What is the secret of your happiness? Share down below!
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I suffer from chronic pain, so I have "good" days and "bad" days. When I'm having a good day, I carpe every bit of diem possible. When I'm having a bad day, I keep telling myself that it's temporary, and that another good day is on the way. This helps me avoid giving in to depression and, instead, focus on the self-care I need on a bad day.
I don't think one should overcomplicate their life searching for something, in particular, to give them "happiness." Happiness is simple things in life like spending time with friends, family, or even smaller things such as getting to wake up every day and have a cup of your favorite coffee.
A sense of humour, Be the reason that others smile! Don't let the little things get you down. Avoid confrontations and negatives. Don't plan ahead unless you have to. If plans fail then it is more disappointing. Helping other people gives you that great sense of wellbeing. Over all, be as happy as you can. Enjoy your day ; )
Realizing that I am responsible for my own happiness - and ONLY ME! Taking that responsibility and running with it in my 30s was the beginning. Stumbled and fell several times but finally reached 73 and am the happiest ever in my life now despite losing the love of my life to cancer 7 years ago. We can miss someone and still be happy! It takes constant practice and clear thinking but the happiness is SO worth it and it catches on with your family and friends! Positivity and meditation helped as well.
Not worrying about things I cannot change. Being kind to everyone. Forgiving those who have wronged me, even for serious reasons. Counting my blessings.
Realizing it’s the small things in life that make it most meaningful: a partner that you can laugh with and enjoy even the most mundane things with. Our little pack of dogs that remind us to enjoy the simplicity of life. And morning workouts. Exercise has been key to keeping my mental health in check. Most people over complicate happiness. It really is just enjoying and appreciating what you have instead of yearning for what you don’t.
My husband’s arm around my waist in the middle of the night letting me know he is still here. It makes me happy and deeply content. He has terminal stage 3 brain cancer. It’s a waiting game we ignore and just keep on keeping on.
Lots and lots of cats.
And, like Billy the Kid said, a sense of humour. It really helps when you're in a sad or upset mood.
Not giving a #### what other people think. Do your thing, be true to yourself, be yourself. As long as you're not doing anything destructive or hateful, you have the right to express who you truly are.
This is all but impossible. No matter what you do, there are groups out there to tell you how hateful and harmful you are.
Puppy kisses.
Being okay and content where I am, but working towards goals and ambitions, continuously learning about anything and everything I have an interest in. Just focusing on everyday accomplishments and growing everyday. Plus, watching my daughter grow and mature is all I need to put a smile on my face.
Hmm, I think it’s doing what I love, supporting what I love (lgbtq rights even though I’m straight ) and surrounding yourself with those you love .
Oh and also, yeet the toxic’s out the window 😃
My problem is that the toxics are also ostensibly involved in supporting rights. While I've been marching since the late 80s, I'm so sick of the increases in gatekeeping and the erasures (for instance, a number of lesbians in our community love to claim that bi women who have straight male partners "don't need LGBTQ spaces" and are "infiltrating the community" even though they "live heteronormatively"). Half of the people at a BLM march insist that white people need to leave, and when you do, the other half demands "where were you?!" I think I might actually be happier if I stop with activism. I still believe all human beings deserve equal rights, but the abuse some of the same people dole out is b.s.
Little things in life such as books, memes, movies, sport and the big ones, such as family and friends. And then… of course… there’s pizza!!! Pizza is my weekly happiness!!
I'm in that magical time of my life between retirement and hospice that is MINE. I can do whatever I want to. I have money coming in every month, can't get pregnant, and have lived long enough that I don't give a rat's ass what other people think. I sold everything except for 2 suitcases of clothes and I am travelling and volunteering all over the world. My secret? Have confidence in yourself, you are awesome!
Accepting new normals. Assuming people have the best intentions and helping them prove it. Marrying someone who’s goofy goes with mine
Getting sleep, it can be difficult for some people and it sure as heck is for me sometimes. but getting enough sleep, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will ensure the brain gets enough energy to keep up with your activities as you go, meaning you shouldn't feel lazy before dinner.
If you find getting to sleep difficult then I recommend a hot bath six to seven times a week before bed and to do a simple 4-6 breathing exercise (breathe in for 4 seconds and out for 6.) No bright lights such as television or phones at least 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep and no caffeine after lunch.
(As annoying as it is these habbits are one of the best things you can do for a healthy and happy life.)
I also recommend having things that smell of Lavander in the bedroom, (I'm sure there are teddies with Lavander inside of them). It is a strange plant, if you inhale it, it'll encourage the brain to release sleeping hormones that will also protect you from cancer (if there are no bright lights!)
