What is the nicest thing anyone has gotten for you? Share your most warming stories!


In 2009, my boyfriend and I were flat broke because of the recession. So, he got me a bunch of fireworks as a birthday present, and we let them off into the starry night sky standing in some snowy field outside the city. I had never launched fireworks before. It was awesome!


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    When we were fairly new to one another my partner once blew up 96 balloons (4 popped lol) and wrote lovely messages and affectionate drawings on all of them with sharpies, and surprised me with them one morning for no reason. The nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, and I sat in the middle of them grinning for a photo and didn't tell him for another year or so that i actually hate balloons lol they're bangs waiting to happen and they make me nervous - but those ones I loved. I gently released the air from them all, layered tissue in between and kept them! They're still upstairs in a wee box. I love that guy.


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    For Christmas, I got a weighted blanket from my mom. I have had a long hard struggle with insomnia and this was amazing for me. It helped me so much!



    i would have to say my best friends because i have no clue if i could even live without them ;)


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    I have a few I can’t choose between. The things that have meant the most to me though is my hubby spent his Christmas bonus on a beautiful gold watch. My first gold watch ever, was such a beautiful surprise. My friend paid for us to have a night away at an isolation retreat which was sooo needed. When I was having an extremely hard time with my depression she came for a surprise visit with a sunflower, card with a beautiful message, my favourite block of choccy and my favourite ice cream. My mother in law bought a gorgeous fancy glass jar and put my wedding floral cake topper inside as a decoration which looks beautiful and lastly my mum surprising me with flowers after another struggle with depression.


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    Lavender Brown
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Keep working on it foxy!! We are in this together. I just recently got depression and it's really hard, but I've been writing poems to help.

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    The nicest thing someone has ever gotten me would have to be my little doge.



    My sister! :)


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    My boyfriend knows I love to watch the birds at the feeders outside my living room window, so for Mother's Day he surprised me by purchasing and setting up a "bird cam" in the living room so I can view the activity at the feeder anytime I want through an app on my phone. The most heart-felt, thoughtful gift I've ever received! ♥


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    For one of my more recent birthdays, my two best friends collaborated and made a list called "50 Things We Love About You". It is the most meaningful gift I've ever gotten.


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    1). An ex-boyfriend took me to the beach for my birthday. We camped over night. He brought my favorite popcorn and 2 taper candles for lighting. Woke up to a beautifully fogged morning in San Francisco under the Golden Gate Bridge.

    2). I invited everyone I knew and their kids to play laser tag with me for my 40th birthday. So the best gift was that I was able to have friends and their kids attend. Pizza afterwards.


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    this is a bit cringe but my favourite teddy bear that i got when i was 3 and still have 11 years later :,)



    My friend gave me 5 boxes of my favourite junk food noodle.



    Well, it's hard to find just one thing so I'll do two.
    1: my grandparents got me a telescope.
    2: my best friend gives me presents every year for my birthday even though I've told her countless times that she doesn't need to.


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    In uni I got a little obsessed with Neutral Milk Hotel's album "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" and Anne Frank's Diary, which inspired it. A friend bought me a first edition copy of the book (not the very first edition which had a different name, but the first published under that title). We hadn't seen each other in a long while and only communicated through sporadic letters. The fact she made the effort get this rather than a candle or picture frame was very touching.


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    A Twist... The nicest (OMG AWESOME) thing I've given was for my husband. He is a Vietnam Vet. On his 73rd birthday, I asked our local fire department for a drive-by. They came with 2 trucks, sirens, lights blazing, and salutes! It was


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    I have two things!
    1. My grandpa gave me a two dollar bill because he got one from his grandpa. He (my grandpa) said that his grandpa gave him the dollar so he would always have just a little bit of money, and he would always have a piece of his grandpa! Now I always have a peice of my grandpa where I go!

    2. I have lived my whole life with crippling anxiety, and I have medicine for it, but medicine just stop it. Just helps a little bit. My mother and my sister went out the other day and they saw a weighted stuffed animal for anxiety the got him and I named him Zeke. He is kind of pink-ish but also coral -ish. He is pretty heavy for a stuffed animal. About as heavy as a small dog or a newborn baby. He is so comforting and I love him!

