Post a random memory from your childhood. The stranger, the better!


Daddy brought home an injured snake from the golf course. We named him Slimy.


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over it already
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We had a goldfish that someone won from the State fair named Gumpy by my brother. I feel like Slimy and Gumpy would've been buds.


My brother belched downstairs, I was upstairs and heard it and though a Lion had broken in and was roaring. I live in the UK



I have what my shrink and I have decided to call a "quasi-eidetic" memory. This is not a blessing or superpower; it's whole extra hedge maze to navigate on top of all the others. My earliest memory is outside normal bounds; it has to be from when I was around 1 and a half years old. But it's real. I'm wrapped up; and lying flat sideways on the car front seat between my parents (LONG before infant seats!) and- the windshield wipers are going, for rain. I'm watching the wipers. Checking dimensions with my parents, that has to have been the Lincoln Zephyr sedan, bought very used, that my folks owned - from before I was born until I was 2-ish. Next memory I can bring up, I'm 2.


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Knitting Panda
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have the same type of memory, which gets me into conflict with my mother, who doesn't remember things that she doesn't want to remember. If an incident is something that could in any interfere with her self image of being a perfect mother, it never happened. I, on the other hand, not only remember it, I know what she was wearing, what was on TV, what we had for lunch that day and who came to play with which one of my sisters that afternoon.

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When we vacationed on a farm and the bull got loose. That's what I call action vacation.



I lost my Iron Man figurine in my Texan backyard, the grass was so tall I couldn't find it and I cried until my dad finally mowed the backyard. He had been putting it off for months XD



One of my earliest memories. I laid an egg and was super happy. I was in my 20s when I asked my mom about it, and she proudly informed me that it was one of her best pranks.


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I saw a dead man when I was about five years old. A neighbor 'fell' out of the window. I suppressed it successfully for a long time till I remembered it many years later while talking to old neighbors.


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When I’ve just started school, my grade would finish school for the day before my older sister’s so my mum who always came to pick us up would just stay with me until my sister’s grade let out. Once the kids are let out parents, including my mom, would rush in to grab their kids. My mum was clutching my hand tightly as she pushed through the crowd to find my sister. My sister was standing with a friend of hers (a boy) who was holding a sticker pack. He gave her one sticker and upon seeing me he peeled off another one and gave me. Little me was so mesmerised by this boy from this single interaction. My mum, who I guess didn’t notice the boy interacting with me, didn’t pause a second before grabbing my sister and dragging us both back outside through the crowd. I was so focused on the sticker in my hand (and the boy) that I was getting pushed and shoved by others as my mum dragged me and in the process my sticker fell off. I remember I was screaming and trying to pick it up as mum obliviously dragged me. I didn’t get that sticker back and I for some reason always felt that sadness. Growing up I never forgot this random incident and have a very grainy memory of that boy. I think he was my first crush 😅


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When I was around 11 or 12, the region I live in got hit with a tremendous amount of snow, over a very short period of time. Like, enough snow that we had to start shoveling huge snowdrifts off the roof of our one-story house to make sure the roof didn't give out. Anyhow, one evening my dad and I had cleared so much snow that the pile came right up to the edge of the roof. I grabbed a sled, pulled it up to the top, Dad and I piled in and we rode all the way down the roof, down the pile of snow, before finally overturning in the yard. I remember lying in the snow & both of us laughing, and it's always struck me as funny how vivid I remember it compared to how small of a thing it really was :)



When I was really little I found a dead white mouse on the playground. It seemed so out of place I never forgot it.


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When I was a kid, I guess somewhere around 10 years old, there was one summer where a company rolled out a special version of cola. It was either cola with mint and lemon or just mint. I remember it being so delicious that my parents bought multiple six-packs of 1,5 l bottles. We don´t usually drink that much soda. That was in Germany.



Brother and I smashing small bullets with rocks to make them go off. we were 7/8. dad was a cop



Going to the beach one summer with my parents and grandmother when I was about 7 or 8. We stayed on an island and my grandmother told me I couldn't go swimming because I'd fall off the edge.


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I was four. We went to the gas station and they gave me a piece of Bazooka Joe bubble gum. Mommy said I could have it after my nap. On the way home I asked her how you blew bubbles with bubble gum and she explained it to me. We got home, I want to my roo, and sat in my bed for my nap and practiced with my tongue and mouth so that I could blow bubbles when I got my gum, and guess what! After I chews the sugar out of the gum and practiced a but, I could. I can taste that Bazooka Joe even now.I never learned to whistle, but I can roll my tongue and bow bubble gum.



I still to this day don't know what made me do this, but hey, I was a kid. Like, 5 or 6 and bored while at my G.Grandmother's and G. Aunt's house after school.

