television I saw the building I wanted to move into burning to the ground. Still gives me the chills. Also the place I did move into said soon before I moved in that my apartment wasn’t ready for me so I got a bigger one for the same price.


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    On my 23rd birthday, a florist delivered a "happy birthday" bouquet and balloons. But the card was not for me. I called the florist to say the card was wrong. The flowers were delivered to the wrong place... I lived at 6XX Washington St in Brookline, but it was for 6XX Washington St in Brighton.


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    2016, we did our long planned trip to the USA. In Harlem, in front of a church, we met two teachers of my children and so we learned that they were a couple :-)


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    So I was sitting there dreaming one time, and suddenly I see MYSELF. I remember it as clear as day. My clone walked up to me in my dream, slapped me across the face, and yelled "WAKE UP!! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!" I woke up and looked at my alarm. It was 5 minutes before Online School started!! My dream saved me from being late, and that day was an important test day!!


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    On one trip a few years ago with my older brother, we said the exact same thing at the exact same time...a lot.


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    This actually just happened the other day. I was just listening to music on YouTube, and a song came on called Losing my Religion. Didn't sound bad so I listened to it. Later that night, my dad told me to listen to a song, 'cause we were talking about music. IT WAS THE SAME SONG. (he wasn't in the house whenever I was first listening to it)



    I was getting chick- fil- A but I was several miles away but suddenly I smelled chick-fil-a sauce and a chick fil a commercial came on. when I got home a chick-fil-a commercial came on on the TV and an ad on my phone.


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    Found a $100.00 bill in the QFC parking lot. Hours later my boyfriend's brother called him furious because he lost $300.00 in that parking lot...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Quaint Family Custom? Quality Furry Costume? Quadruplicating Fancy Cats?


    Was on a road trip. Stopped for gas, found a socket wrench at the gas station. At the next gas station some one needed it. Of course I gave it to them. At the half way point found another one for myself. :-)


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    Okay, so my friend and I have had the same Spanish class for three years in a row. Same class, same teacher, same period. Insane!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably the teachers specifically made it that way, because you behaved? That's how it works at my school, anyways.

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    for some reason, i have deja vu about the number 911...
    like sometimes when i wake up, its 9:11, and one time the radio was on in the car and it said the channel was 9.11
    idk its kinda creepy cuz 9/11


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    ok so a bit of background info. this was the summer before 4th grade. i had recently moved to Texas last in 2016. i attended a school in 3rd grade then i was going to a different school next year. i had a best friend in 3rd grade (lets call him Ish) so i was going to get a haircut and i entered the shop. i looked around and i'm like oh ok just a normal haircut place. so i was going to sit down but then someone said "Jonathan?" i looked down to one of the seats and there was my best friend Ish. i met his dad and his brother and he met my dad and my brother. so we talked then when his brother was done with his haircut he left. that was the last time i saw him.


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    I was attendig a wedding along with my best friend, and we were sharing a hotel room.

    Some time we were chatting idly, and we obviously had the same associations, because during a pause in the conversation we simultaneously started singing - not only the same song at the same time, not only the identical made up lyrics, but also the exact same key.


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    I was taking an art class downtown as a tween, and to get there I had to ride two bus lines. One night I dreamed that I had just gotten off the first bus and saw the second approaching the intersection where I changed buses. I ran across the street to catch that bus and almost got hit by a car. The next day, that actually happened!


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You'd think you'd have learned and slowed down a bit. LOL


    Once I was camping in Leavenworth, and I saw a van with a North Carolina sticker on the bottom right of the bumper. A few years later, I saw the same car in totally different places!


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    Anarchy (they/them)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to see this bright yellow VW Beetle with multicolor flowers decals all over it everywhere. My family would drive to Safeway, there it was in the parking lot. Go to some completely random place on a whim? There it was. This happened for like a good couple months then it just...disappeared. I haven't seen it or a car like it again. I have no idea why I kept seeing it wherever I went, kind of freaky but also kind of cool


    this happened this morning, so i had a weird dream where everyone is throwing up, and i need to also. turns out, my boyfriend was sick and threw up, so he couldnt come to school today.


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    My best friend and I used to be next door neighbors just not at the same time. My family moved into the house next to his months after he moved away. I even helped the landlord remodel the house. My friend and I didn't meet for another 10 or so year after this happened.


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    Erin E
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So... you weren’t neighbors, you happened to move in to a house next to one where he lived before...?

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    My best friend has the same name as I do, and her birthday is on the same day as my younger sister's. I've also heard the exact same song at the exact same time on two different radio stations a few times


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    I remember in elementry school we had vocab words that we had to learn during the week and almost every week I would hear one of the words a lot and like never again. I just find it crazy.


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    My great grandma babysat Jim Jones and my other grandma lived near where Jonestown was.



    My randomly-assigned Discord number being 1832. I'm a Les Mis stan.



    I was taking a walk down the street and I ran into someone who looked just like a friend of mine and I got very concerned because I almost said hi to them as I would to that friend.



    I have seen somethings in real life and I feel like I've seen them in dreams...



    ive seen a few kinda like this, but there was one time in, like, 2nd grade, i told one friend that i liked this one guy (which i actually didnt, cus i was, like, 7) and i had this dream of my friend betraying me, and the next day i went to school and MY ENTIRE CLASS KNEW

    im still mad at that friend


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    One day during school I got really mad at this kid, he has a locker next to me. He ended up dropping something and when he came back up he smacked his head on his locker door. Coincidence?


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    So i have two older brothers (let's call them brother A and brother B) and i don't know how it happened but brother A (middle child) is 2 years older than me and brother B (oldest child) is 2 years older than brother A. To shorten it basically we're all exactly 2 years apart.