    I have so many more things that I could say, but I don’t want to bore anyone. I get so many nice things and I am so so so grateful for the life I have. My family is so supportive and kind and I love them so much! I’m so grateful to be a part of it.



    A wedding dress. Several years ago, I was set to marry my boyfriend and wasn't going to tell my family because they had made it clear that I was to have a HUGE wedding and invite hundreds of people. I didn't want to do anything that big, neither did he, and we couldn't afford it so we opted to elope. We didn't tell anyone, we were just going to Las Vegas for his work and would be there for two weeks.
    The day before we left, my cousin showed up at the house and said, "I have something for you," and handed me a bag. I opened it and it contained the sweetest, short white dress and matching veil. I was stunned. She said, "Look, I know what you are about to do and I won't say anything, but I couldn't let you get married without a proper dress. All I ask for is pictures when you get back."
    I wept. It was the sweetest thing in the entire world.
    The fiance and I ended up with tickets to Neil Diamond and did that instead of eloping (WAY BETTER DECISION IN THE LONG RUN), but I wore the dress to the Neil Diamond concert.


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    I got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last years. My Mom is in a nursing home and for those who don't know, especially people outside the U.S., she only gets 50 dollars a month. The nursing home provides everything and the care is expensive, the money she gets for her disability pay all goes to the nursing home with the exception of that 50 dollars a month that she gets to buy anything outside of her care stuff. I buy most of her cloths and make sure she gets what she needs that they don't provide.

    Anyway, last Christmas she had a couple of large presents for me which I wasn't expecting. Christmas day comes and I open up all the presents, she had managed from June to December to get me a massive bag of Walnuts, Pecan's, and almost two bags of sugar free candy as well as sugar free chocolate. There was also a gift basket with body sprays and bath stuff. I was a little upset with her because I know how much this stuff cost but she just hugged me and told me 'Diabetics need chocolate too'.


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    My parents because they always let me have dogs.


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    My daughter-in-love rented me her 4-bedrm townhouse 6 years ago for less than half of market rent. She's never increased the rent. A true blessing.


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    14 years ago, I was a single mom and my daughter was 3. I would often say: look at the pretty flowers. So one day, she found a single flower growing in the grass (it's a weed, but still a flower) and she gave it to me saying: look mommy, now you have pretty flower of your own. I still have and I keep in a picture frame.


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    For my birthday once I got a HUGE thing f candy and I got a Hoverboard.



    In 2019 when it was my B-day, my dad bought me a $167 Downtown and Uptown LOL dolls. I was really thankful.😍


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    My dad got me a fire flower (from Super Mario Bros) made of Perler beads from ComicCon! It even was in a pot!


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    A friend gave me and our friends a box before he moved away and told me to open it on my first day of school, at 9:17 a.m. Five years before, that exact time and date was the day we all first met. When we opened the box, there was a bunch of photos of us throughout the years. There was also a smaller box which contained the Monopoly game we were playing when we first met.


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    Every so often, I get deeply interested in something, and in the Spring of 2011, I was engrossed in the nature of gravity. For my birthday, my wife arranged for me to have an hour-long conversation with an MIT astrophysicist!


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    When I moved from my home country in 4th grade, my two best friends made a GINORMOUS card for me signed by every single person in our class and every teacher I had that year. There are about 50 signatures on the card. I still have it to this day and it has been hung up on my bedroom wall for me to read whenever I want to. Definitely helped me through harder times and I will never forget the gesture. I truly miss them.
    NOTE: These kids were 10.


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    My friend got me a card that says "we'll be friends even when we're old and crazy"


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    When covid-19 forced me on lockdown my husband-to-be got me Dplay, Viaplay and a my very first brand new laptop. He said:" I can't live with you if you're bored" two months later we got married (May 8th) 🤭


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    I was going through a pretty tough period mentally, and really struggling to find a reason not to end it all. out of the blue i got a handmade card from my 8 year old niece that only said you are special because i love you. It has pride of place above my workbench and now when i feel down i only have to look at it and i start to feel a little better about myself


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    My great-grandma, who I was very close with, gave me her sketchbook right before she passed away. She was an artist and her work is beautiful. Some of the work is incomplete but I love it just the way it is. Next year, for mother's day, I want to frame one of the drawings for my mom who was even closer with her. I miss my Nana.


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