Anyway, I got some paper, cut out paper whiskers and taped them to my face. Took some more tape, taped my ears into a point. Got my belt from my bath robe and stuffed one end into the back of my pants. THEN, here's the kicker! I got out some milk, poured into a BOWL, then started lapping it up like a damn cat! SMH I was a cat for a few hours until my ggma finally told me to stop acting silly.


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Warning, not a pleasant memory, but a distressing one.

Massive victim of child sexual abuse; out of 5 male family members, four of them, repeatedly, up until the age of 13 when I gained the personal strength to put an end to most of it.

However, the distressing memory is somewhat different.

I remember, at approximately 5, going to another officer's house for a party. I don't remember any other kids, but I do remember being in this large room, with white carpeting, in my frilly princess dress. I was standing in front of a man, whom I remember as being my father's co-worker, possibly senior. I was trying to drop pennies into a narrow vase on a plate. What bothers me is that is all I remember. I have talked about it with my counselor; he feels I have some repressed memory in there, as the memory sort of fades out as I am dropping the pennies, but I have many other memories, even of traumatic events and none of them just fade to gray. Infer what you will, I will never know for sure as that was 55 years ago, and, my father and mother have been gone since 2008.


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Playing with a swiss knife and having it close on my left index little finger.


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2 seizures when I was 5 years old at school.



I remember being about 4, sitting on an orange vinyl ottoman, watching Mr. Ed on television.



I was really little, maybe 5-6 years old, and I was in the car with the windows down in a bank drive-thru. I feel something scritchy-scratchy on my neck. I had just learned about centipedes so I was like “oh no it’s a centipede!” And reached back to get it off my neck. It bit my finger! Turns out, it was a praying mantis, not a centipede. Probably flew in through the open window lol


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My 6th grade math class pet mouse. It was white, and had a black spot, and it was named Beans. We all adored Beans to bits.


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Mom left 6-yr-old me in the car real quick while she ran into the bank (hey, this was the 80s). I found a book of matches and decided to strike one. Except my thumb was pressed against the match head when it caught. I am extremely lucky I didn't cause any damage beyond a singed thumbnail.



One of my earliest memories. I think I was perhaps four or five. It was my birthday and someone got me a power wheels police motorcycle as a gift. That was the only day it ever worked because my parents let the battery die and never replaced or recharged it. But they kept the stupid thing around to gather moss and rust in our backyard. I have no idea why receiving that thing has stuck in my mind for the last forty years.


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Going out in a small boat from Fawley Refinery to see the Coronation Spithead Review in 1953.


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Being trapped in my mother's birth canal - for years, as a child, I would have these horrifying nightmares. First, I was struggling in a tight warm dark space, being alternately crushed by what felt like hard cardboard so I couldn't move and then it relaxed so I felt cuddled and still. On and on, again and again. I felt so trapped and terrified! I used to cry myself to sleep afterwards.

I was a breech presentation (Mum used to say that the doctor groaned, "Oh Christ, it's a**e first!" at first sight) so that was the problem. Once I worked out what the dreams were about, they stopped.


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I think I was about 2 years old. I am standing by someone sitting on a sofa. I'm about knee high to them. I see a woman sitting in a cushioned chair by a front door. She holds her arms out to me with such a feeling of love. I run to her and get a wonderful hug. I told my mom this years later. She said that was her mother, who died when I was about 5.


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I’m in the car seat as I’m driving with my parents, maybe 3 or so. Reading a book in the back by myself, when suddenly I burst out, “WHAT does it MEAN to be full, Opera Whales?” To this day, my parents and I still remember this random hilarious comment


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My most random childhood memory was probably the memory where I stood in my kitchen with a transformers robot toy, then my brain basically skipped through time and the last thing I remember was me whacking my older brother with a jar of peanut butter and screaming "ITS CRUNCHY." I don't know about yall, but I am mostly 99.9% sure I was not a normal child.


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Holding ice under a tap to see what would happen when I was about 4.


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I remember wishing my grandfather would ice-over our flat backyard in the winter. Then I could ice skate in the backyard, through the alley way...and miraculously the ice flowed all the way to my school.


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We were on a ranch for a summer and I was playing outside. I almost stepped on a rattlesnake and quickly ran to the house. There was another one by the front door so I ran to the back door and saw a third one. I thought for sure all the snakes were out to get ne that day. I was never so scared 😂😂


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sitting in my babysitter's bathtub eating chapstick


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When I was two or three, I cooked some of my books in my grandmother's toaster oven, and would steal swipes of butter whenever she'd leave it out.


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I remember being underneath our stairs with a Wally toy projector thingy


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Picking asphalt off the elementary school playground and squishing it for fun. It had hot the hundreds that day.


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Born summer of '61. On day of Kennedy assassination my mother returned from visiting her mom and was SO upset that I couldn't process what could have happened. Then dad got home and was not normal. Two older brothers not acting normal, then the footage began coming on TV.
Vivid memories given how young I was..