I think the path to happiness involves emotional responsibility .
Just be honest with your feelings. If a situation sucks, it's okay to feel like crud. It's okay to be angry, it's okay to be grumpy. It's no okay to take it out on others though, it's not okay to compare your disposition with others or listen to emotional gatekeepers that say "others have it worse" -- it's just not healthy for both negative/positive situations --, and it's not okay to use unhealthy vices to cope.
Do healthy vents like go for a walk, draw, play video games. Also see if you can temporarily remove yourself from the situation to give your mind a stress break, think through the situation, and come back to it when you're ready.
This jazz really helped me and I stress easily (anxiety issues). I feel much more content with learning more emotional responsibility like this.
"Others have it worse" is an abusive response. Calling out others' "privilege" when they need to step back for their mental health is also abusive. Stop it. Also, you do not get to lash out at others and then excuse is as "Well, hurt people hurt people."
My children just looking at their beautiful faces. And especially when my youngest tho has asd comes up to me and gives me unexpected affection 😍
Hugging my dog
The secret to my happiness is not giving a flying c**p what people say about me and just getting on with my life. Also coffee
I suppose it has to do with my ability to quickly differentiate between the innocuous & pestilent in any given situation. No one here gets out alive, so I almost always have da funz...
Perspective. Instead of seeing problems, I see opportunities for change. Instead of seeing difficulties I see chances to strengthen myself. Whenever I have personal tragedy, I think of how much better I have it than some others; and my tragedy pales in comparison. As the Buddha says: "There are those who are aware that they are always facing death. Knowing this, they put aside all quarrels". (Dhammapada 1:6)
Let go. Good and bad, life moves on and so should you. Don't haul the past with you. Take photos of EVERYTHING -- houses, friends (old & new), places. This can be enough when you need a reminder. There will be plenty of time (in a future age) to remember. Right now: move on, forgive, forget, living well is your best life.
I'm almost 70 years old and I learned a few things:
1 - never expect rewards for what I do,
2 - keep in memory only memories that bring me joy,
3 - never expect changes in people, but contribute for them to live better,
4 - waking up and sleeping and in the time between these two acts to do what I like,
5 - never argue with narrow people,
6 - speak little and listen more,
7 - and never stop saying the magic words: good morning and thank you.
I do not expect other people to make me happy.
I always expect the worst and am prepared. Thus when something great happens it is a wonderful and beautiful surprise.
But best of all, I adopt puppies.
Being kind to yourself and others and not worrying about what happened in the past but instead you focus on the now and not the future
I've mentioned this before, but this is impossible, now more than ever. When people are calling out everyone based on a bit of footage from decades ago/when they were teens, the world is literally telling us that we have to worry constantly about what happened in the past. An innocuous email from 25 years ago using a term that was not considered problematic at the time can be used to destroy someone's career and reputation. A picture of a family in sombreros at a Mexican restaurant in 2002, someone making a very sarcastic comment to a small group of friends, an essay someone wrote in high school... it can all be taken out of context and weaponized. Everything is worthy of being shamed in the name of "accountability" It's terrifying.
I just am happy, there are many reasons. I draw or read to blow of stress though.
Choosing something to be important for you (it can be anything) and making progress at it, plus health, safety, and connections.
puppies... chocolates....home...music...dance...nature...colors....pens....scooty...and shoes .
"Hot Water. Good Dentistry. Shoft lavatory paper" - Cohen the Barbarian, Discworld's oldest surviving hero and leader of the Silver Horde.
Ignoring the fact that one will never truly be free because the world is run by those with the power to control "democratically" elected governments.
Trust me, you ignore the real world out there; you will be happy.
A Poem called “The Engineers Dilemma”, I have it hanging in my office for whenever I want to give harsh critique to someone’s actions, or vice versa.
It’s not my job to drive the train
The whistle I cannot blow
It’s not my job to say how far
the train is allotted to go
It’s not my job to blow off steam
Or even ring the bell
But let the d*** thing jump the track
And see who catches h***
Being creative! I compose electronic music. During the focus on the creative process, one's attention is completely taken getting the details right. No place in the thinking process for all the bad stuff happening in one's life.
EDM, Dubstep, Geometry Dash, Memes, Bored Panda, Twitter and YouTube. Because my priorities are F****D UP, BABY!
Good meds, decades of therapy, and finally CHOOSING happiness. My esteem comes from recognizing what I've been thru, and knowing that I did the best I could thru impossible circumstances. Gratitude for everything.
Complete nihilism…but in a controlled manner if that makes sense. Like what should not matter at the moment, don’t make it your problem.