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Being a young autistic kid, there were times when I did the stupidest things, even when I meant well. I was about 7-8 & decided to try & make one of my older sisters a cup of coffee. I thought I’d got all the right stuff I needed, but what I hadn’t realised is that I’d mistakenly grabbed GRAVY granules instead of coffee. My poor sister had no idea, until the first gulp hit the back of her throat … she RAN to the bathroom, retching so loudly that I was in tears from laughing, even though I felt so bad. I only have to verbally remind her of this memory to make her retch again! I kinda got my karma for this, though … when my mum tried to make me gravy-rice for dinner. She couldn’t understand why the gravy wasn’t thickening up, but poured it over the rice anyway & served it up. When I took that first bite, I instantly knew what was wrong … much like I’d done to my sister, my mum had done the same to me, but in reverse; it was COFFEE! Just like I did back in childhood, my mum was crying from laughter. When my sister heard about it, she laughed twice as hard, knowing it was karmic punishment for what I’d done to her, even though I’d meant to do something nice. 😂


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I was full..I told my parents I was full..they made me finish my plate... I barfed. So for years, it was "eat till you barf"


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I ate my hair.
I believe I was two years old in that memory, probably younger. My parents thought I had eaten an onion on accident.


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Eye surgery when I was 4. To repair a squint. Opened my eyes post-op in recovery and the eye was… messy. Mum fainted and had to be wheelchaired with me back to the ward.

Oh, and remembering a blonde set of twins from playgroup. My first serious boyfriend age 16, was one of those twins. But they had moved away and lost touch. Only found out later when mum was grilling him and yelped “oh, you’re one of Kim’s twins?!?”


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I was three years old and at the hospital to have my tonsils out. I remember laughing at the lights in the hallway as they took me to the operating room. They had given me quite a bit of sedation!


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Playing in the creek with friends almost every day in the summer decades ago. Turns out the EPA later declared two Superfund sites upstream from it. We all survived.


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I thought I was the only one who could breathe through their nose. I'd shut my mouth and look around at the adults, waiting for one to notice that I wasn't breathing through my mouth. No one ever noticed.


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I think it was my first day back at school (I was five years old), and I was so excited that I ran up to the gates pell-mell, full-speed, and fell flat on my face before I even got in. I was all scratched up and bleeding, so I had to go home before I even got there. Little five-year-old me thought it a tragedy lol


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Most random memories I have are really really weird but one of them, from the nicer side, would be me slipping, being caught by a relative and staining my white pants, a irremovable mud color, from the top of a hill when we went on tour to Oman.
Another one is my Mom wearing some yellow thing and cooking while listening to an old song I have then come to love. It honestly reminds me of earlier times full of motherly care and comfort, which is a very very pleasant thing to remember during hard times.


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I clearly remember the day my newborn brother was brought home from the hospital. I am 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day older. I remember it clearly (even the little dress I wore). With this being said, there are many things that I do not remember and my brother had a photographic memory. He would ask, "Do you remember such-and-such?" I would say no and he would continue. "We were standing in front of the house and you were waiting for so-and-so to come over." I couldn't remember to save my life. My brother passed away 10 years ago and I wish like crazy that he was still here so I can asked him a bunch of things that I know he would remember.


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Winter of 1983. I was 8. My Dad and I were stopped at a red-light in Calgary.
A car pulled up beside us on my side.
I made eye contact with the driver and said to my Dad "That's Reggie Lemelin!"
My Dad didn't even look, but told me it wasn't.
I had his cards and a sticker book at home.
I know it was him.
He waved to me.


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Not the most random memory, but the earliest. We're living in a 4th floor walkup cold-water flat on the lower/middle west side of Manhattan (600 10th Avenue). It's late 1940s. I draw a picture of the world. It's a circle with a wiggly line down the middle. I label it "New York"; on the right side, "New Jersey" on the left. Mom pasted it on the door of the ice box.


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Almost ran into a deer whilst playing Pokemon go on my mom's phone


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My cousins and I in my old house before I moved; we would run in the backyard as if there was some sort of darkness chasing us. Then we'd bang on the piano as if it would stop the darkness. Repeated over and over and over again!!


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I was about 3. My brother(5) and I were sitting on a porch swing with "Grant". Grant was this nice older guy who was a friend of the family. This day, he was trying to teach me to push my teeth out. He showed me how he did it - just press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and all your teeth shift forward. He could do it so easily! But I kept trying and trying, and couldn't get my teeth to move. It was years later before it dawned on me that he had dentures.


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Age 4, sitting on the stoop watching the other kids playing, in quarantine because of mump (only one side).


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Nothing cause of my sheety memory



My first memory, was sitting in my parents car when I was 2yrs and 8mos old waiting for my mom to bring my new baby sister to the car (no seat belts and no baby seat in the late 60's)


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